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Chapter 21 Small miscellaneous feelings

Jiji 鲁迅 1873Words 2018-03-18
The sting of a bee loses its life when it is used; the sting of a cynic prolongs its life when it is used. They are just so different. John Mill (3) said: Despotism turns people into cynics. And he didn't know that the republic silenced people. If you want to go to the battlefield, you should be a military doctor; if you want to make a revolution, you should go to the rear;Both heroic and steady. When talking with famous scholars, pretend that you don't understand what he said occasionally.Too ignorant to be underestimated, too ignorant to be hated.Occasionally, there are things we don't understand, and they are the most suitable for each other.

Most people in the world only know how to command swords, so they can command warriors, but they don't think that they can also command literati. Another lecture, another lecture. (4) But it is a pity that he did not explain why he is so different from before; nor did he explain whether he really believed what he said when he gave a speech. All kinds of wise people who are rich are as if they died yesterday. (5) All kinds of fools who are not rich really died yesterday. Those that were once wealthy should restore the past, those that are now wealthy should maintain the status quo, and those that were not wealthy should be reformed.

Probably so.Probably! What they call retro is to go back to the years ago that they remember, not Yu Xia Shang Zhou. A woman's nature includes motherhood, daughterhood, and no-wife nature. Wife sex is forced, just a mix of mother and daughter sex. Prevent being bullied. Those who call themselves thieves need not be guarded, but they are good people if they get what they want; Downstairs a man was dying of illness, the family next door was singing on the gramophone; opposite was playing with children.There were two people upstairs laughing wildly; there was also the sound of playing cards.On the boat in the river there was a woman crying for her dead mother.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, I just think they are noisy. Every time someone in rags walked by, the lap dog would bark, but it wasn't always the dog's owner's will or incitement. A lap dog tends to be tougher than its owner. I am afraid that one day we must not be allowed to wear rags, otherwise we will be the Communist Party. Revolution, counter-revolution, not revolution. The revolutionary was killed by the counter-revolutionary.Counter-revolutionaries were killed by revolutionaries.Those who are not revolutionary are killed by counter-revolutionaries as revolutionaries, or are killed by revolutionaries as counter-revolutionaries, or are killed by revolutionaries or counter-revolutionaries as nothing.

Revolution, revolution, revolution, revolution... When a person feels lonely, he will create; when he feels clean, he will not create, and he has nothing to love. Creation is always rooted in love. Yang Zhu has no books. Although creation expresses one's own heart, one is always willing to be watched. Creation is social. But sometimes it's enough to have just one person watching: a friend, a lover. People tend to hate monks, nuns, Muslims, and Christians, but not Taoists. Those who understand this principle understand most of China. People who want to commit suicide will also be afraid of the vast ocean and the perishability of dead bodies in summer.

But when he encountered a clear pool and a cool autumn night, he often committed suicide. Anyone who is "punished" by the authorities is a "crime". Liu Bang got rid of Qin's harshness, "A contract with the elders, three chapters of the law." Later, there were still family punishments, and books were still banned, and it was still Qin Fa. (6) For the three chapters of the law, say a word. When you see short sleeves, you immediately think of white arms, immediately you think of full nudity, you immediately think of genitals, you immediately think of intercourse, you immediately think of intercourse, and you immediately think of illegitimate children.

It is only at this level that the Chinese imagination can make such a leap forward. September twenty-fourth. ---------------------------------- (1) This article was originally published in the first issue of the fourth volume of the weekly "Yusi" on December 17, 1927. (2) Cynicism originally refers to the philosophers of Cynicism in ancient Greece.They lived a simple life of abstinence and were ridiculed as poor dogs, so they were also called Cynics.These people advocate solitude, think that people should be absolutely free, deny all ethics and morality, and treat everything with a cynical attitude.The author said in a letter to Zhang Tingqian on March 8, 1928: "Cynic = Cynic, its 'thorn' is 'sneering'."

(3) John Mill (J.S.Mill, 1806-1873) British philosopher and economist. (4) The "speech records" mentioned here refer to the speech collections of Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Jingwei, Wu Zhihui, Dai Jitao, etc. that were continuously compiled and sold at that time.The author said in a letter to Tai Jingnong on the second day after writing this article (September 25): "The recording of Dai Jitao's lectures is now on sale, (Chiang Kai-shek's is also available for a while)." The content of the speeches was very different from the speeches before the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup. Before the coup, they had no choice but to support Sun Yat-sen's three major policies of alliance with Russia, alliance with the Communist Party, and support for farmers and workers; after the change, they revealed their true Face, trying to advocate anti-Soviet, anti-communist, oppression of workers and peasants.

(5) "The rich and intelligent people died yesterday" also refers to counter-revolutionaries such as Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei. "Death like yesterday" is a quote from Zeng Guofan: "In the past, everything died like yesterday, and everything from now on is born today." In an editorial published by Confluence Anti-Communism, this sentence of Zeng Guofan was also quoted, which said: "In the past, for example, death yesterday; Our sincerely uncompromising, non-opportunistic comrades let go of the past and truly unite." (6) "A contract with the father and elders, three chapters of the law" see "Historical Records Gaozu Benji": "In October of the first year of the Han Dynasty (206 BC), Peigong (Liu Bang) took the lead and went to Bashang. ... Then he went west to Xianyang ... Return the army to the overlord. Summon the fathers and heroes of the counties and say: "The fathers and elders have suffered from the harsh laws of the Qin Dynasty for a long time. Those who slander the family, and those who talk casually abandon the city. I make an appointment with the princes. The first to enter the pass will be the king, and I will be the king of Guanzhong." Make an agreement with the father and elders, the law is three chapters: the murderer dies, the wounded and the thief is punished. I will remove the Qin law.'" And "Hanshu·Criminal Law Zhi" contains: "Han Xing, Gaozu first entered the pass, three chapters of the law... its The latter four barbarians have not been attached, the military revolution has not stopped, and the law of three chapters is not enough to prevent traitors, so Xiangguo Xiao He took the law of Qin, whichever is more suitable for the time, and made nine chapters of laws."

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