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Chapter 2 Jinan Daozhong (selected)

After passing through Texas, it rained for a while, and the weather suddenly became cool and dark.I turned on the electric light in the room, and when I looked out the window, I saw a flash of light shining on the trees and on the ground. I felt strange. A Ningbo native in the same car told me that it was the electric light of the escorting military vehicle behind.I poked my head out, and sure enough, on the front of the last car, there was a light on the west side (this is what I deduced, because I only looked at one side), emitting light, just like the two big eyes of cars in Beijing.At first I thought that since it was a searchlight of a military vehicle, it must be very big, but it was unexpected, its light only illuminated a distance of two or three feet from the vehicle, and could not directly illuminate the traces of the robbers in the woods.According to the comprador, this was added after the "not a big deal" done by the late leader Sun Meiyao in Lincheng last year, and it seems to be quite effective. These two divine lights really scared away the thieves along the road , because nothing happened in the future, and I arrived in Jinan safely last night.But I always find it funny that these two lights shine on the tail of the train, like fireflies on a summer night, so full of humor.

Sitting in the car, I watched the light outside the window move from the ground to the wheat, and from the wheat to the leaves. I felt a strange feeling in my heart. I felt that it seemed dangerous but not dangerous, safe but not safe, reality and real Acting, as if seeing Cheng Yaojin walking on the stage with two large paper axes stuck in his waist.We usually have a saying, which is often said but rarely tried, and now it is applied, and it is very suitable-this is the so-called romantic realm. After arriving at Jinan Railway Station at ten o'clock, I took a rickshaw into the city. On the way, I saw that many shops were closed, with "Paimen" on them, similar to those in eastern Zhejiang.I can't be regarded as a person who loves my hometown, but when I see this kind of street market, I like it very much.Once in summer, I went from my home to Hangzhou. Because the river was dry, the boat could only go to Niushibin. I set off in a sedan chair at three or four o'clock in the morning and passed through Xiaoshan County. look alike.In fact, the night scenes of Shaoxing and Nanjing are not different, but the impression of walking on foot is somewhat different from that seen in the car, so I can't recall it.Many places in the city have also switched to glass doors, just like Beijing, I went out this afternoon to see.I can't say that the row of doors is better than the glass door. In fact, the glass door is of course much more convenient than the row of doors.But from the sidelines, I always feel that the old shop doors are more interesting.Glass doors can also naturally have their beauty, but it's a pity that many people don't take care of this layer now, and most of them are crude and sloppy, just like all new things.The roughness of the old houses, the whole is still somewhat harmonious, the new style

But it's just messy and frivolous. This afternoon, I went to visit Daming Lake with four friends and disembarked from the Quehua Bridge.This is a rectangular boat like "Chusaka boat". The doors and windows are very well made, and there is a plaque on the bow. But when it was moving, it turned into a stern, and a boatman stood there and propped himself upside down.The thing he used was just a natural wooden pole. I don’t know what kind of tree it was. It was peeled off and it was smooth. The forward and backward turns are all satisfactory, and I have never encountered a small collision. I only know people who use oars to see it.Daming Lake has a lot of descriptions in it, I don’t think I can write a better article, and you have also been there when you went to the annual meeting of the Education Improvement Society, so I don’t need to talk about it.Like Lao Can, I went to various parts of the Tiegong Temple in Lixiating, but unfortunately I never heard Bai Niu talk about pear blossom drums in Minghuju.We went to see the ancestral hall of Zeng Zigu, which was donated by "Marshal Zhang Shaoxuan", and the ancestral hall of Zhang Gong. In the ancestral hall, there is also a photo of his "son-in-law" with a long beard and many grandchildren of "pillars of the holy pilgrimage" and so on. Public morality card.Then I went to the Beiji Temple to have a look. As usual, there were those statues. There was a big ghost on the right side of the main hall, holding a little demon upside down in one hand and pinching another in the other. At the waist, it held her dumbfounded, as if she couldn't breathe, and she didn't know what crime she had committed.The impression of Daming Lake seems to be like Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing, but this lake is in the city, which is very unique.There is a couplet in Tiebao from the Qing Dynasty: "Lotus on all sides and willows on three sides, one city is full of mountains and half a city is a lake." The pavilion is leaning against the wall), although we can’t see the lotus this time, and the lakeside is gradually filled with flat land, the area is not as large as before; Surrounded by reed ponds, they are all places where people plant cattails and raise fish, so the scene of Qianfo Mountain reflected in the lake recorded in the book is no longer seen, and the "song of fisherman" is especially unheard.

But there is a lake in Jinan City, even if it is not as good as before, it is always a good thing. It can really replace a big park, and it is more interesting than a park, and it is also very beneficial to young people.I met many boatloads of students going to and fro on the lake, and it was much better than those students standing by the side of the road in Central Park waiting to see a woman with chicken-like hair--I don't necessarily object to people looking at women, but it would be embarrassing to see them that way. People are sick of seeing it.We had a great time strolling around the lake that day, and Wang Jun's three-year-old child was also in the boat, which made us even more happy.He asked Song Jun to eat dried apple apples, and every time he took a few apples, he sang and danced. I also found it troublesome, so I made a request and said, "If you don't sing, give it to me."He is a very lively and cute little man, and he speaks Jinan dialect. It was the first time I heard the word "I" used in his speech, although we have long been used to this tone from Xu Jun's speech at Peking University.

On June 1st, in the city of Jinan where "every family springs water and every household hangs down poplars". the third Before noon on June 2, I went to the industrial school to see the Golden Thread Spring.It was raining that day, and when we took advantage of the temporary rain, we walked to the side of the stone pond on the wet grass, and looked at the water surface sideways like an old man, but finally we couldn't see the golden line, only a lot of water bubbles , like strings of pearls, or rather the vapor of mercury, rising from the crevices of the rocks, as if there were several alchemy stoves underground for refining medicine.There are many plants growing in the bottom of the pool, including bamboo and fear, some unknown flowers and trees, and a rose flower with a flower stalk that has bloomed: these plants grow at the bottom of the water, with green branches and leaves, just like on land, they are not so beautiful. Know what's going on.Near the Jinxian Spring, there is a casting well for Chen Zun's guests, but now it is only a square pond of about six feet.The next time I went to Baotu Spring, I saw three streams of spring water gushing upwards in the center of the big pool. It was said that the surface of the water was two or three feet high, but we saw it was only about a foot.The water in the pool was quite muddy after the rain, and it never flowed "soundingly". In addition to the surrounding stone bridges and stone roads and teahouses, it feels a bit like the Zhigou sink in my hometown. It is said that the maids of Yue Wang poured fat and powdered water to converge. This place, now commonly known as "Pig and Dog Meeting", is the meeting place for rural sailing ships.Then we went to the commercial port to visit the park. It was raining just now

Again, I sat in the tea pavilion for a long time, waiting for the rain and fog before coming out to play.There are no other tourists in the garden, and it is very interesting to allow the three of us to monopolize the whole garden.The park is not very big, so I just went for a swim, and there are no other places of interest in it. Everything is newly built artificially, but there is a hall with a plaque hanging at the door. ", but I looked up for a long time.I used to think that General Ma Liang was just a person who was good at punching, but now I know that he is also very elegant and interesting, so I have to thank me for my negligence at the time.

In addition, I have never visited other places, but this place in Jinan is enough for my liking.I think Beijing is also very good, but mostly windy and dusty, Jinan does not have these: Jinan has the flavor of Jiangnan, but the temper of the southeast that I hate seems to be absent, (or is it a bit quick?) So it is quite a pleasant place .However, as the Dragon Boat Festival was approaching, I had to hurry back to Beijing, so I finally left Jinan by express train at 2:00 am on the 5th. I was in Jinan for four days and gave eight speeches.The scope and topics are all chosen by myself, which is already very free, but after much deliberation, I always feel that there is nothing to say. I barely made up a few topics, but I am not very sure. It is needless to say that the sentence shows a sincere atmosphere.Even in ordinary conversations, I often feel that some of my words are empty and do not really correspond to my mood. I know it when I say it, and I feel a disgusting loneliness, as if I tasted soap in my mouth.One of Ishikawa Woodpecker's short songs says:

somehow, Always feel like a piece of hypocrisy, I closed my eyes. This feeling has been experienced many times.Among these eight topics, only the unfinished "The Taste of Mythology" is relatively good; this is not because it is more certain about mythology, but because there are many misunderstandings on this issue in the world. According to the articles in the public issue, almost No one has quite understood it yet, so I haven't begun to doubt my own opinion, so I think I might as well say a few words.I think the fate of myths is somewhat similar to that of dreams.Barbarians regard dreams as real, Bikaihua people regard dreams as omens, and "civilized people" regard dreams as illusions. However, in the hands of modern scholars, they become the non-conscious manifestation of the whole personality. After the "scientific" and "scientific" explanations, it was rescued by anthropologists and restored to its original status as human literature.Now in China, there are people who believe that ghosts and gods entrust dreams to dreams, some people ask dreams to occupy dreams, and some people say that dreams are demons, but no one finds out his emotional or feeling elements from dreams. "Dream" seeks its hidden motives even more. As an academic explorer, when it comes to myths, he rejects them if he doesn't believe them. His attitude is exactly the same.I see that although many people who oppose myths claim to be science, they actually mean that myths are indeed possible to be believed, if they do not try their best to resist;real scientist

I don’t believe in it, so I don’t need to use it exclusively for attack, I just study it calmly, so doubt and tolerance are necessary spirits, otherwise it is the attitude of a fanatic. There are many examples of Confucian scholars.Even the recent anti-Tagore movement is the same. They think they are scientific thinking and Westernization, but lack the spirit of suspicion and tolerance. In fact, they are still attacking heresy in the Eastern style: if there is the greatest poison in Eastern culture, this kind of autocratic fanaticism It must be one of them.Unexpectedly, the work is too far away, and it has nothing to do with Jinan, so I will stop writing here. As for the mythology, it is too nagging to say, so let's talk about it another day.

On June 10th, writing in Beijing. (written in June 1924, from "The Book of Rainy Days")
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