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niu niu

niu niu


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  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 "Niu Niu" New Edition Preface

niu niu 周国平 824Words 2018-03-18
It has been ten years since the first edition of this book.Over the past ten years, many people shed tears for it, and some people spit at it.Books have their own destiny, which is determined first by the readers and finally by time, but not the author.My own feeling is that, as the years go by, the book becomes more and more distant from me, that it no longer belongs to me.Perhaps because of this, I was able to jump out and face the readers' reactions more calmly. I would like to say to the tearful readers: In the world, disasters happen every day, and what is even more tragic is that please don't shed tears for the tragic story of a small family more than ten years ago told in the book.More than ten years ago, when I became a father for the first time, I encountered the difference of life and death from my own flesh and blood. This gave me an unforgettable experience of the relationship between father and daughter.However, although the circumstances I encountered were special, the family affection I experienced was universal.Readers' feedback tells me that after reading this book, many parents cherish the precious experience of raising children, and many children understand their parents' love better.God's calamity came to me, as if to separate family affection from ordinary daily life in front of my eyes, let me see its incomparable preciousness, and convey it to people through me.If there is any value in this book, this may be one of them.

I also want to say: Although the suffering I encountered was special, suffering is common in life, and no one can guarantee that they will be spared. The difference lies only in the form.I believe that in suffering, a person can realize some truths of life more deeply, and this may be another value of this book.I have never been a detached philosopher, on the contrary, I always bear and think about suffering with my flesh and blood.When I am exposed to a specific suffering, my human weakness will definitely be exposed. Blindness, fear, weakness, selfishness, etc. are actually part of the suffering of ordinary people, and I do not shy away from it.The words are addressed to the spitting readers, if they will listen.

As a book, it no longer belongs to me, and it is up to readers and time to judge.As a daughter, Niuniu is always in my heart and Yu'er's heart, any judgment has nothing to do with her.Niuniu is always one and a half years old, she is outside of time.My life did not stop at the suffering of more than ten years ago, it is still moving forward, and many things have happened since then, which proves that I am indeed an ordinary person subject to time.However, I know that there is a corner in my heart that transcends time, where I can meet Niuniu.I also know that there is a world in front of me, which also transcends time, and I will meet Niu Niu there.

Zhou Guoping May 15, 2006
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