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Chapter 19 about women

Nanqiang Beiji 鲁迅 1434Words 2018-03-18
During the national calamity, it seems that women also suffer particularly.Some honest men accuse women of being extravagant and refusing to patronize domestic products.That is, dancing, sensuality, etc., anything related to women has become a crime.As if all the men have become ascetic monks and all the women have entered the monastery, they will be saved in times of national crisis. In fact, that is not the woman's crime, but her pity.This social system squeezed her into all kinds of slaves, and added various crimes to her head.At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, women's "falling into a bun" and "sweeping eyebrows and make-up" (2) were also said to be omens of the country's subjugation.In fact, the dead man is a woman!However, as long as someone comes out and sighs and is dissatisfied with women's makeup, we know that the situation of the ruling class at that time is probably not good.

Extravagance and licentiousness are only symptoms, not causes, of social breakdown and corruption.In a society with a private system, women are originally regarded as private property and commodities.All countries and all religions have many weird regulations, which regard women as an unlucky animal, intimidate her and make her obey like a slave;Just like today's gentlemen, they scold women for being extravagant, keep their faces puffed up to maintain their decency, and at the same time they are secretly admiring the sensual thigh culture. An ancient Arabian poet said: "The heaven on earth is in the scriptures of the sages, on the backs of horses, and on the breasts of women." (3) This sentence is an honest confession.

Naturally, prostitution of all kinds has always involved women.However, buying and selling are two-sided.Where there are no men who buy prostitution, there will be women who prostitute.So the problem is still at the social root of buying prostitution.As long as this source exists, that is, as long as active buyers exist, the so-called obscenity and luxury of women will not disappear.When a man is the property owner, the woman herself is nothing but the property of the man.Maybe it's because of this, her love of family wealth may be relatively poor, and she often becomes a "prodigal".What's more, now that there are so many opportunities to buy prostitution, the women in the family intuitively feel the danger of their status.In the early years of the Republic of China, I heard that the fashion in Shanghai was passed from the Changsanyaoer(4) to concubines and concubines, and from concubines to concubines and grandmas.Most of these "family members" are unconsciously competing with prostitutes. Naturally, they will try their best to modify their bodies, modifying everything that can hold a man's heart.The price of this modification is very expensive, and it becomes more expensive day by day, not only materially, but also spiritually.

A millionaire in the United States said: "We are not afraid of the Communist bandits (the original text has no bandit characters, and I am translating according to the law), our wives and daughters will make us bankrupt, and we can't wait for the workers to confiscate them." Perhaps China is afraid that the workers "have time." , so high-class Chinese men and women are wasting, enjoying, and having fun in such a hurry, and it doesn't matter whether they get domestic products or not, and whether they are weathered or not.However, it is necessary to maintain morality and advocate frugality in words.

April eleventh.
(1) This article was originally published on June 15, 1933, No. 6, Volume II, of "Shen Bao Monthly", signed by Luo Wen. According to this article and the following article "True and False Don Quixote" and "Wang Dao Poems", "Redressing Wrongs", "Liberation of Songs", "Facing the Head", "The Secret of Selling Your Soul", "The Most Artistic Country" "," "Inner and Outer," "Through the Bottom," "The Talents of the Grand View Garden," and "Chinese Literature and the Chinese" in the twelve articles were all written by Qu Qiubai when he was in Shanghai in 1933, and some of them were based on Lu Xun's opinion. Or written after exchanging opinions with Lu Xun.Lu Xun made changes in the words and sentences of these articles (the title of some articles was changed), and after asking someone to copy them, he sent them to newspapers and periodicals such as "Shenbao·Free Talk" under his own pen name for publication, and later included them separately. own collection of essays.

(2) "Falling in a bun" and "wowling makeup" can be found in "The Book of the Later Han·Liang Ji Biography": Sun Shou, the wife of Liang Ji, the great general of Emperor Shun of the Han Dynasty, was "beautiful in color and good at acting as a demon, making up with frowning (crying) eyebrows and falling on a horse" A topknot.” According to Li Xian’s commentary in the Tang Dynasty, “Customs of the Customs,” said: “Those with frowning eyebrows should be thin and twisted; (3) The ancient Arabic poet refers to Mutanabbi (915-965).He wrote an untitled lyric poem in his later years, the last four lines are: "A beautiful woman gave me happiness for a short time, and then a desert separated us. The best place in the world-is on the horse's foot On the saddle. And the scriptures are the best companions all the time!" (4) Changsanyaoer The rank names of prostitutes in Shanghai brothels in the old days, the first class was called Changsan, and the second class was called Yaoer.

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