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Chapter 8 red leaves

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 945Words 2018-03-18
Friends are very happy when they talk about looking at the red leaves. Red leaves are just red maple leaves, originally very ordinary, but people here regard them as rare, so seeing red leaves in autumn has become a fashionable thing.If spring is full of cherry blossoms, then autumn is full of red leaves.If you don't go to the suburbs, you can only walk on the busy road, and you can see the red leaves of this "lucky guy" everywhere: in mid-October, artificial maple trees have already been decorated in the cafe, and the pink cheeks of the waitresses are just as transparent as the wax paper In the big glass window cabinet of the pastry shop, there are always two artificial red leaves lying on the goose yellow or emerald green cakes; if there is a "autumn big sale" product over there, Well, the bright red light will dazzle your eyes even more. "Lucky" red leaves, you are simply the season god of autumn.

On a light rainy day, we were very happy to go to a scenic spot in the suburbs to see the red leaves. It's not an unusual mountain, nor is it necessarily high.There are clusters of red light dotted in the green, which is the whole scenery that attracts tourists.The mountain path is quite steep, but fortunately there are stone steps; on one side is a valley, slowly flowing through a shallow stream; when you look down from the top of the mountain, the shallow stream is as bright as a silver belt. The top of the mountain is a flat field.Surprisingly, there is not a maple tree, but only a small stall selling fake red leaves.A row of reed mat sheds is divided into more than 20 small rooms, which are the "elegant seats" of a certain tavern, and it is almost full at this time.We also occupied a room, and there were no red leaves to look at, but only the green mountains on the opposite side.

Two tourists, flushed from drinking, danced on the mud floor arm in arm, and the other played the harmonica, whining, which sounded like a "sad" tune.Suddenly they all burst into laughter; it was so loud that it was deafening even on our side. There are small stalls next to the reed mat shed selling small white clay discs, which are shaped like two-inch saucers; tourists buy them and throw them into the sky, and the small white discs fly up against the green background. When it reaches the height, it will slant down like a white swallow (this is because of the wind), and sometimes it becomes ripples and arcs, and it still seems to be trembling for about half a minute, and then it is lost in the valley. Some fall into the shallow stream, and then you will see a flash of silver light-you might as well say that this is the welcome of water.

It had been raining for a long time, but now it was getting heavier.The number of tourists has decreased a lot at some point.The square on the top of the mountain (that is the center of the tour) seemed very quiet, and the "private seat" under the reed shed only lay neatly on the scarlet felt. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon. When we went down the mountain, it was already raining heavily; the piles of fallen leaves by the roadside were now washed by the rain, and they were washed into a crimson color, as if to compete with those companions who were still on the branches to see who was more "red". ".

"Go to the top of the mountain to eat and drink, throw a small circle of white clay, and then go back: this is called looking at red leaves. Whoever saw the grand occasion of artificial red leaves on the streets of the city would never expect that looking at red leaves is just like this. Something happened!" When I picked up a few red leaves by the roadside, I couldn't help but think so.
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