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Chapter 182 sex psychology

Zhou Guoping's Selected Works 周国平 1008Words 2018-03-18
Love is the proof of youth.No matter how old a person is, as long as he can fall in love, it proves that he is not old. Maybe everyone's energy in love is a constant, which can be released at one time or paid in batches due to opportunities and temperament.Of course, in different people, the absolute value of this constant is different, and the difference is astonishing.However, no matter who it is, as long as you have loved once to death, it will be difficult to fall in love again. Guan Hanqing's "Half of Love": "Calling you a pretty friend, half of it is hard to be half of it and half of it is fun." "Although I am angry at what I say, half of it refuses and half of it is willing."

The beauty of men and women is half and half.After thinking it over, where are there still pretty friends?I figured it out, how could I still be upset? There is often a mixture of shyness and boldness in the attitude of a coquettish woman to a man.Shyness comes from a high sensitivity to the opposite sex, boldness comes from a strong interest in the opposite sex, the two are different in shape but the same in quality.She avoids and teases, refuses and agrees, and the opposite attitude is combined to create a coquettish effect.It's lovely if it's natural, but disgusting if it's a technique.

Once a woman has a sweetheart, her mood is extremely lingering and tortuous: resentment is mingled with longing, shyness is mingled with eagerness, and distress is mingled with sweetness.It is difficult for ordinary men to understand the mystery, because they lack care or patience. Sometimes, a woman's hesitation or even resistance is a kind of expectation, expecting you to break through her fortress.Of course, the premise is that "the meaning is true and the heart is good", she has indeed fallen in love with you.She refuses to surrender because she expects you to conquer her magnificently as a hero and make her your glorious prisoner.

People with a strong sexual desire are not overly picky about their objects. Picking is the result of a lack of libido, so they have to use a reason to make up for this lack, and this reason is called love. In fact, love and sexual desire are two different things. Of course, sex is best experienced when both desire and love are strong. Strangeness and novelty are presupposed for sexual temptation to occur.The first lovemaking between two complete strangers in the flesh isn't necessarily the wildest or the happiest, but it's often sparked by the most authentic sexual temptations.Repetition necessarily leads to a weakening of sexual temptation, and if the parties try to conceal this, there will be hypocrisy of complicity.Of course, repetition does not preclude harmonious cooperation, and even moments of passion, but these results do not come primarily from sexual temptation.

Li Shouqing's "Shouyang Song": "The golden knife is sharp, the koi is fat, and the scallions are even more slender. The vinegar is added to the charm, and you can taste it." Three distinctions about the taste of vinegar: 1. Vinegar is an indispensable condiment for the dish of love, which can make delicious dishes and whet your appetite; Bland and tasteless; three, if the vinegar tank is overturned, the dish of love will be burnt. This song is full of metaphors, which is self-evident. Every cuckold husband feels deeply humiliated by the perception that the intruder is far inferior to himself.

Single thoughts can be sour or spicy, lovesickness can be bitter or sweet, and the taste of longing is hard to describe in words. Acacia is a lengthy manuscript, which is often very short when published. The taste of insomnia varies from age to age.Spring night is a serenade, and autumn night is a requiem.Listen to birds singing on spring nights, and listen to ghosts crying on autumn nights.Spring night cherishes others, autumn night mourns oneself.Spring night is color, autumn night is empty.
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