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Chapter 25 Dissatisfied people are happier than satisfied pigs

Fragments and Short Chapters 周国平 393Words 2018-03-18
People often ask me: If you don't think about the big problems in life, can you live a happier life? I would like to answer with the words of British philosopher John Mill: Dissatisfied people are happier than satisfied pigs, and dissatisfied Socrates is happier than satisfied fools. The difference between a human and a pig is that a human has a soul, but a pig has no soul.The difference between Socrates and a fool is that the soul of Socrates is awake, while the soul of a fool is asleep.Soul life begins with dissatisfaction.What are you dissatisfied with?Not content with living like an animal.It is in this dissatisfaction that people start their search for meaning and create a rich spiritual world.

An old Chinese saying goes: contentment is everlasting happiness.That's right too.The characteristic of a wise man is that he is easy to be satisfied with material life, but he is absolutely not satisfied with just living material life.On the contrary, as Epicurus said, those who cannot be satisfied with a small amount of material things will not be satisfied with more material things. So, how can it be seen that dissatisfied people are happier than satisfied pigs?Muller said that because the former is more enjoyable, but only those who know both can make a judgment.That is to say, if you are a satisfied pig, it is useless to tell you.I'm not scolding anyone, because I believe that there is an unsatisfied Socrates hidden in everyone.

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