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Chapter 18 Sexual Morality Books with Friends

Brother Yucun: ① I haven't corresponded for a long time, it's because I'm too familiar with each other, besides, we are both good people, there are always a few articles published in newspapers in a month, and reading them is worth chatting, so I feel that there is nothing to write in the eight-line script. necessary.But there are also a few words about "Women's Magazine", which I wanted to tell you a long time ago. This is probably because I was lazy and procrastinated so far so I didn't write it down. I thought of it again today, so I wrote this letter and sent it to you.

-------- ① Shi Commercial Press ran Women's Magazine, editor-in-chief Zhang Xichen (1889-1969) named Xuecun, a native of Shaoxing, Zhejiang, who was very familiar with Zhou Zuoren and Lu Xun.Zhou Zuoren deliberately changed the name of "Women's Magazine" to "Women's Magazine" here, and "Yu Village" was hinted at from "Snow Village". Xuantong also loves to use it. If I want to praise you and say that your "Lady's Magazine" is running well, even if it is true, there will always be suspicion of applause from the backstage. That is what I am unwilling to say, but now it is another opinion that is a little bit close to dissatisfaction , it seems worth mentioning.I seem to be able to understand and agree with your idea of ​​the supremacy of love, but I feel that your "Lady's Magazine" is not doing well -- because this kind of magazine doesn't publish things like that. I know that "Women's Magazine" is of a business nature, business and thought—and it is also a love affair, how far apart!If we want to talk about ideas, it is okay for three or five people to publish at their own expense, but in a commercial publication, let alone The Lady's Journal... that is not possible for a long time.We need to know that business and truth, duties and opinions are absolutely indistinguishable, but you are too honest to "borrow others' wine glass to pour your own piles". Although you are worthy of being a loyal researcher on women's issues, you are not a good one editor.So I would like to advise you now, please leave those "radical" and "immoral" gender ethics propositions ready to be published in your own publications. The love that Ladiesandgent1emen don't like: I think it's better to post some methods such as egg cake pudding almond tea and embroidery tailor combing hair and bosom shortcuts -- or investigate a little foot binding method for later posting when needed . The Annotation to Women's Commandments in "Baihua Series" can still be transcribed at this moment. When the trend of reading scriptures goes from north to south in the future, it should naturally be published in "Nvvjing".The arrival of this era must not be too late. Now is the time to prepare for a rainy day, and it is not to be missed.Although I dare not predict whether young men and women will like to read this kind of magazine, but it must be very popular with those authoritative gentlemen. If you buy a few more copies and save them for your granddaughters to read, the sales will not be too bad.Even if you don't talk about sales, there is always no fault in following the sages and the public, even if you can't say that you have contributed to the morals of the world and get praise.In short, I hope you draw a clear line, sell your strength to others, and keep your mind for yourself. This is a clever plan in the kit for rewarding the world. If you can apply it, it will eliminate disasters and bring good fortune, and its effect is like the "Poromito Heart Mantra".

However, I can't agree with you that you develop your ideas too enthusiastically, even in your own publications.I really regret that I am a person who lacks "enthusiasm", and my remarks are more or less game-like.I also like to have a little radical thinking, and go to the moralists to find problems, but like Rabelais in France, it is only "until it is about to be roasted", and I may not have the determination to be martyred.It's like a child playing football, thinking it's quite enjoyable, but he didn't expect to kick something out, and he stopped kicking when he got tired, and he didn't plan to kick until his legs were broken--wouldn't it be good after kicking? Is it just a ball?When we express some opinions on gender ethics, we only want to say it ourselves. Do we just hope that it will have some effect in the nearest or the farthest future?How much influence the words of Jesus, Confucius, Sakyamuni, and Socrates had on the world, I can’t say for sure, the result may be that I feel satisfied when I say this, and later generations feel satisfied when they read it—or not, that’s all. .I don't absolutely disbelieve in the theory of progress, but I don't believe in rapid and complete progress: I think no matter how the world changes, fights, killings, fornications, and divorces will never disappear.After all, our lofty ideal is just a movie for entertainment in our hearts alone. I am willing to contribute to this ideal, but I don't want to work hard yet.I don't want to sing about sacrifice like a man of lofty ideals, and advise you to fight to the end, but to be honest, I am ashamed that I am not a man of lofty ideals, and I can't persuade others with what I can't. they baked.It's best to be careful when you see Bailuzi, and don't approach it for the time being. Of course, you can't just change to Bailuzi's party. --When the smoke from Bailuzi is slightly weaker, you can continue to do your own work. Don't take it all at once. They were "roasted" like Kingfisher cigarettes.I also know that if someone is willing to squeeze out his scalp and drill straight into the mouth of the white stove, he may be overturned; however, I repeated him that I still can't squeeze it out, so I am ashamed to sit in the top chair and yell. , this layer asks for your forgiveness.

I wrote this last Saturday night. Our youngest daughter suddenly fell ill suddenly, and she was busy for three whole days. Although the doctor declared that the danger is over, she still needs to be carefully cared for. So I haven’t had time to write yet, but The letter had to be mailed, and it was impossible not to end with a sentence.In short, I advise you to avoid posting the theory of sexual morality, which is still early in China. The reason is that as mentioned above, it is not a problem for young people to misunderstand or take advantage of it. A part of what was said in 1921 (Record 117 of "New Youth") is copied below:

youth misunderstanding "Teachers are like helping an intoxicated person, helping them up and down again." The misunderstanding of modern youths is similar to that of an intoxicated person... You say that marriage should be free, and he specializes in writing love letters to find friends of the opposite sex as an important daily homework...; you Said that he wanted to get rid of family oppression, so he abandoned his old and helpless mother.When you say you want to promote socialist communism, he brazenly thinks that our friends should support him.If you say that young people should have the spirit of self-respect, they will be arrogant and self-important, and they will not be hurt...

You see, what can be done about it, other than ignore it?Otherwise, if you only talk about making chicken cakes, I am afraid they will also misunderstand, eating chicken cakes will cause stomach problems!I can't write more in a hurry, and we can talk about it another day. On April 17, fourteen years, signed. (Written in April 1925, from "The Book of Rainy Days")
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