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Chapter 10 The word "Dayi"

Jiji 鲁迅 1135Words 2018-03-18
Ever since I offended "Mr. Gutong" last year, and had to escape from Beijing, I have been silent for a year.I think the gentlemen have forgotten this "learning stick"--haha, not at all. India has a Tagore.This Tagore had been to Zhendan and changed his name to Zhu Zhendan. Because Zhu Zhendan has made a book, so there is a Xinyue Society (2) in Zhendan, - I don't quite understand it in the middle - and now there is another one called Xinyue Bookstore.The New Moon Bookstore is going to publish a copy of "Gossip", and the advertisement for this "Gossip" contains the following sentences:

"...Mr. Lu Xun (the leader of the Yusi faction) fought for righteousness and his strategy. Those who have read it must have known it. However, the banner of righteousness of the modern school and its leader--Mr. Xiying's strategy, we still have I don't understand..." "Pai", "leader", this kind of posthumous posthumous method is really terrible.Not far away, someone will come to scold again.A said: Look!Lu Xun was actually called the leader.Is there such a leader in the world?B said: He just loves vanity.When people call him the leader, he is very happy.I saw it with my own eyes.

But it's a lesson I'm used to, and it's not surprising.This time, what felt fresh and frightening was that the precious "righteousness" was suddenly forced into my hands, and a big banner was raised for me, asking me to confront the "leader" of the "modernism".I have already said: axiom and justice have been taken away by a gentleman, so I have nothing (3).Dayi, I don't even know whether it is cylindrical or oval, how can I "fight"? As for the "chief general", it is natural to consider having a "flag of righteousness" as a decent one.But I am not so crowned.Neither a "clique", nor a "leader", nor a "battle" over "righteousness".I didn't even use any "strategy", because before I saw the advertisement, I didn't know that Mr. Xiying was the "leader" of the "modernism"——I always regarded him as a minion.

This is what I know about myself.I think, "Mr. Gu Tong" is still alive, and the "modernists" may not have forgotten that some people once called me a "student bandit", "a student stick", and a "sword and pen official". "Dayi", but for the sake of advertising. Woohoo, Lu Xun, Lu Xun, how many advertisements are done in your name! September 3rd. ---------------------------------- (1) This article was originally published in the No. 151 issue of "Yusi" weekly magazine on October 1, 1927. (2) The Crescent Society is a literary and political group with some bourgeois intellectuals as its core.Founded in about 1923, the main figures are Hu Shi, Xu Zhimo, Liang Shiqiu, Luo Longji and so on.The club was named after Tagore's collection of poems. In the name of the poetry club, it published eleven issues of "Poetry Magazine" (weekly) on the page of Beijing's "Morning News Supplement" in the summer of 1926; Most of them went south and founded the New Moon Bookstore in Shanghai. In March 1928, they published the comprehensive "New Moon" monthly magazine.They originally attached to the Beiyang government, and later turned to Chiang Kai-shek's regime.

(3) "Axiom" and "justice" are words often used by modern commentators such as Chen Xiying when they support Zhang Shizhao and Yang Yinyu's oppression of female normal college students.At the end of November 1925, when the women's normal college students won the struggle and returned to school to resume classes, Chen Xiying, Wang Shijie and others organized the so-called "education justice maintenance association" to oppose the resumption of the women's normal university and support Zhang Shizhao's establishment of a women's university . The author once said in the article "The New Rose": "There is only one axiom. However, I heard that it was taken away by them, so I have nothing." (See)

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