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Mao Dun's Prose Collection

Mao Dun's Prose Collection


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  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 598602

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Chapter 1 Volume 1 Prose Essays

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 1966Words 2018-03-18
Afternoon of May 30th It was a sweltering afternoon, a sweltering afternoon with a stormy herald!I saw ladies in bright summer dresses, and gentlemen with big red faces shaking their satisfied faces; I saw Ladies' Paradise still open to welcome its customers; I only saw a few The men in short coats were discussing earnestly there. ① "Women's Paradise" was originally the title of a novel by the French writer Zola, who described large-scale department stores in modern times. The author borrowed this word here. Everything is very natural, very satisfied, very peaceful, except for a few short-clothed people talking over there.

Who would believe that half an hour ago, beside this "lady's paradise" soaring into the sky, there was an unprecedented tragic and lively drama?There are thousands of "fighting for freedom" flags flying, thousands of voices "down with imperialism", how many brave young people have spilled their blood to dye this gray land red!Who remembers that the volleys of guns were opened to the dense crowd here!Who remembers that the advanced civilized people took off their masks to reveal their vicious and ugly truth!Forget, forget everything; lovely docile masses of townspeople, gentlemen, respectable merchants, have forgotten everything!

By the threshold of an unknown commodity by the side of the road over there, a few pieces of broken glass were lying reclining with gunshot wounds.I saw a blond-haired woman in a slender waist dress kicking the broken glass and walking slowly past, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.I also saw a girl with pink silk flowers on her temples leaning on the arm of a gentleman with a big belly and kicking the broken glass, and the two exchanged a smile of understanding. Ah!Poor broken glass!O victim of the venerable bullet!I salute you!Are you the only victim other than the fighters who died fighting for freedom today?Freedom fighters!What you sacrificed for them, maybe you only received their slight smiles and these broken glass?Smile!Malicious smile!Cowardly smile!Never forget the smile!I felt like I was standing in the desolate desert, only this magnified smile dangled in front of my eyes; I picked up a piece of broken glass in a daze, I kissed it, and burst out a sentence: "Since all hospitals refuse me to go to the wounded Salute to the dead warrior, and I salute to you—you who share the same fate as the dead and wounded!" I held the fragment and kissed wildly.

Suddenly, a very beautiful voice rang in my ears: "They are crazy! Are they trying to break through the iron gate of hell with their heads?" I turned around abruptly, and I saw a man with a mustache Mr. (probably some kind of doctor) is looking at me sideways.He is so familiar; I try to remember other names.He turned to my face and said, "I'm not saying that the gates of hell should not be opened, but I don't think it's worth smashing the head to open it—and even if the head is smashed, it may not be opened. Don't we have any other peaceful way? Besides, is this suspected of being too radical? We are a peace-loving nation, so we should always use civilized means. In fact, it is best to pray to God and divert people's hearts into the dark. Otherwise, we have Eastern spiritual civilization and only a mere physical body. Why bother with the humiliation in the world—ha, don't you remember who I am?"

I'm really sorry, after hearing this, I couldn't think of anyone else, so I just bowed to him and left him. However, his words still buzzed strangely in my ears; I felt his body enlarged in a trance, standing in front of me tenaciously, blocking my way; I saw him transform into thousands, Drilling around in the crowd; finally I saw that the bustling people on the street were all his incarnations, while the man-eating monsters with teeth and claws were perched on their heads and grinning grinningly!Suddenly the illusion disappeared, and a real scene appeared: standing on the concrete sidewalk full of "Chinese" over there, jumped on a horse, carried a yellow-haired and blue-eyed armed man on its back, and beat them indiscriminately with a wooden stick.The echo of the stick hitting the flesh made me sound like: "Don't we have any other peaceful method?... We have the Eastern spiritual civilization, so why bother with mere physical humiliation!" Peaceful method!It might not be a good term.It's a pity that people who are unconditionally beaten and killed are not worthy!What's the point of the peace method spoken by the people who were beaten and killed?If people don't come to make peace with you, what can you do?Peaceful means are beautiful words when negotiating between forces of equal power, how cowardly and shameless it is to come out of the mouths of those who have been beaten and killed!Why do people treat you as someone whose works are waiting for you?Gentlemen who love to talk about peaceful methods, you have yellow faces, black hair, and flat noses. You are always an inferior race in the eyes of others. Only others are happy to give you peace, and you have no right to ask for it. ! "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!" The descendants of Muhammad, who believed in this teaching, are now standing up again at last!This is the qualification to open your mouth to talk about peaceful solutions to others!As we do now, there is only one way: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!" Don't be reconciled to less, and don't want more!

① Muhammad's translator Muhammad (Muhammad, about 570-632), a native of Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula (now in the territory of Hejaz in northwest Saudi Arabia).The founder of Islam. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!" These two words kept swirling in my head; I pushed angrily through the crowd, trying to find some people to discuss my new faith with.Suddenly, it began to rain sporadically, the dusk had already enveloped the city, and the pedestrians on the street gradually became less and less.I turned into a small alley, and the rain became more dense.The street lamps cast a quiet cold light in the rain.It was still a sultry evening, which made my heart full of depression and anger even more irritable.The wind blew the drizzle on my face, and I felt a little cool; but a special sound wave brought by the wind suddenly made my blood jump wildly in the blood vessels of my temples; it was a song blowing, bamboo The sound of cards, the sound of laughter!They were no more than a hundred steps away from the place of bloodshed, and no more than an hour from the time of bloodshed, yet they were singing and bragging!My heart trembled, and I began to curse this city, this filthy and shameless city, this city where tigers and wolves are above and hogs are below!I pray for warm blood to wash away all the tyranny and tyranny, and at the same time wash away this baseness and shamelessness!

The raindrops are thicker and denser, and the wind seems to be getting stronger: maybe this is the advance team of the storm that will inevitably follow after the sweltering heat? On the night of May 30, 1925 in Shanghai.
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