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Chapter 14 before the thunderstorm

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 1194Words 2018-03-18
Come early in the morning and walk to the small stone bridge.When I touched the bridge stone, it seemed to be a little hot.There was not a breath of wind all day yesterday.There was a burst of dry thunder at night, and there was no wind, so the night was more boring than the day.When it was almost dawn, there were still two or three people lying on the bridge, maybe they were the ones who made the stones hot again. A gray veil hangs in the sky.Can't see the sun.But the power of the sun seems to pass through that gray veil, pressing directly on top of your head. There was not even a drop of water in the river, and the soil in the middle of the river was cracked like a turtle shell.As for the field, it has long been like countless small ditches have been opened - there are more than two feet wide, can you say that it is not a ditch?The pale soil was as hard as cement.It seemed that they hadn't exhausted the hot air they had sucked in during the day after a night of work. At this time, there seemed to be something like white smoke rising from their elongated mouths.

The people standing on the bridge closed all the pores of their bodies, and their hearts were panting, as if they were about to vomit something. This morning, the gray curtain of the sky was always open, without a single leak or movement.Maybe there is wind outside the veil, but we, who are covered in this veil, threw chicken feathers down from the bridge, and didn't see it fluttering around.It's like living in a big tube that has drawn out the air. People open their arms and take a deep breath, but what they inhale is just a hot, suffocating air. For sweat, just drill out, drill out, but it’s like glue, it makes you feel uncomfortable all over, like a crust.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the figure opened its mouth like a fish that was about to die, and suddenly the gray veil of the sky cracked!Without compromise!Like a shining knife edge across the veil.However, after passing through, the curtain closed again, just like when it hadn't passed through, not a single breath of wind could penetrate.After a while, there was a flash in the sky, and the gray veil cracked again.But what's the use? It seems that there is a giant with a bright sword in its hand trying to pierce the gray veil outside, it seems that the giant is already roaring and getting angry, the light of the sword flashes across the sky, rumbles , A huge angry roar came from outside the veil!

Suddenly, the flashes and roars disappeared, and it was still an airtight gray veil! The air is more stuffy than before!The veil was twice as thick as before!It's getting darker! You'd guess the giant outside the veil was sweating and taking a breath at this moment; you'd be sure he'd attack again.You wait anxiously, waiting for the flash of the big knife piercing the gray veil, the rumbling roar. But you waited and waited, and the flies came.They fly out of dirty places, buzz around you, sting your glue-coated skin.The golden fly that looks like a big official wearing a red cap has just eaten from the cesspit, and it just picks the tip of your nose and squats on it.

Also waited for the mosquitoes.Humming, like an old monk chanting scriptures, or an old scholar reading ancient prose.Flies infect you with diseases, but mosquitoes honestly want to drink your blood! You jumped up and fluttered around with your cattail fan, but you drove away the ones on this side, and another large group took advantage of the opportunity to attack on the other side.You yell loudly, and they only answer you with a hum, buzz, buzz! The cicadas on the treetops outside sang high-pitched: "Die! Die!" You're sweating, your mouth is burning, your hands are limp, and you'll feel like the end of the world couldn't be worse!

However, there was a sudden flash of lightning, lighting up the corners of the room.The giant outside the veil tore the gray veil to pieces!Rumble, boom, he cried triumphantly.Hu—hu——the wind that had been outside the veil for two whole days was blown up at super high speed!The cicadas fell silent, the flies escaped, the mosquitoes hid, and people felt refreshed as if a shell had been peeled off. Huo!Huo!Huo!The giant's sword light danced in the sky. Rumble, rumble, hurry up!Louder! Let the thunderstorm wash out a clean and cool world!
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