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Chapter 19 Money Lending Laws in a New Era

Jiji 鲁迅 1305Words 2018-03-18
There is also a new "sophistication" (2). Before, I always thought that to be a creditor must be rich, but only recently did I realize that it is not necessary.In the "New Age", there is a spiritual capitalist. If you say that China is like a desert, the capitalists will come here and call themselves a fountain.If you say that the society is cruel, he will say that he is hot; if you say that the surroundings are dark, he will say that he is the sun. Ah!All the high-sounding signs in the world have been taken away.Not only take it away.He is still moist, warm, and shines on you.For he is the fountain, the heat, the sun!

This is a grace. Not only that.If you have any inheritance, it is his reward for you.why?Because if he advocated communism, your property would be confiscated, but he did not advocate it, so you can have the current property.Of course he rewarded you. If you have a lover, he also rewards you.why?Because he was a genius and a revolutionary, many women looked up to him to the point of prostration.All he has to do is say "Come!" and they'll all fly by, including yours, of course.But he doesn't say "Come!" So you have to have a current lover.Of course, he rewarded you too.

This is another grace. Not only that!When he comes to you, he brings a load of sympathy every time!One hundred times equals one hundred tans—if you don’t know it, it’s because you don’t have spiritual eyesight—after one year, you add up to two or three hundred tans... Ah!This is another great grace. So it was settled.Terrible, is such a strong capital not enough to buy a soul?But revolutionaries are polite, and they just want you to repay a little for their use-in fact, it is not considered a use, but just "helping". If you do not want to "help", of course, the crime is heinous.First announce the crime of ingratitude to the world.And not only that, there are many crimes written in the account books. Once published, you will be "discredited".If you don't want to be "ruined", there is only one way, and that is to hurry up and "help" to atone for your sins.

However, unfortunately, I saw so many account books hidden around the "new youth of the new era", and they themselves have such a great panic about "being ruined". So there is a new "skill of the world": close the door, cork the wine bottle, and squeeze the wallet tightly. This helps me preserve some moisture, light and heat—I only see matter. Ninety four. ---------------------------------- (1) This article was originally published on October 22, 1927, Issue No. 154 of "Yusi" Weekly, with the original title "Debt Avoidance Law in the "New Era".

(2) "Sophisticated" and some of the following words and sentences are all quotations from Gao Changhong.Gao Changhong, see Note (3) on page 383 of this volume.After he met Lu Xun in December 1924, he received a lot of guidance and help from Lu Xun.From the second half of 1926, he wantonly slandered and attacked Lu Xun.In the "1925 Beijing Publishing Situation in Hand Map" published in the fifth issue of "Hurricane" weekly (November 1926), he abused Lu Xun as a "sophisticated old man".In the sixth issue (November 1926), in the poem "To——" he compared himself to the sun: "If I were the sun, I would be jealous of the stars in the night." In the ninth issue (November 192 December 6) "Introduction to China's No. 1 Poet" said: "Although I seem to be jealous when it comes to love, I am actually giving in." The tenth issue (December 1926) ) in "The Destiny of the Times" there are words such as "I have made the biggest concession to Mr. Lu Xun, not only in thought, but also in life".In the same article, he also said that he and Lu Xun "had a period of ideological battle", and the "strategy" he used was "sympathy".In the article "Zhizhang Tu", he also claimed to have "meeted more than a hundred times" with Lu Xun.In the fourteenth issue (January 1927), "I Walked Out of the World of Fossils", he cursed again: "Lu Xun not only suffered from physical and mental illness, but also ruined his reputation!" and so on.Therefore, there are words such as "sun", "lover", "sympathy", and "come a hundred times" in this article.In addition, "help" and "new youth in the new era" are all commonly used words in Gao Changhong's essays.

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