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Chapter 12 Worry about "heavenly milk"

Jiji 鲁迅 2214Words 2018-03-18
"Shuntian Times" reported that Ms. Ouyang Xiaolan, the director of the Girls' High School in Beijing Picai Hutong, did not allow girls with haircuts to apply for the exam. (2) Yes, the situation is always going to be like this, she can't do anything else.But girls with natural feet can still apply for the exam, I think there is still a bright future.But it's too "new". Men and women want to suffer from the hair of their enemies in previous lives, you only need to look at the traces from the late Ming Dynasty to know. (3) I suffered a lot because I didn't have braids in the late Qing Dynasty (4), so I don't approve of women's haircuts.The braids in Beijing were cut on the orders of Yuan Shikai (5), but it was not simply an order, and there was probably a knife behind it.Otherwise, I am afraid that the whole city is still dragging.The same is true for women's haircuts. There must be an emperor (or other names can be used) to order everyone to cut it.Naturally, even so, many people are still unhappy, but they dare not cut it.After a year or so, you will forget about it; after two years, you will be in a world where everyone thinks that women should not have long hair.At this time, long-haired girls have the worry of "looking at the ocean and sighing".If only some people say some reasons and want to change a little bit, they have never been successful.

But now there are powerful people who advocate women's haircut, but unfortunately the ground is not strong. In the same place, A comes and B goes, C comes and A goes, A needs to be short, C needs to be long, the elder cuts, and the short kills.These years seem to be a time of robbing youth, especially women.There was a place in the newspaper that advocated hair-cutting. Later, another army invaded, and when they met a woman with hair-cutting, they slowly pulled out their hair and cut off their breasts...This kind of punishment, which can prove that men have short hair, has been recognized throughout the country.It's just that women are not allowed to learn.To remove his breasts is to make him more like a man and warn him to imitate men.Taking this as an example, Ms. Ouyang Xiaolan is not very strict?

This year, Guangzhou banned female students from corseting their breasts, and offenders were fined 50 yuan.Newspapers called it the "day breast movement" (6).Some people regret not having Fan Zengxiang (7) give orders.There are no words such as "chicken head meat" on the official documents, and Ge Shu is not enough to satisfy the hearts of scholars.In addition, there are witty articles and funny comments in the newspapers.I think, that's all, that's all. I once had "unfounded worries" (8), thinking that in the future, women who were born as students in China would lose the ability to breastfeed, and every family would have to hire a wet nurse.But just attacking the corset is ineffective.First, to improve social thinking, to be more generous with breasts; second, to improve clothing, tying tops into skirts.Cheongsam and Chinese shorts are not suitable for the liberation of breasts, because at that time the breasts are lifted up, which is inconvenient and not good-looking.

There is another big question, is it possible that breast enlargement will suddenly be considered a crime and there will be nowhere to apply for the test?In China, before the establishment of the Republic of China, only those who were "not worthy of the ranks of the four peoples" (9) were allowed to take the exam.It stands to reason that if a woman loses her hair and loses the distinction between men and women, it is a crime, but her natural breasts will make the distinction between men and women even more meritorious.But there are many things in the world that cannot be disputed with words.Always issue an oracle, or direct the sword.

Otherwise, there would already be "short-haired offenders", and "natural breasts offenders" or perhaps "natural feet offenders" would have to be added.Woohoo, there are so many tricks on women, and life will be so miserable from then on. If we don’t talk about innovation, evolution, etc., but only for the sake of safety, I think it’s best for a female student’s body to have long hair, a corseted chest, and half-open feet (be bound and let go, a civilized foot).Because I went from north to south, the places I passed, the signs and flags were different, but for such a woman, I never heard of a single place that was hostile to her.

September 4th. ---------------------------------- (1) This article was originally published in the No. 152 issue of "Yusi" Weekly on October 8, 1927. (2) "Suncheon Times", a Chinese-language newspaper run by the Japanese imperialists in Beijing.See note (9) on page 98 of this volume.On August 7, 1927, the newspaper published a news article "Girls Attached to Girls High School Refuses Girls with Haircuts to Enter School", saying: "Ms. Responsible guidance, that is, the school's style of study has been strictly rectified by the ladies, and it is becoming better day by day. I recently heard that this school recruits new students, and all female students who have haircuts who apply for registration will be rejected, because girls with haircuts generally It’s hopeful and sighing.”

(3) Refers to the fact that the rulers of the Qing Dynasty forced the Han people to shave their hair and hang their braids.In 1644 (the seventeenth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty), after the Qing soldiers entered the customs and established the capital in Beijing, they ordered to shave their hair and hang their braids, but it was suspended due to the opposition of the people in various places and the uncertain situation.After the capture of Nanjing in May of the following year, a strict hair-shaving order was issued, limited to ten days after the announcement, "Make all your hair (shaved) as much as possible, those who obey are the people of our country, and those who hesitate are the bandits who rebel against fate", such as " The people in the designated places still maintain the Ming system, and those who do not follow the system of this dynasty will be killed without mercy!" This incident has caused widespread resistance from people all over the country, and many people have been killed.

(4) When the author was studying in Japan at the end of the Qing Dynasty, he was about to cut off the braids. According to Xu Shoushang's "Impressions of the Dead Friend Lu Xun", the time was in the autumn and winter of 1902 (the 28th year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty).After he returned to China in 1909 (the first year of Xuantong), he suffered a lot because he did not have braids.See "Qijieting Essays: Miscellaneous Talks After Illness" and "The End of Qiejieting Essays: Two or Three Things Remembered by Mr. Taiyan". (5) On March 5, 1912, Yuan Shikai’s Nanjing Provisional Government issued a decree that “all people should cut their braids”; at the beginning of November of the same year, in an order issued by Yuan Shikai in Beijing, it also stated that “hair cutting is subject to the decree of the Republic of China, How can the government ignore it” and so on.

(6) "Sky Breast Movement" On July 7, 1927, the 33rd meeting of the Guangdong Provincial Government Committee of the Kuomintang passed the case of prohibiting women's breast corsets proposed by the Acting Director of Civil Affairs Zhu Jiahua, stipulating that "limited to three months All girls in the whole province are prohibited from corseting their breasts...if they exceed the limit and still have their breasts bound, a fine of more than 50 yuan will be imposed upon investigation, and if the offender is under the age of 20, the parents will be fined." (See "Guangzhou National News" on July 8, 1927) The decree came into effect on July 21, and some newspapers also vigorously advocated it, calling it the "Tianru Movement".

(7) Fan Zengxiang (1846-1931) was born in Enshi, Hubei, a Jinshi in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, and served as the chief envoy of Jiangsu.He once wrote many "erotic poems", specializing in allusions and confrontations to show off his skills; the judgments he wrote when he was an official were also very frivolous.The "chicken head meat" below is an alias for Gorgon (the fruit of an aquatic plant).The sixth volume of "Lishan Ji", the first volume of Liu Axie's "Qingsuo Gaoyi" in the Song Dynasty, recorded: "One day, the imperial concubine came out of the bath, her face was evenly faced with the mirror, her skirt waist faded, and her breasts were slightly exposed...

(Emperor) pointed to the concubine's milk and said: "Ruanwen freshly peeled chicken head meat." '" (8) "Worry about the sky" is an unreasonable classical Chinese sentence formed by Yang Yinyu's idiom "worry about the sky". (9) "Contemptible among the Four Peoples" Before the Republic of China, the feudal ruling class regarded the so-called "lazy people", "musicians", opera actors, official servants, etc. as untouchables, and excluded them from the so-called "four peoples". (Scholar, Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce) are prohibited from taking the imperial examination.
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