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Chapter 26 Yuji Temple

Chinese sages like to talk about Yao and Shun, but what they say is more mysterious, not as good as Dayu, which has more specific facts. "Mencius" once described Yu's method of water control, and said: "The Master said, Yu and I have nothing to worry about. If you eat and drink, you will be filial to ghosts and gods. If you wear bad clothes, you will be beautiful like a crown. If you humble your palace, you will do your best." These simple sentences can describe a great politician. A great figure who is Confucian and close to ink.That makes sense: "In the past, Yu Yu flooded the rivers of the world by manipulating the Qin scorpion himself. He had no heels, no hair in his mouth, he was bathed in heavy rain, and the wind was blowing, and he set up all nations. The great sage Yu also labored the world like this. So that the ink of later generations Most of them wear fur and brown as their clothes, and clogs as their clothes, and they don't look good day and night, thinking of themselves as extremes, saying, "It can't be like this, it's not the way of Yu, and it's not enough to be ink." Confucianism and passivity are followed by Yang, that is, Taoists. If you are active, you will become a Legalist, and you are actually a follower of Mohism, but you are less religious, so you don't see any Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. "Corpse" says:

"In ancient times, the Dragon Gate had not been opened, and Lu Liang had not been dug, so Yu dredged the river and cut the river. He did not visit his house for ten years, and suffered from the disease of partial dryness. He did not cross each other. People called Yubu." Jiao Litang wrote "Yi Yuyong Lu." "Volume 11 says: "Yu's disease is dry, and his feet do not pass each other, but the shaman imitated it as Yu's step. Kong Yu had a sister's funeral, and he was on the right, and the second and third were also on the right. People take it as a cushion. Those who are not good at explaining it are like this." Speaking of this, Dayu had a relationship with the alchemist.Originally, the alchemist did not come from Taoism, but the thought of longevity was only for himself, and he was not in the same line as Yang Zi. However, it seems a bit ridiculous to learn the footwork here, but it is not always true. Gai Yu's Buddha and Bodhisattva deeds are obvious. There is some religious atmosphere, and alchemists love supernatural powers, so it is not surprising that they are strong and righteous.An Tu Weizhen's "Hong Bao" Volume 33 "Gou Xuan" contains Yu's gait, which is suspected to have a different origin. Hanzhai has no other Taoist books. I even checked Ge Zhichuan's "Baopuzi" and found it in Volume 16. It was obtained in the chapter "Dengshe".Its text says:

"Yu's gait, standing upright, right foot in front, left foot behind, second step forward with right foot, left foot from right foot, is one step. First step forward with right foot, second step with left foot, right foot from left foot Well, it is two steps. The next step is the right foot, the left foot and the right foot, which is three steps. In this way, the way of Yu steps is completed." This is to go to the mountains and forests, fold grass and recite mantras, so that people and ghosts cannot see. After Yu finished his steps, he declared again: "Everyone who masters all kinds of arts in the world should know Yubu, not just this one." From this, we can know the power of Yubu.When I was young, I saw the monks in the village doing the rituals of refining goodness. He held a golden crown, held a tooth flute, and wore thick-soled soap boots. He walked on the altar. It is a great joy to first realize that it is Yu's step, and then to know his gait, rather than the reason for such a gait.Try it yourself, and you are quite sure, but this is not enough to be happy, because you have no ambition to seek immortality, even if you are proficient in learning, it is useless.

"Zi Zi" Yun Yu was born with the disease of partial dryness, and the case of partial dryness was considered to be hemiplegia, or impotence, but it seems that it is not the case according to the law, and it is probably a foot disease.Farmers in my town often have foot problems because they often work in the paddy fields. The most common one is called Liuhuo, which causes swollen and painful calf, sometimes bleeding and pus to heal. It seems that there is no festering, although it may be relieved for a while, it will not be completely cured in the end. People suffering from this kind of disease walk in an awkward manner, which is quite like Yu's step, or Yu's Sheng Hairless is also like this.Kuaiji and Yuben are very related places.Kuaiji Mountain is named after Yu, and today there is a mausoleum of Yu Dayu. The tomb guards still have the surname of Si, and they live together as a group, so the village is named Miaoxia.Yu's descendants still exist in Yuezhong, so there is no doubt about the existence of his footwork.Anyone who goes to climb the peak of Kuaiji Mountain, that is, Xianglu Peak, and worships the god of Kuaiji Mountain, that is, Nanzhen, all in the spring will visit the Yu Temple in detail at the foot of the temple. Drinking here, good wine, good light dishes, roasted tubu fish is better, although the price is naturally quite expensive.It is Si's right and obligation to serve guests with wine and meals, and no one else can get involved.But how can we say that it is expensive, not to mention the spring season, when the food should not be cheap, just ask who is the food maker?Dayu's descendants are of course only peasants now, how can we disrespect them.The descendants of other sages may not need to be respected, except for Yu. Some descendants of sages also did some bad things. There seems to be no bad person surnamed Si in history.Among the ancient sages and ancestors, I only admire Yu the Great, followed by Fan Li, the great official.This statement seems to have a view of the folk song, saying that all the heroes of the world come out of our village.In fact, this is all accidental.It is said in history that Yu was born in Shiniu, and Fan Li was from Chu, so in the annals they were originally just two sages.

I went to a place when I was a child and thought it was interesting. The place name is Pingshui.It is said that Dayu's control of the water was leveled so far, hence the name. This is also very related to Yu. Yuan Weizhi's "Changqing Collection Preface" says: "Trying a trip to Pingshui City, I saw all the children in the village school competing to learn poetry, and asked them, saying, Mr. taught me the poems of Le Tianwei." , produces dried bamboo shoots and tea, an interesting mountain village, Yuanbai poems may not even be read well by the teachers in the village school.There is another place, which I think is closer and cannot be forgotten, is the Yuji Temple, which has or has no relationship with Yu Ruo.According to the "Jiatai Kuaiji Zhi" volume seven monastery door said:

"Dazhong Yuji Temple is 226 steps four miles southeast of the mansion. In the twelfth year of Jin Yixi's reign, General Guo lived in the house and built the temple, named Juesi. It was abolished in the fifth year of Tang Huichang and revived in the fifth year of Dazhong. This temple was given the name Dazhong Yuji by imperial edict." There is no mention of Yuji in this temple, but it does not seem to be completely unrelated. After more than 900 years, until Yiyou, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, a Taoist from Qingliang went to the temple. , there is a record, a piece of "Lu Fangweng's Poems" in "Listening to Yuxuan Yuji" says:

"A guest from Shaoxing in the past visited Yuji Temple. The temple is about half a mile away from the Dongguo Gate, and the statue of Dayu is only a foot away. There is a bridge in the east of the temple, commonly known as Luohan Bridge, with spring waves across the bridge. Two characters." My old house is on the Raspberry Bridge, just a stone's throw away from the temple. Sometimes the river is shallow and the river is shallow, and you often have to get off the boat at the bridge. Tang Xiaomao, the boat owner, lives on the north bank of the Luohan Bridge, so the area is familiar. It's a pity that the temple has been abandoned, but the ancient Yuji Temple has a forehead, and the statue of Dayu more than a foot away can't be seen. I still feel sad when I think about it. There is a statue in the Yuling Temple, which can be two or three feet high. The creaking sound heard in the hall is all bats, and many of them are still nesting in the ears of the statue, but the ears are big on the one side, wearing a crown and arching on the end.A few years ago, I heard that there was a large-scale construction project, and I still used the method of repairing orchid pavilions by cloth merchants, and smeared it with cement and red tung oil. , that is, imagined from the matter of Chiyu, the meaning must be very distinctive.The literati and painters of later generations seem to have forgotten about Yu. Dr. Fan was sometimes in the painting, and he still had an affair with him. In fact, Xiyu was still the main one.

The bridge in front of Yuji Temple is commonly known as Luo Hanqiao, the reason for which is unknown.According to the fourth volume of "Baoqing Kuaiji Continued Chronicles", Qiaomenxia said: "Chunbo Bridge is five miles southeast of the city, in front of Qianqiu Hongchunguan. He Zhizhang's poem said, 'It has been a long time since we parted from our hometown, and the recent human affairs are half gone. Only the front of the gate can appreciate the water of the lake, and the spring breeze will not change the old waves', so it is named this bridge. Fang Weng passed Shen Yuan again and wrote two quatrains, one of which said, "In the setting sun, the corner of the city is painted with mourning, Shen Yuan is not a restoration of the old pool platform, the spring waves are green under the bridge of sadness, and I have seen the shadow of a frightened Hong." It is said that the name of the bridge is from Fang Weng's poem In this case, "Continued Zhi" shows that it is not true. The Zhicheng was completed in the first year of Baoqing, only 16 years after the death of Fang Weng. It should be credible. Now the site of the garden has long since disappeared, the temple has been abandoned, and the bridge It has been changed many times, and all the Yuandong stone bridges are newly built in Guangxu, but the name of the bridge is still the same, so the traces of Fang Weng's poems have been handed down. I have been away from my hometown for more than 20 years. At the end of December last year, I wrote a few small poems. The second one is about temples, gardens and bridges. The words are:

Spring grass grows in front of Yuji Temple, and the ruins of Shen Garden are not clear. Occasionally leaning on a stick to look at the bridge, the flowing water and setting sun are very affectionate.In mid-January of this year, I sent a message to my friend in Nanzhong, the owner of the gourd factory, to receive a gift and a poem. At the end of the second couplet, I said, "It's a great feeling in the world to do things for you in the setting sun and flowing water." The gourd factory gave very good advice.This is certainly our shortcoming, but this point may also be the relic of Yu.If I don't write articles for a year or two, I will be full of thorns. I feel that the article is not finished, but if I continue to write, it will become a snake's foot, so I stop here, regardless of whether the article is good or bad.October 17th, twenty-eight years.

(Completed in October 1939, selected from "The Collection of Medicinal Flavors")
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