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Chapter 2 nature and life

man and eternity 周国平 1987Words 2018-03-18
1 Every spring, it seems that I accidentally discovered immature grass emerging from the soil, and small green shoots from the trees. What a pure joy I will feel at that time.I remember when I was a child, I buried a few soybeans or morning glory seeds in the mud outside my house. When I saw the little green shoots bursting out of the ground, I felt the same mood.Maybe all the beings in the world were originally one family, maybe I used to be such a tree, a grass, the joy of budding life has gone through a long evolutionary series, and revived in my heart again? Alas, the human heart, the highest product of evolution, the most complicated thing in the world, has only regained its purity for a moment in front of this little green shoot.

2 Today, we have less and less contact with the land.Bricks, cement, steel, plastics and all kinds of new building materials surround us.We shut ourselves within the walls of our dorm or office.Walking on the street, we are also surrounded by houses, shops, buildings and concrete pavement.We always live in such a hurry that we don't have time to look at the sky and the land.We are always living in front of our eyes, forgetting about eternity and infinity.We no longer understand the pain and longing of the land, and no longer appreciate the tragedy and beauty of the land. This familiar home, street, city, this bustling crowd, sometimes I suddenly feel how strange and unreal.I miss the eternal land covered by all these, the original hometown of all life.

3 Living in the city for a long time, occasionally coming to the secluded valley and lake, facing the rolling mountains and the boundless water, will feel a kind of relief and freedom.However, I think that if you settle here and isolate yourself from the world, your mood may change.Although what I see is still the same landscape, what I feel is not freedom, but restriction. People and their products separate me from nature, which is a kind of loneliness.Eternal nature separates me from history, which is another kind of loneliness.The former is the loneliness of life itself, the latter is the loneliness of ambition.The kind of people who can't bear the former kind of loneliness after the two-phase trade-off will finally choose to retreat.Modern people have little experience of both kinds of loneliness and are eager to escape, so the tourism industry thrives.

4 "Life" is a beautiful word, but its beauty is concealed by trivial daily life.We are alive, but we do not experience life all the time.On the contrary, such times are rare.Most of the time, we live like inanimate machines. People pursue happiness. In fact, what moment is happier than those moments when the experience of life is the most intense and vivid?When I feel my limbs and veins throbbing with fresh, active life, I do believe that I am the happiest man in the world. 5 Pain and joy are the self-enjoyment of the life force.The saddest thing is the lack of vitality, neither joy nor pain.

6 Life passed peacefully, without sound, without spray, not even a ripple could be seen, without a sound.How I loathe this flat riverbed, it absorbs every feeling.Suddenly, encountering an obstacle, the reef rises, the wind is strong, and the waves are thrown.Am I alive?Yes, that's when I feel like I'm alive. 7 Lust is the only way to the ethereal.There is no lust at all, it can only be empty and ineffective. 8 The more natural something is, the more it belongs to the essence of life here, and the more it can affect my deepest emotions.For example, women and children. Modern people enjoy more and more tricks.But I am convinced that the sweetest enjoyments on earth are always the oldest.

9 The most natural things are the most mysterious, like making love and gestating.Can the myths of all nations be traced back to this source? 10 The mutual attraction between life and life.I imagine that on an absolutely barren, lifeless planet, a living person would feel a sense of familiarity even at the sight of a fly or a tiger. 11 Culture is the flower of life.Without the origin of life, culture is nothing more than a bouquet of artificial flowers, and the dispute between Chinese and Western cultures is nothing but a dispute between silk flowers and plastic flowers. 12 Culture is the expression of life.When culture fails to express life, but instead suppresses life, the sense of tension in life increases.At this time, it is necessary to change the old culture and create a new culture to re-express life.But the transformation of culture does not have to start with culture. Sometimes, the tension and crisis of life are directly expressed, and this expression itself forms a new culture.This is how the modern western irrational culture was formed.

We have also begun to talk about irrationalism here, but how easy it is to talk about.My friend said it well: "Irrationalism was originally intended to express the tension of life, but now we use it and add Chinese Laozhuang Zen and the like to make a ridiculous cocktail to obtain self-indulgence." 13 I was riding a bicycle, looking over the vehicles and pedestrians on the road, and staying on the dark blue sky in the evening.What a deep blue.My soul seems to be involuntarily thrown into this blue sea of ​​the universe, diving into the bottomless abyss.The sky was getting thicker and darker, and I dived deeper and deeper. Knowing that there was no hope of surviving, I still let myself sink.

Orange street lights, traffic lights, glow brightly against the background of a dark blue sky.The magic of color, the dream of color.The power of color is pure magic and dream power, it stimulates the eye, makes one dream, hypnotized by the melody of light, and falls into hallucination. I am reminded of Adams' black and white photography.That's another strength.Get rid of the confusion of color, and the material world is presented directly in front of your eyes—no, rather, it is displayed under your hands. Vision has become a substitute for touch. You can touch the roughness of mountains, the fineness of quicksand, the hardness of branches, and the blades of grass. the softness.Through black and white photography, you don't see the illusion of the world, but touch the material itself.

14 Wherever tourism develops, it will spoil the natural scenery there. I am looking for a secluded corner.But it was found that advertising speakers, commercial entertainment facilities and crowds of people were everywhere. 15 I frowned.You ask me what I want to do?I want to throw all the noisy metal utensils in the world, from knives, axes, planers, to machine motors, into a furnace, and then cast them into a silent statue. 16 When I visit places of interest, I often cannot remember the place names and allusions.I found a good reason for my bad memory - I am a person who faces nature and life directly.Geography is nothing more than detail compared to nature.Compared with life, history is nothing but details.

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