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Chapter 12 humor

man and eternity 周国平 1423Words 2018-03-18
1 Humor is the smile of the heart.The deepest humor is the smile of a mortally wounded heart. Depleted, numb, resentful after injury, such a mind has no place for humor.Humor is the healthy, witty, forgiving smile of a wounded heart. 2 Humor is a light-hearted profundity.Faced with serious superficiality, Shen Shen showed a cynical smile. 3 Humor is the expression of wisdom, it cannot be taught or learned.There is a magazine that claims to teach humor so that you can live lightly.I've never seen anything less humorous than this. 4 Sarcasm is not the same as humor.Satire is social, humor is philosophical.Satirizing the world, standing on the same level as the satirized object, swinging at each other, taking pleasure in injuring the opponent.Humor stems from great spiritual superiority, condescending, no intention of hurting others, and only entertains oneself with inner superiority.Satire is aimed at specific people and things, while humor is a tolerant and sad smile at the inevitable weaknesses of human nature itself.

5 Humor and burlesque are two different things.Humor is the flash of wisdom, and it can win a smile from a wise man.Funny is to amuse mediocrity with silly and ridiculous behavior.But there is a difference between the funny on stage and the funny in real life: the former is deliberate, knowing it is ridiculous, and wants to pursue this ridiculous effect; Smart people can see this is ridiculous.Therefore, the funny spectators in life are still wise people.The comic becomes pathetic when it enters political life and affects the fate of millions.And of course, it's ridiculous at the same time.Therefore, the victim still inevitably smiles as a spectator, which relieves the pain of being victimized.

6 Humor is a philosophical attitude towards life, which requires keeping a distance from life and temporarily discovering and ridiculing the flaws in life from the perspective of an outsider.Rather, man has now become a god, temporarily freed from his imperfection by making fun of it. Perhaps because of this, women are not good at humor, because women are integrated with life, and it is not easy to maintain the distance necessary for humor. 7 There is humor only when there is detachment.When criticizing an incompetent government, smart politicians can at best be satirical, but ordinary people are good at humor, because the former covets power while the latter is completely out of the power struggle.

8 Westerners are humorous in the face of danger, and Chinese are humorous after the danger has passed. 9 The Chinese are a people who are always in meetings and rarely joke. 10 Tolstoy had a deadpan sense of humor.He can discover the ridiculous phenomenon that others tend to ignore, and then describe it.Yes, he just narrates, narrates truthfully, never depicts, never smiles, never makes faces.But that power is unusually great, this is real power. 11 A man without a sense of humor often takes covert sarcasm for compliments and good-natured jokes for insults. 12 People who love wisdom can't help appreciating the clever remarks of their opponents, and laugh even when they hear one-liners against themselves.

I can't stand the opposite type of people who only see opinions in arguments, think only of saving face, and have no reaction to wisdom. 13 I get annoyed when I'm dealing with someone who's too cynical, with whom I can't talk about anything serious.However, this is not terrible, I can just leave, anyway, he doesn't care about my leaving.The horrible thing is dealing with someone who takes it too seriously, because I can't get rid of him, can't even have a nice joke with him, and he takes the jokes just as seriously and keeps pestering me.When I had to be patient with someone like that, I felt like I was being forced to play a role, to play a role that was as serious as he was.Playing a seriousness carefully, it is too heavy to play such a scene.

14 Self-deprecating is to look down on one's own weaknesses and tolerate them.Self-deprecating separates the self-deprecating person from his weaknesses. At this time, he seems to stand on the position of a god, looking down on the mortal body with weaknesses, and expressing his sense of superiority over it with laughter. But at the same time, the self-deprecator understands and admits that he is not God after all, and that the weakness is indeed his own. So self-deprecation is a mixture of superiority and helplessness. 15 Self-deprecating puts the self-deprecating person above himself, and thus over his adversary, into a dominant position.Self-deprecation defeats all possible ridicule of the adversary.

16 A fool never laughs at himself.A wise man laughs at his mistakes.A genius laughs not only at his mistakes but also at his successes.Ridiculous people who can't see all the success in the world, after all, they still don't stand tall enough.
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