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Chapter 26 Beigouyan Communication

Mr. So-and-so: You wrote to me a month ago, saying that the Rose Club was going to publish a special issue for the anniversary and asked me to write an article. Since I still had a month to spare, I thought I could write it in my free time, so I agreed.However, now that the day of receiving the manuscript has come, I still haven't written a single word, so I have to write you a letter quickly, and I must ask for your forgiveness for not writing the report. I have no time to write an essay, whether it is an appointment preface or a manuscript, half of it is of course busy, and half of it is because of laziness. Although this can really be said to be mental fatigue, it is a pathology in a perverted political society. Personal depression.Another level is that I really feel that I have nothing to say about women's issues.I am not so much interested in women's issues, or rather concerned, because my wife and daughters are all women, and because I am a man, I am naturally drawn to matters of the opposite sex, although I am not such a close relationship.I don't really agree with the women's political suffrage movement. I think it can only be called for in some constitutional countries. Even if it is achieved, it doesn't mean much.After much deliberation, there are actually only two things about women's issues, namely, economic liberation and sexual liberation.However, at this moment, there is no way to talk about it. Not only is there no way to do it, it is simply nothing to talk about. If I talk about it, I will inevitably be offended. What's more, I don't know anything about economic affairs, so I can't open my mouth. The reason for the composition of the special issue of "Rose".

I have read two books recently and found them both interesting and thought-provoking.Although their thinking is very negative, it does not make me pessimistic, because I am not an optimist, and my opinion is similar.One of them is "Psychology of the Masses" by Lv Peng (G.le-Bon) in France. There is a translation in China. Although I have never seen it, the first time I read it was the Japanese version. It was sixteen or eighteen years ago. What I am reading now is the English translation.No matter how people call him a counter-revolutionary, what he said is true. He took off the mask and clothes of the idol of the masses, and showed the truth to others. This is really very grateful, although it is not often heard Thanks for the work.The masses are still the most up-to-date idols, and everything they do is in response to the demands of the masses, which is equivalent to the ancient order of heaven. Even those who sincerely do social transformation all have a pure belief in the masses, as if they were based on the masses. For the empowerment of reason and justice, the cause is the crusade that must be blessed by God.What a fallacy!I don't believe in the masses. The masses are just the average of the tyrant and the obedient people. However, I have to deny all the doctrines and movements based on the masses.It seems that the resolution of women's issues cannot but be included in other major issues, and this cannot be separated from the scope of mass movements, so I am really at a loss. Women's economic liberation is imperative, but what is the solution?The prescription is prescribed, how is the medicine formulated?This is like a layman wandering in peace and nurturing the pure land, deeply aware of the bliss of this state, but he does not believe in Amitabha, and refuses to chant the Buddha's name in order to be reborn, and finally becomes a Utopian dreamer!However, there is really no other way.

Another book is "Women's Treatise" written by B.A. Bauer, a doctor of gynecology in Vienna. It was translated by two doctors in England. As an adult student of sociology, I don't know what kind of qualifications I can have, but the bookstore recognized me as a sexologist, and sold me a copy, so I was able to read it.There is no deep connection between Austria and women. Scholars of letters always have something special to say about women. This Dr. Bao is no exception. Warninger, author of "Character", which does not have much good intentions for women and the women's movement.But when I read it, I didn't feel disapproving of it, and I did quite agree, although I thought I had a little reason for women, and I was not a misogynist (Misogylliste) at all.Of course I don’t like the saying that women are demons like the ancient Christians, but I especially don’t like some women worshipers who insist on praising women as the Virgin. This is really as abhorrent as the old hooligan’s demand for virgins: what I agree with is the mixed theory, Warninger's claim that there are two types of women, mothers and prostitutes, is somewhat similar in comparison.What should be explained here is that the so-called whore-type women are slightly wrong in the name, because it only refers to those people. Her sexual requirements are not for the continuation of the race, but for personal pleasure. Relationships are all different.Boyer believes that women's lives are always in the scope of sex, and I think this can be admitted, regardless of whether he has lost the dignity of women.The big mistake in modern times is that men are the standard for everything, even the women's movement cannot escape this circle, so some women regard masculinity as a phenomenon of liberation, and even things about sex are based on men's views, praising women's passivity , and the fact that some women's sexual psychology is considered demeaning, even the women themselves refuse to admit it.In fact, the damage of women's sexual life under the male standard is no less than the economic constraints. If Boyer's words are true, then isn't it more important for women to liberate their sex?Although Bowyer's argument may seem anti-feminine, I think it is mostly true. It made me understand a little bit more about women's issues and believe that sexual liberation is necessary in the civilized world, although it is more important than economic liberation. It is more difficult and unknown: the higher the social culture, the more lenient the sexual morality, and the healthier the sexual life, but human beings' opinions on this aspect are the most stubborn and difficult to change, and this ideal is inevitably close to a daydream.

Anti-female arguments have probably been around since "the sky rains, millets and ghosts cry at night", and the emergence of women-hating families probably occurred not far after Pangu created the world.People in the world like to make all kinds of criticisms and slanders about women, some are very boring, and some are well written. When I was a child, I saw an article "Black Heart Talisman" in the Tang Dynasty series, and thought it was very good, although it has not been written again in thirty years. After reading it, I almost forgot the meaning of the text.I can also understand those who speak ill of my daughter, knowing that they have various reasons and experiences, and they are not moaning without illness, but I also have an excuse for them: Don't blame them, this is a past life grievance!I am not a person who adheres to the "view of life in Anshiquanshu", but I believe in a saying that "the future lies in the children and grandchildren". When "New Women" was published, I came to solicit articles. The result of man's retribution", explaining this meaning, but finally did not do it.Men have enslaved women for thousands of years and caused her to suffer all kinds of harsh treatment in the family society. At first, they may feel quite happy, but later they gradually feel the sadness of victory, and how many habits they have developed through unequal treatment are revealed. Those who bear the brunt are not others, but future generations. It is really the so-called big net that is wide and sparse, no wonder others, but oneself.If we talk about the remedy, it is only not to replant the cause, and after a hundred years of washing, there will naturally be a turning point, and it is useless to complain blindly like ordinary people.But there is one last thing that cannot be counted in this account. This is the madness of women pointed out by religion or moralists.We just casually quote a verse from the Buddhist scriptures, which is a good example. For the original text, see Volume 8 of "Contemplating the Buddha's Samadhi Sea Sutra":

If there are all men who are fifteen or sixteen years old Strong and powerful, full of river sand Hold on to supply women's dissatisfaction for a moment This is to regard women as demons, and it is also reminiscent of Vanninger's whore. We must know that a little devilishness in life makes life meaningful, just as important as a little divinity.The debauched attacks on women and the demands of sanctity turn out to be the manifestations of the perverted psychology of the old ruffian, which is very undesirable indeed.Warninger hypothesizes ideal male and female (FM) in theory, but knows that in fact they are mixed and there is no pure single, so the two types of mothers, women and prostitutes are also mixed and cannot be separated, although Due to the difference in weight, it can have various forms.Because prostitution is a kind of cheap business in the quasi-capitalist principle of prostitution today, so the literal meaning seems to be insulting. Yes, if there is one side, not only is the tone very ordinary, but it is also a very legitimate fact.In the past, people insisted on seeing women as two sides, or worshiping, or cursing, but now they realize that there is only one, and this is good. The difference between modern knowledge and morality is only this point, and this point is extremely important. What’s more, most people in China (including warlords, bureaucrats, scholars, gentlemen, veterans, Taoists, revolutionaries, young businessmen, laborers, peasants, etc.) probably still think that it is unholy and lawless, so it may not be acceptable.The ancient Greeks once said that a man should marry a wife to pass on his descendants, take a concubine to get service, and a friend whore (Hetaira means girlfriend in the original language) for pleasure.This is a blunt statement from the patriarchal era, which is not in line with the new modern moral standards, but it is the most honest expression of men's requirements for women.The Italian economist Robert Michels wrote "The Ethics of Sex" (English translation in Modern Science Series) citing a local proverb in Venice, saying that a woman should have four types, namely:

Peaceful in the streets, (Matronainstrada,) Temple Festival, (Modestainchiesa,) Diligence at home, (Massaiaincasa,) □□ Madness, (e Mattonainletto.) It can be seen that the eternal woman of a man is just the unity of the Virgin Mary and the prostitute (this translation of the Buddhist scriptures seems to be better than the prostitute used above), as according to Warninger, women are originally like this, so the ideal and Isn't it good that the facts are not contrary to each other?With my ignorance, I don’t know anyone in China who has said it, (Dr. Zhang Jingsheng from Shanghai has to be excluded, because he lacks sobriety and soundness in what he said), but most of the opinions of foreign scholars not only recognize but also praise women’s madness. The tendency to be sloppy, although it is only corrected and not too straight.The ancient Madonna worshiped too much. As a result, the family lost its warmth, and the narrow and evil alleys became prosperous; the housewives tried to protect their dignity in the name of rituals, or because the divorce was not easy, they gradually became surly and ruthless. There is no difference in the joy of resurrected people, who rely on marriage as their livelihood and regard sex as a key to knocking on the door. However, some women who pay attention to sex skills use it as a tool for profit. It is not a matter of fact.I like to talk about the doctrine of the mean the most, and I think it is appropriate there. If a woman can develop equally according to her nature, it is not only in line with nature, but also in line with human feelings, and some troublesome problems between the sexes can also be saved.But this is nothing more than fantasy now. I only hope that the few young people who pay attention to women's issues, especially women, will do more academic research on women. There is really nothing wrong with foreign documents and Chinese translations, not to mention that it is easy to ban them as "indecent"?

I read Bowyer's book, and I happened to think of this empty talk. As for the article I promised you, I still can't write it. These can't be used as materials, so I can only say sorry, and I will not make this statement.It's not the same. November 6, signed (Written in November 1927, selected from "Talking about Tiger Collection")
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