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Chapter 9 Answer Mr. Youheng

Jiji 鲁迅 4603Words 2018-03-18
Mr. Youheng (2): I saw many of your words in Beixin (3) today.I thank you for your hope and kindness towards me, which I can see.Now I would like to answer a few words briefly, and to those of you who share your opinion. I'm so free that I don't even have time to write.But it has been a long time since I stopped talking, and it was decided last summer. My scheduled silent period is two years. I don't think time is very important, and sometimes I tend to treat it like a child's play. But the reason for the silence now is not the reason for the previous decision, because when I left Xiamen, my thoughts had changed.This path of change is too troublesome to talk about, so let’s ignore it for the time being. I hope that I may publish it in the future.As far as the immediate time is concerned, one of the biggest reasons is: I am terrified.And this kind of horror, I don't think I have ever experienced it.

I haven't analyzed this "horror" carefully yet.Let’s just talk about one or two things that I have already diagnosed and understood, then: One, one of my delusions was shattered.Until now, I have always had a kind of optimism, thinking that it is probably the elderly who oppress and kill young people.As these old people die gradually, China will always be relatively alive.Now I know otherwise, it seems that youths are the ones who kill young people, and they have no pity for other people's lives and youths that cannot be reproduced.If it is for animals, it is also considered "violent waste" (4).What I am especially afraid of seeing is the triumphant strokes of the victors: "Hitting to death with an axe", ... "Stabbing to death with random guns" ....I'm not actually a radical reformist, I'm not against the death penalty.But for Ling Chi and Genocide, I have expressed great abhorrence and grief, which I think should not be seen among the people of the twentieth century.The ax stabbing with the gun is naturally not called Ling Chi, but can't we hit him in the back of the head with a bullet?The result is the same, the death of the other party.But the fact is the fact that the game of blood has already begun, and the character is a young man with a smug look.I can no longer see the end of the drama now.

Two, I discovered that I am a...what is it then?I can't decide on a name for a while.I once said: China has always lined up a cannibal feast, with some to eat and some to be eaten.Those who are eaten also eat people, and those who are eating will be eaten. (5.) But I have now found out, and I myself helped to arrange the feast.Sir, you have read my works, and I would like to ask you a question: After reading, does it make you numb or clear; make you sleepy or lively?If what I feel is the latter, then my own judgment has proved most of it.There is a kind of "drunken shrimp" (6) in Chinese banquets. The fresher the shrimp, the happier and happier the person who eats it.I am the helper of this drunken shrimp, clearing up the honest and unfortunate young man's brain and sharpening his feelings, so that he will experience double pain in case of disaster, and at the same time, let those who hate him enjoy this more cleverness. pain, and extra enjoyment.I have an idea that no matter whether you are against the Red Army or the Revolutionary Army, if you capture intelligent people from the enemy party, such as students, you will be punished in particular, even more than workers or other ignorant people.Why, because he can see the more acute and subtle expression of pain, and get a special pleasure.If my hypothesis is correct, then, my own judgement, it is fully confirmed.

So, I finally feel that I have nothing to say. It would be easy to joke with Professor Chen Yuan and his like, I wrote a little yesterday (7).However boring, I don't think they're a problem.In fact, at most, they can only eat half a prawn or sip a few mouthfuls of vinegar from drunk prawns.Besides, I heard that they have said goodbye to the most admired "Mr. Gu Tong", and came to revolution under the banner of the blue sky and white sun. I think that as long as the blue sky and white sun flag is planted far away, I am afraid that "Mr. Gu Tong" will also come to revolution.It's no longer a problem, it's all revolutionized, and it's mighty.

The problem lies in my own backwardness.One more little thing.That is, my previous penalty for using "knife and pen" seems to have come down now.Those who plant peonies will get flowers, and those who plant thistles will get thorns. This is as it should be, and I have no resentment.But the injustice is that this punishment seems to be too heavy, and the sad thing is that it has caused several colleagues and students to suffer. What sin do they have, because they often associate with me, they don't say that I am bad.Anyone who does so will now be called the "Lu Xun Party" or the "Yusi School". This is a great success of the "Research Department" (8) and the "Modern School".Therefore, in the past year, Lu Xun has made it a principle to be "cast among the four descendants" (9).Don’t tell me, I don’t know, when I was in Xiamen, I was later moved to a large western-style building with no neighbors. The only things I stayed with me were books, and late at night I heard wild beasts screaming “uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu”.But I am not afraid of being calm, and there are students coming to talk.However, the second blow came: two of the three chairs had to be moved, saying that Mr. Some's young master had arrived and was going to be used.At this time, I was really angry, so I asked him: If his young master Sun also arrives, do I have to sit on the floor?no!Did not move, but came the third blow, a professor smiled and said: once again lost his temper (10).In Xiamen's Tiantiao, it seems that celebrities can have more than one chair. "Again", so I describe that I often lose the temper of celebrities, "Spring and Autumn" style of writing (11), sir, you probably understand it.There was the fourth blow, which was when I was about to leave. Some people said that the reason why I left was firstly because I had no wine to drink, and secondly because I felt uncomfortable seeing other people's family members coming.

(12) This is still based on the "celebrity temper" that time. It's just a random thought.But, at this point, you can forgive me for being too scared to speak.I know you don't want me to be a drunk shrimp.If I continue to fight, I may become "physically and mentally ill".However, "being physically and mentally ill" will be ridiculed again.Of course, none of this matters.But why bother me, being a drunk shrimp? But the luckiest thing for me this time is that I didn't end up being called a Communist Party.There was once a young man who wanted to use the fact that Duxiu (13) was running "New Youth" and I wrote articles there to prove that I was a Communist.But it was overthrown by another young man, who knew that even Duxiu had not talked about communism at that time.Take a step back, let's talk about the "pro-communist faction", but they didn't succeed in the end.If I left Guangzhou as soon as I got out of Sun Yat-sen University, I thought I would be excluded; but I didn't leave, so after a fuss about "escaping" and "going to Hankou" in the newspaper, nothing happened.After all, there is still light in the world. No one said that I have the "separation method".Now, I don’t seem to have any titles anymore, but according to the “Modern School”, I am the “leader of the Yusi School”.This probably has nothing to do with life directly, or it doesn't matter much, as long as they don't have a second blow.If the "protagonist" Tang Youren said something like "Musko's order" (14), it would be a bit bad.

With a swipe of the pen, the conversation is far away, and I hurried back to the issue of "outdated".I think, sir, you probably saw that I once sighed that China did not dare to "cry the traitor's hanger" (15), how is it now?You can also see, in the past six months, have I ever said a word?Although I have publicly expressed my opinion in the lecture hall, although my articles were not published anywhere at that time, although I have long since stopped speaking, these are not enough to be my defense.All in all, if there are any more plausible "save the children" comments now, even I myself will feel empty.

Also, my previous attack on society was actually boring.The society did not know that I was attacking. If I had known, I would have died without a place to bury.How about trying to attack a part of society like Chen Yuan?What's more, forty million?I was able to steal a living because most of them are illiterate and do not know, and my words have no effect, like an arrow thrown into the sea.Otherwise, a few miscellaneous feelings can kill your life.The people's desire to punish evil is no less than that of scholars and warlords.Recently I realized that any idea with a little bit of reform can remain as "nonsense" if it has no social impact. If it works, the proponent will probably suffer or die.

Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, its Kui is one.Even with the current situation, doesn't Mr. Wu Zhihui (16) also have a kind of doctrine?And he not only won't be outraged by the whole world, but he can shout "Down with... Strict punishment", that is, because the Red Party will implement communism after 20 years, but his doctrine will take hundreds of years or so. From this point of view, it is close to nonsense.Is it true that people have the leisure and novelty to care about the world of the gray grandson era more than ten generations later? A lot has been said, and I want to stop.I was impressed by my husband's lack of sneer and malice attitude, so I replied honestly, and naturally, half of them also took advantage of this to complain.But I want to declare that I do not contain modesty in the above remarks. I know myself, and I am no more merciful than dissecting others when dissecting myself.Several so-called critics full of malice tried their best to search, but they couldn't find my real symptoms.So I will say a little this time, of course it is only a part, and many things are still hidden.

I feel that I may not have anything to say from now on. Once the terror is gone, I don't know what will come. I'm afraid it may not be a good thing.But I am also helping myself, the old way: one is paralysis, the other is forgetting.While struggling, I still wanted to see something from the "faint bloodstains" (17) that faded later, and transcribe it on a piece of paper. Lu Xun.Nine, four. ---------------------------------- (1) This article was originally published on October 1, 1927 in the joint issue of the 49th and 50th issues of the Shanghai "Bei Xin" Weekly.

(2) There is constant and there is constant, from Xuzhou, Jiangsu.On August 16, 1927, he published an article titled "This Season" in the joint issue of the forty-third and forty-fourth issues of "Beixin" Weekly, in which he wrote about the author: "I haven't seen Lu Xun for a long time. Mr. Lu Xun’s writings attacking blind thoughts and behaviors”, “At the moment when the national revolution is boiling, we read all the creations of Mr. Lu Xun, which should give us a new understanding of the road”, “ We earnestly hope that Mr. Lu Xun will come out.... because it is important to save the children." Lu Xun replied because he wrote this article. (3) "Beixin" comprehensive magazine, issued by Shanghai Beixin Bookstore, was first published in July 1926.Initially a weekly magazine, it was changed to a bimonthly from the first issue of the second volume in November 1927, and ceased publication until the twenty-fourth issue of the fourth volume in December 1930. (4) See "Shangshu · Wucheng" for the phrase "violently destroying things in nature": "Today, the king of Shang (Zhou) has no way, and he is violently destroying things in nature and destroying the people." "All things in the world, birds, beasts, plants and trees" in it. (5) For the discussion on the feast of cannibalism, please refer to the second section of "Grave Essays under the Lamp". (6) "Drunk Shrimp" is a dish in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places where live shrimp is mixed with vinegar, wine, soy sauce, etc. and eaten raw. (7) That is the last article of this article, "Ci "Dayi"". (8) The "Research Department" once published the article "Different Portals of Beijing Literary and Art Circles" in the supplement "Xue Deng" of "Current Affairs News" sponsored by them, saying that "the one who contends with the 'Modern School' is the 'Yusi School' '", and said that the "Yusi School" was "mainly" by Lu Xun. The "Modern School", that is, the Modern Critic School, once called Lu Xun the "leader of the Yusi School".See the book "Leader" of leather. (9) "Four descendants" were exiled to remote places in the four directions.See "Zuo Zhuan" in the eighteenth year of Wen Gong: "Shun's minister Yao, who was in the four gates; flowed with the four fierce clans: Hundun, Qiongqi, Zhuwu, and Taotie, and voted for the four descendants to control the evil spirits." (10) Refers to Gu Jiegang.The author wrote in a letter to Xu Guangping on September 30, 1926: "The professor invited here, besides Jianshi and me, is also Zhu Shangen (referring to Gu Jiegang). This person is Chen Yuan and his like, I have known it for a long time....He has begun to reject me, saying that I am a 'famous scholar' Pai', it's ridiculous." (See "Books from Two Places Forty-Eight") (11) "Spring and Autumn" style of writing "Spring and Autumn" is a history book of Lu State in the Spring and Autumn Period, and it is said that it was compiled by Confucius.Confucian scholars in the past believed that every word used in it contained "praise" and "derogation", and they called it "Spring and Autumn Brushwork". (12) This refers to the rumors spread by Chen Wanli (Tian Qianqing), Huang Jian (Ginkgo) and others.See note (7) on page 402 of this volume. (13) Duxiu Chen Duxiu (1880-1942), courtesy name Zhongfu, was born in Huaining, Anhui Province, a professor at Peking University, the founder of "New Youth" magazine, and the main figure who advocated the New Culture Movement during the "May 4th" period.After the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921, he served as the party's general secretary.In the late period of the First Civil Revolutionary War, the right-leaning capitulationist line was pursued, which resulted in the failure of the revolution.Later, he became a liquidationist, colluded with the Trotskyites, and formed a small anti-party organization. In November 1929, he was expelled from the party. (14) Tang Youren (1893-1935) was born in Liuyang, Hunan.At that time, he was a frequent contributor to "Modern Review"; later, he was attached to Wang Jingwei and served as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kuomintang government. He was a famous pro-Japanese faction.On May 12, 1926, the Shanghai tabloid "Jing Bao" carried "Modern Reviews Bought?" A news article in "Yusi" once quoted a text in "Yusi" that exposed "Modern Review" as accepting Duan Qirui's subsidy; then Tang Youren wrote to "Jing Bao" on the 18th of the same month to forcefully defend, and spread rumors saying: "" The news that the Modern Review was bought originated in Moscow, Russia. In the spring of last year, a friend of mine wrote to me from Moscow, saying that the Chinese here widely rumored that the Modern Review was run by Duan Qirui and handled by Zhang Shizhao The monthly allowance is 3,000 yuan. When we heard it, we thought it was just a habit of the Communist Party to spread rumors, which is not surprising.” When "Jing Bao" published this letter, the headline was "The protagonist of modern commentary, Tang Youren, addressed this newspaper." (15) "The hanger who caresses the weeping traitor" refers to the third section "The First and the Last" of "Hua Gai Ji · This and That".The "traitor" mentioned here refers to the rebels of the old system. (16) Wu Zhihui.He once called himself an anarchist, and in a letter to Shao Piaoping in February 1926, he said something like this: "Redization is the so-called communism, and this is really three hundred years later; Those who are more advanced than him are called anarchy, and he will be three thousand years later." In early April 1927, he accepted Chiang Kai-shek's will and submitted a so-called "impeachment" report to the Central Supervisory Committee of the Kuomintang, clamoring for "down". Strictly deal with "communists and revolutionary masses. (17) "In the Faint Bloodstains" After the Beiyang warlord Duan Qirui's government shot and killed petitioning patriotic students and citizens on March 18, 1926, the author once wrote a prose poem "In the Faint Bloodstains" (income), with Mourn the dead and call on the living to keep fighting.This refers to the bloodshed of the revolutionary masses who were slaughtered by the Kuomintang reactionaries at that time.
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