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Chapter 12 futility of teaching

Ellis said in the article "The Art of Morality", "Although the morality of a society at a certain time and place is by no means the same as that of another society—or even the same society at a different time and place, there are intricate differences between them. It is obviously useless to try to do it deliberately. If a person is said to have written a "moral" book, he need not be unreasonably happy, or be told that his book It is 'immoral' and need not be unreasonably decadent. Both adjectives have very limited meanings. Neither A nor B books can be leave behind any significant impact."

Spencer also wrote to people about the futility of moral lessons.He said, "After nearly two thousand years of preaching the religion of love, the religion of hatred still holds sway; Europe is inhabited by twenty millions heretics, pretending to be Christians, and if anyone desires them to act according to their creed, Instead, you will be insulted by them.” It's all true.Greece had Socrates, India had Sakyamuni, and China had Kong Lao. They were all revered as saints, but they can be said to have "never existed" among the people of the country today.I think this is a matter of course, and there is no need to lament needlessly.If these great men had never existed, we would be even more lonely now, but now that words and deeds are passed on, enough for people with artistic tastes to appreciate, that's good enough.As for expecting the realization of their lessons, it is like groping for a good dream on the pillow, which is close to idiot, no wonder you will be scolded.

For the "immoral" literati in the world, we respect him like a saint.His "lessons" are not heard by the masses, although some people throw stones at him, or have his books in their sleeves, but we might as well listen to him tell his own story. February thirteen (written in February 1924, from "The Book of Rainy Days")
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