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Chapter 46 Congratulations to "Sound of the Waves"

Nanqiang Beiji 鲁迅 3356Words 2018-03-18
The lifespan of "Sound of the Waves" is so long, it is a bit strange to think about it. The year before last and the year before last, the so-called writers, what kind of talent, what kind of literature they advertised, were insignificant last year. This year, they mostly run tabloids under pseudonyms to sell news; there are so many news, so they spread rumors.The so-called writers in the past would still compose shady novels, but now they can’t even compose them, and stuff them into the readers’ minds piecemeal, making news and anecdotes all their knowledge.The reward for this achievement is not only the manuscript fee, but also the information award. "Telling dog meat with sheep's tricks" has become a thing of the past, and now it is "selling human flesh".As a result, publications and their authors that do not "sell human flesh" have become sold.This is also not surprising. China is an agricultural country, but wheat has to be ordered from the United States. Only children are sold for only a few hundred dollars a catty. Artists in ancient civilizations have to sell their blood. Nietzsche said: "I love books written in blood" (2).

However, "Sound of the Waves" still exists, which is what I call "it's a bit strange to think about it". This is a blessing and a disadvantage.Looking at the current situation, anyone who approves or acquiesces in its existence will often be shaken by some people.Some people have criticized me, saying that as long as Lu Xun is still alive, it shows that he is not a good person.This is true. Since the Yuan Revolution to the present, good people really don't know how many people have been killed, but no one has recorded an accurate account.This fact has taught me badly again, because I know that even if I die, I will only sell news to them and spread rumors, saying that my killing was actually for money or female relations.Therefore, if you are listed in the forest that should be killed (3), you can, but if you hang the beam and take poison, you will not come.

There are often articles in "Sound of the Waves" about fighting barebacked and fighting desperately. This temper is quite the opposite of mine, and it is not the reason for surviving.I think that luck, but also a shortcoming, is that I always like to cite the past to prove the present, with a bit of pedantry.Although the Chinese boast of "an ancient country more than four thousand years old", they are very forgetful. Even nationalist writers will recognize Genghis Khan as their ancestor (4), so it is not appropriate to talk about the past with him.The philistines in Shanghai don’t even need these things, what they are interested in is today’s lottery, and how neighbors compete with each other; Hear, news from the literary world.In short, life has been cut into pieces.

This may make the sales of "Sound of the Waves" not necessarily good, but on the one hand it also makes "Sound of the Waves" live longer.The literati are noble, and they are smarter now, and they no longer flatter their masters, leaving traces.They just lined up the back arrows, took the dung broom, supervised the slaves who were supposed to be prostrate, and saw who raised their heads, and then shot and sprinkled them, and the result might finally cause this person to be kidnapped or assassinated. Make the citizens of the Republic of China "equal". "Sound of the Waves" didn't make much of a hit in the market, and it is giving it a temporary life. However, it is still hard to say, because "the power of unexpected events" has also existed since ancient times.

I love watching "The Sound of the Waves", and I thought it would be fine.However, recently, it seems that we are not talking about politics, but still talking about politics, and it seems that we have become more restless. Therefore, my advice may not be effective for the publication of "The Crow's Tale" (5). Then, "Zhu" is still "White Wishes", so I have no choice but to look at one and count it as one.The ancients said in a poem, "There are many families who died in the chaos" (6), trustworthy husband! August 6th. On the "Sound of the Waves" on November 25th, the "Remarks on the Suspension" was issued, which began with the words: "On the afternoon of November 20th, this journal was ordered to return the registration certificate, 'The people are also tired, and they are tired. Can be well-off' (7). We are going to rest for a while.

..." This is really what Kang Youwei said, "Unfortunately, I mean what I said". Isn't it strange and not surprising. On the night of December 31st, a supplementary note. ==================================================== ========================== (1) This article was originally published in the thirty-first issue of the second volume of "Sound of the Waves" on January 19, 1933. (2) "I love books written in blood", see note (5) on page 25 of this volume. (3) Listed in the forest to be killed. In January 1933, the author joined the China Civil Rights Protection League and was elected as an executive committee member, which aroused the hatred of the Kuomintang.In June of the same year, Yang Xingfo, the vice president of the alliance, was assassinated, and the author was also blacklisted.

(4) The nationalist writer mentioned here refers to Huang Zhenxia.See "Two Hearts: The Mission and Destiny of "Nationalist Literature"". (5) The publication of "The Crow's Notes" refers to "Sound of the Waves".It has a raven on the masthead from Volume 1, Issue 21 onwards. (6) See Du Fu's "White Horse" poem for the phrase "Sang Lun Di Duo Men". (7) See "The Book of Songs · Daya · People's Labor" for the phrase "the people also stop working, and they can live in a well-off life".Jian, Shuji, almost.

Girls in Shanghai (1) Living in Shanghai, fashionable clothes are cheaper than rustic ones.If you are wearing old clothes, the driver of the public tram will not stop according to your request, the park watchman will check the entrance ticket very carefully, and the gatekeeper of the big house or guest house will not allow you to go through the main entrance.Therefore, some people would rather live in a small room and feed bedbugs, but a pair of western-style trousers must be pressed under the pillow every night, so that the creases on both sides of the trouser legs become sharp and angular every day.

Cheaper, however, are fashionable women.This can be seen most in the store: the selection is endless, the decision cannot be made, and the clerk is still very patient.But if the time is too long, there must be a necessary condition, that is, to be coquettish and able to be teased a few times.Otherwise, it will eventually lead to ordinary eyes. Women who are used to living in Shanghai have long been clearly conscious of this kind of glory they have, and at the same time understand the dangers contained in this kind of glory.Therefore, the air displayed by a fashionable woman is showing off, holding on, attracting, and resisting. Like all relatives and enemies of the opposite sex, she is liking and annoyed at the same time.This air is also contagious to underage girls. We sometimes see them buying things in the store, with their heads tilted, pretending to be less angry, as if they are facing a big enemy.Naturally, the clerks were able to tease them like grown women, and she had already understood the meaning of the teasing.In short: they are probably precocious.

However, in the daily newspapers, we often see news about girls being kidnapped, and even being abused. Not only is the demon king in (2), who only needs virgins and virgins when he cannibalizes people, the rich and powerful families among human beings have always served virgins as servants. The food is full of ordinary fat and sweet, just like suckling pig bud tea.Now this phenomenon has been seen among businessmen and workers, but it is the result of people's unsatisfactory life. It should be compared with the hungry people's digging grass roots and bark, which is different from the indulgent perversion of rich and powerful families. language.

But, to put it simply, even young girls are in danger in China. This dangerous situation makes them mature even more, their spirits are already adults, but their limbs are still children.The Russian writer Thoreau Guber once wrote about this type of girl, saying that she is still a child, but her eyes have grown up. (3) However, our Chinese writers have another way of writing praise: the so-called "petite and exquisite" are just that.August 12th. ==================================================== ========================== (1) This article was originally published on September 15, 1933, No. 9, Volume II, of "Shen Bao Monthly", signed by Luo Wen. (2) Novel, written by Wu Chengen in the Ming Dynasty, one hundred chapters.It tells the story of Tang Monk (Xuanzang) who, under the escort of Monkey King and others, went to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures and defeated demons and obstacles along the way. (3) Thoreau Cooper described a group of precocious girls in the novel "Little Ghost".Children in Shanghai (1) Shanghai Crossing the Border and Building Roads (2) The Beisichuan Road area was neglected for half a year last year because of the war, but it is still lively this year. Traveling lovers, which was not available last summer. If you go into the alley of your house, you will see urinals, food baskets, swarms of flies, and groups of children making troubles, violent disturbances, and profuse cursing. It is a chaotic little world.But as soon as we got to the main road, we could see only the foreign children playing and walking vigorously, and the Chinese children were almost invisible.But it's not like there is nothing, just because the clothes and pants are poor, the spirit is listless, and I can't be eye-catching because of being oppressed like a shadow by others. In middle-class families in China, there are generally only two ways to teach children.One is to let him be domineering and do nothing at all, swearing and beating are all right, inside or in front of the door he is a tyrant and overlord, but when he goes outside, he is like a spider that has lost its web. no ability.The second is to give him cold treatment or reprimands all day long, even to the point of beating him up, making him shrink back, like a slave, a puppet, but his parents call him "obedient", thinking that he is a success in education, and wait until he is released outside. Come, it is like a bird temporarily out of the cage, it will never fly or jump. Now finally there are picture books printed for children in China. The protagonists in them are of course children. However, if the characters in the paintings are not violent and obstinate, or even rogue-like, excessively mischievous urchins, they are hook heads. The so-called "good boy" with a hunchback, low eyebrows, and a rigid face.Although this is due to the lack of skill of the painter, it is also based on children as a model, and since then it has been used as a model for children to imitate.Let's take a look at children's paintings from other countries. Britain is calm, Germany is bold, Russia is rich, France is beautiful, and Japan is smart. None of them have the tired look like China.Observing folk customs can be done not only by poems, but also by pictures, and it can be drawn by children who are not valued by people. Stubbornness and bluntness are enough to make a person decline and perish.The situation of childhood is the destiny of the future.Our new characters talk about love, small families, self-reliance, and enjoyment, but few of them raise the issue of family education, school education, or social reform for their children.People in the past only knew that "being a horse and an ox for your children and grandchildren" was a mistake, but it is an even bigger mistake to "let your children and grandchildren be a horse and an ox for your children and grandchildren" when you only care about the present and not the future. August 12th.
(1) This article was originally published on September 15, 1933, No. 9, Volume II, of "Shen Bao Monthly", signed by Luo Wen. (2) Cross-border road construction refers to the area where the Shanghai Concession authorities built roads beyond the scope of the concession at that time.
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