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Chapter 21 Shamanism's Etiquette Thought

In order to maintain morality, the Sichuan Superintendent shot a student who committed adultery to Zhaojiong as a warning. The Governor of Hunan did not go back to his mansion for more than half a month because he begged for rain, that is, "he did not sleep with his wife", as a certain gentleman in "Beijing Vice" said. Dr. J. G. Frazer said in his book "Psyche's TasU" (Psyche's TasU, Chapter Three, "Superstition and Sexual Relations"): "They (savages) imagine that it is only necessary to hold or prohibit Abstaining from certain sexual acts, they can directly promote the reproduction of birds and beasts and the growth of vegetation. These acts and prohibitions are obviously superstitious, and they cannot obtain the desired effect at all. This is not religious, but magical; It is said that they do not need to ask the gods to achieve their goals, but rely on a wrong idea of ​​physical induction to directly manipulate the power of nature." This is Zhao Hengti's psychology of praying for rain, although according to the theory of induction magic Come, or it should be the other way around."

The same book also said: "In the hearts of many barbarians, the sexual faults of married or unmarried people are not only moral sins, but only related to a few people who are directly related. They think that it will involve the whole nation. , encounter danger and disaster, because it will directly produce a culinary influence, or indirectly arouse the wrath of the gods who hate these actions. Not only that, they often think that these actions will damage all grains and fruits, and cut off food. supply, endangering the existence of the whole flock. Wherever this superstition prevails, the opinion of society and the laws punishing crimes are peculiarly harsher than in other civilized peoples, which regard these faults as private rather than public, as Moral crimes rather than legal crimes may have an impact on the life-long happiness of an individual, but will not affect the temporary security of the society as a whole. where we may infer that the motive of this method is superstition; in other words, whenever a tribe or nation refuses to let the victim himself punish these faults, but makes society punish them with special severity, it is probably based on the belief in sexuality. His crime is enough to disturb the sky and endanger the whole group, so the whole group has to resist for self-defense, and must eliminate the criminal if necessary." This is Yang Sen's mentality of maintaining morality.Of course, the pleasure of catching good things is also related to jealousy, but only a very small part, because legal prostitution and rape are originally allowed in society, so ordinary people who maintain publicity are mostly afraid of this mysterious "greatness"- -It seems to be able to translate "Taibu" in Duodaohai.

China is said to be based on ethics and is a Confucian country that worships the most holy teachers. However, in fact, the thoughts of the people are all Shamanism (Shamanistic is more accurate than Taoism).China is by no means a country without religion, although there are far more elements of magic than religion in the minds of the people.I think the term fenghua, which is popular among those who teach ethics, is very mysterious and contains a great supernatural meaning. It is obviously a term of Shamanism.The thinking of the governor of Sichuan and Hunan, who is the most ethical, is completely barbaric. As mentioned above, what about the "monarch-teacher doctrine" in the capital?Needless to say, they are all raccoons.They never think about the negotiation between the sexes, and they think that in this negotiation, the survival of the universe, the prosperity of the sun and the moon, the safety of the family and the country, and the life and death of the people are all related.As long as the female students fast—for one month, let's just say, weathering will be over and China will be safe, otherwise the land will sink within seventy-seven forty-nine.Isn't this barbaric shamanistic thinking?I believe that to understand China, one must study Confucianism, and to understand Confucianism, it is even more necessary to learn from Shamanism.

September 2, fourteen years (Written in September 1925, selected from "Talking about Tiger Collection")
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