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Chapter 38 never finished

Zhou Guoping's Selected Works 周国平 2016Words 2018-03-18
one Gao E continued, Jin Shengtan cut "Water Margin" in half, his merits and demerits have been inconclusive for many generations.We only know one thing: China's two greatest classical novels are forever unfinished, and neither version has the right to claim to be the only final version that meets the author's original intention. Schubert's most famous symphony has only two movements, instead of three to four movements like a general symphony, so it was named "Unfinished" by later generations.The good-for-nothings have repeatedly tried to continue writing, but failed, so they have to admit that its "unfinished" may be closer to a perfect form than any "completed".

Kafka's major works were not completed and published during his lifetime, and he even ordered them all to be burned in his will.However, it was these unfinished works that he was not satisfied with, once published after his death, he established his status as a giant in the history of world literature. Which of the great writers left behind many unfinished manuscripts after his death?Even if the works were completed during their lifetime, why don't they always have a feeling of unfinished, unsatisfactory and need to be perfected?Every true writer has a dream: to write his best work.However, every time a work is written.Again he feels that the best work that seems to be about to be written has yet to be written.Perhaps, until the end of his life, he still regretted not being able to write his best work.However, it is this never-finished mentality that drives him to constantly surpass himself and achieve achievements beyond the reach of those who are complacent.In this sense, every real writer is only writing one work all his life, the work of his life.As long as he lives, this work will not be completed.

Moreover, all great works are essentially unfinished, and their birth is only the beginning of their life. In the long years to come, they will continue to grow in the hearts of generations of readers and in the history of culture, and will continue to be reinterpreted , become the permanent spiritual wealth of mankind. On the contrary, the trendy works of mediocre writers, no matter how popular they are, will never have lasting vitality.And I can affirm that, not to mention after death, even when they are alive, if you go through the drawers of such writers, you will definitely not find a backlog of unfinished manuscripts.However, they can't talk about completing anything, but just making and selling it.

two Whether in literature or in real life, the most touching love affairs do not seem to have happy endings.Due to external difficulties such as social interference, natural disasters, misplaced opportunities, or internal difficulties such as inner conflicts, character tragedies, and fatal misunderstandings, it is difficult for lovers to become married.However, perhaps because they are not completed, we cover them with a layer of holy brilliance with eternal remembrance in our hearts.The love that gets married will inevitably be eclipsed, and even die because of getting married. In this way, love is also perfect because it is unfinished.

In fact, all true love is unfinished.However, this "unfinished" cannot be understood narrowly only in the sense of tragedy.True love is a process in which two hearts are constantly pursuing and attracting each other, and this process should not end because of marriage.Taking marriage as the completion of love is a harmful concept. Under the domination of this concept, married people think that they are done, that they have obtained the other party, and there is no need to continue pursuing.But courtship, courtship, love is in the pursuit, and once the pursuit is stopped, love will die with it.On the contrary, a good marriage should keep love unfinished.That is to say, there is always a necessary distance and tension between the two lovers, and each party regards the other as an independent individual, and therefore is an object that needs to be pursued again forever, and can never be possessed once and for all.In this situation, each other can constantly rediscover and appreciate each other, instead of being bound and bored with each other, and love can gain space to continue to grow.

Of course, no matter how good a marriage is, it cannot guarantee the eternal existence of existing love and prevent the possibility of new love.Still, there's nothing wrong with that.There is no and should not be a predestined marriage in this world.One of the prerequisites of the charm of life is precisely that new love possibilities are always open to you, even if you do not realize them.If the sky of love is destined to have no new clouds floating by, and the world of the opposite sex will no longer have any new temptations for you, wouldn't life be too boring?It is pitiful to rely on seclusion to maintain its single-minded and long-term love. Only the unswerving love that has gone through temptations is full of vitality and truly worthy of pride.

three Frost sighed in a famous poem: The forest road diverged in two, walked on one and left the other for next time, and there will never be a next time.Because the road taken will be divided again, so that it will be infinite, and it will no longer be possible to go back to the undecided road. This is indeed a true portrayal of the situation in life.Everyone's life contains many different possibilities, but only a very small part of them is finally realized, and most of the possibilities are abandoned, which seems to be wasted.This cannot but make us feel sorry. But is it really wasted?If there are not many possibilities in life, and the road of life stretches along the only destined track, don't we regret it?No, that would make it even more unbearable for us.It is precisely because the various possibilities of life are always open, that we feel that we are the masters of our destiny, and thus walk the path of life we ​​are walking with confidence.The vast majority of possibilities, though unrealized, are an integral part of real life, and it is they that give the few of our realized possibilities the sheen of free choice.It's as if we haven't been able to walk through the countless paths that criss-cross the woods, but because of their existence, we can still feel the subtle state of winding paths even if we walk on one of them.

Looking back on the past, how many things I wanted to do but didn't do.Looking ahead, how many things are still ready to do.Incompleteness is the normal state of life, and it is also a positive state of mind.If a person feels that he has nothing to do in this world, his life may come to an end.Of course, if a person meets death in an unfinished state of mind, he will feel abrupt and wronged, and even die with regret.However, as long as we realize that things in life are never complete, that no matter when death comes, life is never complete, then we will come to terms with death at any stage of life, and be positive while being positive. Maintain a detached state of mind.

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