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Chapter 175 walk with fate

Zhou Guoping's Selected Works 周国平 1016Words 2018-03-18
Destiny is mainly determined by two factors: environment and character.Circumstances define the range of possibilities for a person's encounters, and character the manner in which he responds to them.Because of the different ways of responding, the same encounter takes on different meanings and thus becomes essentially different encounters.In this sense, I understand the famous saying of Heraclitus: "Character is destiny". However, this does not mean that people can determine their own destiny, because people cannot determine their own character. Personality does not matter good or bad, good or bad only lies in the use of one's own character, and in the use, there is human freedom.

As far as fate is a mysterious external force, people cannot control fate, they can only control their own attitude towards fate.The more a man is able to control his attitude towards fate, the less power destiny has over him. "Those who are willing will be led by fate. Those who are unwilling will be dragged by fate." Too simple, right?Living people are always led and dragged, fighting but finally having to yield. The former classmates left the school and went their separate ways. When they reunited after a few years, they would find that they were doing very different things, and the ups and downs in the Vanity Fair were also very different.However, as long as you think about it carefully, you will further find that there are probably clues to be found in the path that each person takes, which is in line with their own personality type and personality logic, and they can be said to be in their own right.

God distributes people's fate through various chances, and except for special natural and man-made disasters, its distribution is basically fair. Chance is God's whim, it may be an inspiration, it may be just a prank, it may be a stroke of genius, or it may be just a clerical error.In human life, therefore, chance is both an allure and an annoyance.We can't predict which kind of accident will fall on us, all we can do is - if what we get is a magic pen, don't let it down; It looks like another magical touch, just like some painters modify the stains that accidentally fall on the canvas into the finishing touch of the whole painting.Of course, in real life, correcting God’s clerical mistakes is by no means such an easy task. Some people have devoted their whole lives to this, and this effort itself has manifested itself as a brilliant life course.

In the world, the most important thing is to be a human being, to know self-love and self-respect, so that one can have a magnanimous and fulfilling soul, which can withstand the blow of fate and be worthy of the gift of fate.If you can do this, you can be regarded as the master of your destiny. Life is like a dream, so why not treat it as a dream and dream about it to your heart's content?The world is like a cloud, so why not treat it as a cloud and calmly observe its thousand changes? The impact of things on people is inversely proportional to the distance, the closer we are, the more we can control our mood.So the way to lessen and get rid of its influence is to find a foothold that allows us to distance ourselves from things.If that foothold remains in the world, at a limited distance from things, we gain a sensible attitude.If that foothold is placed outside the world, at an infinite distance from things, we gain an attitude of detachment.

The educational function of big loss in life: it makes people no longer care about small losses.
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