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Chapter 61 Chapter 50 Murder Notes

ten deadly sins 蜘蛛 2426Words 2018-03-03
Over the past ten years, the city has undergone earth-shaking changes. The only thing that remains the same is that there are still people who make a living by picking up garbage.It was a cleaning lady who found Diao Aiqing's body. She also picked up trash. She was very happy when she found a piece of scrap iron. When she found a bag of meat, she wanted to go home and eat it.More than ten years have passed, and the cement-built garbage pools have been replaced by blue plastic trash cans. One group of garbage pickers left, and another group came again. They took iron hooks and searched for wealth from the things we discarded.

The poor in the city are like dandelions, floating in the wind above the concrete floor, looking helplessly for a little bit of soil that can take root with a little bit of hope that will be shattered at any time. Trash can is characterized by being honest and never lying.The rich and the poor are treated equally here, and this is where everyone is equal in the true sense. Every item is restored to its original appearance, and every thing has found its end here.Dentures that lie become dentures, and wine bottles that have witnessed corrupt transactions become wine bottles.The cigarette butts smoked by migrant workers and the leftover apple cores eaten by noble ladies meet here, and the portraits on remnants of coins meet again with the spittle of paper towels.The mask of false camouflage is unveiled here, and the trash can has a symbolic meaning.

They drove around the city, passed Xiaofen Lane and the crematorium, passed Qingnian Road and Huaqiao Road, bypassed several dead-end alleys, passed the scene of the body dumping at the time of the crime, and crossed many streets. And residential areas, even lost in the middle, and finally, they reached the end. The four members of the special case team got off the bus. This is a large square full of tourists, and there are many people dancing and exercising. It can be seen that the square has just been built for a few years, and there are still some old houses around. Maybe many years ago, here It's a dilapidated residential area.There is a fountain in the center of the square, and there are several trash cans beside the pool.

A schoolboy sits on a table by the pool. Su Mei pushed Professor Liang to stop in front of the trash can, and everyone looked around, singing and dancing. Professor Liang bent down and said to the pupils: You play here by yourself, parents, don't get lost. The primary school student said: Just now, someone also asked me. Su Mei: What do you ask? Elementary school student: Ask me where I am playing, and where are my parents? Bao Zhan: Who is that person? Primary school students: I don’t know. Professor Liang said: What does it look like? The primary school student shook his head and said: It's very normal.

Primary school students are in the first grade, and it is very difficult for first-grade children to describe their appearance and appearance.He thought for a while and then said: The big underpants, the vest, and the gloves are white. Hualong said: "White gloves, that person is wearing gloves?" The schoolboy nodded. The four members of the special case team immediately became alert. It was September and the weather was still very hot. One person was wearing gloves, which was very suspicious. Professor Liang immediately asked: How old is that person? Bao Zhan pointed to a middle-aged man in his 40s and nearly 50 years old in the square and said: Is that man as old as him?

The schoolboy nodded. Professor Liang asked: What else did that person do? Primary school students said: Throw out trash. Hualong and Bao Zhan immediately overturned the trash can. According to the tips of the elementary school students, they found a ball of paper thrown by the stranger. Judging from the handwriting and the yellowed soft paper, this paper has been preserved for at least ten years. .The paper was flat and just crumpled, and before that it might have been caught in a book. The content recorded above is mixed with local dialect and vulgar language. It seems that the writer has no culture. However, the strange thing is that the font is very beautiful. What is more suspicious is that the distance between the words is not consistent. There are several words next to each other. The characters in are far away and appear lonely, which can be seen at a glance.

The full text is transcribed as follows. In order to distinguish the few prominent words, it is specially marked in black bold font: In today's society, it's so dark, everything needs a back door, and everything has to do with it.There are fewer rich people, but more poor people.Those who sing, act in movies, everyone's favorite show, twist their buttocks, and they come for money.People with so much money are so tired that they can't afford a lot of hanging money. It's only a few dollars a month, and they don't have money to carry horses.Who can listen to me, these little bastards, the book is messed up, shit your mother, wearing a big hat is all ancient and old, who is the representative of the dick, the bird who eats public food , Talking nonsense, greedy, greedy, caught, radish tassels for cabbage, transferred away, cabbage for radish cherry seeds.I am a cow and a horse, how can I mess around with my life? Time is wasted, don’t ask me what I want to do, I want to live a better life, I just want to find someone, chop off the old melon seeds, chop off my fingers and thumbs The head and feet are damaged.

There are a total of seven characters, which are very eye-catching in the text. They should have been deliberately left out by the writer. They are arranged in the following order: Kai, Wu, Shi, Biao, Ren, He, Hang. This passage is very similar to the confession of a murderer. Hualong immediately searched the square for a middle-aged man wearing big underpants, a vest and white gloves. The square was crowded with people, and there was an intersection nearby. If a person wants to leave, In a few minutes, it can disappear into the night, disappear into the sea of ​​people, and it will be difficult to find again.

Professor Liang and Bao Zhan questioned the elementary school students in detail. The elementary school students could not give an accurate description of what the middle-aged man looked like. They just told the police that that person was very ordinary, very ordinary, just like everyone who passed by on the street. In fact, any seemingly ordinary person around us has an unknown side behind him. The special case team may have missed the real murderer. After returning to the police station, the special case team analyzed that some murderers would keep something of the victim out of abnormal psychology. What the police found was not Diao Aiqing's complete body. It has never been found where the missing part was thrown. According to the murderer's habit of throwing corpses, it may also be thrown into the trash can.

These words may have been written by the murderer. The special case team carried out handwriting identification with the last hope, and the result was depressing. These words were neither written by Tuo Zi, nor Xia Yuping and Huang Baicheng.They checked and compared the handwriting of every suspect who appeared overnight, but found no match. When it was almost dawn, the special case team was about to give up. They analyzed the information hidden in those seven characters for a whole night, but they never solved the mystery. The whole night was in vain. They should go to the airport to leave Lanjing after a short rest. up.

Professor Liang looked out the window, the morning light was twilight in the sky, and he said: We forgot to compare the handwriting of a person. Su Mei said: Who? Professor Liang said: A dead person. Hualong said: We have checked everything we can. Bao Zhan said: Could it be that you mean... Professor Liang said: Diao Aiqing. The notorious Keystone Killer in the United States made the victim drag his own intestines to clean the crime scene. The murderous Son of Sam and the Zodiac Killer have both written letters to the police, and Son of Sam will deliberately leave marks when committing crimes. According to Professor Liang's analysis, the murderer may have forced Diao Aiqing to write those words before killing her.Diao Aiqing is a college student with culture and brains. She must have known her dangerous situation at the time, so she left clues on purpose. The seven characters left out are seven passwords, which should imply the identity of the murderer and solve this mystery. Maybe the truth will come out. Su Mei said: The strokes of the seven characters may form a phone number or house number. Hualong said: It may also be a paging number. Ten years ago, paging machines were popular at that time. Bao Zhan said: I guessed the first three words, but I can't decipher the last four. Professor Liang said: What? Bao Zhan said: The character "kai" has 4 strokes in total, and the character "five" also has 4 strokes. There is a word, which happens to be composed of two characters with 4 strokes. These hidden three words are connected together. Professor Liang said: No need to explain, the rest of the words are left to everyone to guess, what are the first three hidden words? Bao Zhan said: The murderer is...
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