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Chapter 17 heinous crime

Jiji 鲁迅 484Words 2018-03-18
This is a new kind of "sophistication". I think that many crimes in the law are all rhetoric, and I just need to cover them in one sentence: heinous crime. For example, if someone thinks a person is hateful and wants to give him some hardship, there is such a method.If he is in Guangzhou and before the "Qing Party", he can be secretly advertised as an anarchist.Then, the communist youth will naturally say that he is "counter-revolutionary" and guilty.If there is no evidence to say that he is CP or CY after the "Qing Party", he can be referred to as "pro-communist faction".Then, the Qing Party Committee (2) will naturally say that he is "counter-revolutionary" and guilty.As a last resort, you have to find some other reasons and resort to the law.But this is more troublesome.

I used to think that people were guilty, so they were shot or imprisoned.Only now do I know that many of them committed crimes because they were considered "hateful" first. Many sinners should be called "repulsive people". Ninety four. ---------------------------------- (1) This article was originally published in Issue No. 154 of "Yusi" Weekly on October 22, 1927. (2) The Qing Party Committee was established by Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang to suppress the Communists and leftists in the Kuomintang who supported Sun Yat-sen's three major policies.On May 5, 1927, the Standing Committee of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang and the joint meeting of ministers decided to assign Deng Zeru and other seven people to organize the Central Party Cleaning Committee.On May 17, the association was formally established, and the provinces successively formed its subordinate organizations.

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