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Chapter 62 ten text messages

girl next door 贾平凹 1705Words 2018-03-18
In midsummer, the human skin is like a broken bamboo basket, sweating profusely.The old mother couldn't sit still at home, so she went downstairs several times a day to chat with the old ladies, and it wasn't too hot.I also escaped the heat by writing books. (Dip your breasts with saliva before sitting at the table, and you will have a cool breeze all over your body. You can try this secret, and don't tell the mahjong players.) Writing a book is better than writing a love letter.Being able to chat is a true confidant, and idle love letters can easily become beautiful essays.But my mother was not used to drinking water. She was afraid that she would get angry, so she advised her to drink more water.Both my sister and I can drink water, and all the friends who come to our house can't drink water.This morning I suddenly realized that the people who are in the office only have a cigarette, a glass of water, and a newspaper when they go to work, but my mother has never worked!Second, you don't need to bring local products when you come here, you just need to hitchhike some watermelons for your mother.absolutely.I don't believe you can use up your talents. Look at the photo, your waist has grown a bit bigger. What are you putting on there?Some people in the literary world are chickens in the morning and dogs in the evening. Out of duty, they rise up when they hear the chicken and sleep soundly while listening to the bark. Some people are mice grinding their teeth, biting your box and grinding their teeth.As soon as you succeeded in writing that book the year before last, I knew you were going to ruin your popularity, and now you are, but sitting on the mahjong table for five consecutive times, you must offend others. Cursing mother.I'm only worried about your aphthous sore, how is it cured?You have to be kind to your mouth. In addition to eating and saying "yes" in front of the leaders, those people will invite you to talk about your creative experience in the future!

Sanyin raised a pot of tulips, and I slipped away halfway through the meeting.I heard that? Iris? Iris? Is there quite a criticism?My butt is used to sitting on the chair in front of the desk, and I feel uncomfortable sitting on the chair on the rostrum.When do you come to see the flowers?A beauty is a flower if she does not speak, and a beauty when a flower speaks. Fourth, I am the editor-in-chief, but you are the ones who are busy. I tried to take off this hat several times, but I couldn't.It's so hot, and the office doesn't have air-conditioning. I wonder if I should buy Rendan Wan?I rushed for a long time to write this issue of "Reader's Words", and I asked Xiao Shi to take it, and then let me take a plate of five-color ice cream.Six yuan, three yuan per person.Return the plate to me after eating.

The five children can play when they are young, such as patting the dirt on their clothes, and when they are a little bigger, they will become a ball, and the more they play, the higher they will jump.After I graduated from university, my late father still kicked me. It was not until the next day that he smoked and handed me one, that I realized that I would never be beaten again.But some people say that father and son are like brothers, like comrades, that is too much, because the nature of children is never to worship their parents.My daughter sheds tears watching third-rate TV dramas, but when she reads my books, she always thinks that she watched me write them, which is not true.Let her go, dragon breeds may have fleas, ugly pigs may raise unicorns, as long as they are told to "don't smoke (big cigarettes) when eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and don't steal (things) when cheating and cheating".The kiln only burns porcelain pots, and the porcelain pots are used in the society. Can you control whether to make oil pots or urine pots?Lao Jiang said that he organized a trip to Nanshan, but there was no movement. If the trip to Nanshan is not possible, I will go to a wealthy restaurant to eat seafood at noon on March 15th, and I will be the host.

Six airs are packed in leather rings, which are tires. If I can grasp it with my hand, I can throw it to hit people, and I will knock down the one named Cao first!The emperor in the prosperous age has a long life span, because he works for the welfare of the people of the country.Those who harm others and benefit themselves are like wanted fugitives. How can they be in good health?If the ill-gotten wealth is not consumed by charity, like a person who only eats but does not grow anus, one day he will suffocate himself to death. Qi that turtle can't be released by Brother Shan, he will release it into his belly.Don't think your wife has a dark face, black is black, she is her true color, she will have a child in the future, and she can still sell flour at a good price.That day, I went to a meeting at Changchang School, and there were so many writers there. The host asked me to stand up for the students to see. I stood up and bowed my head, and the applause was thunderous. what!I said I stood up!The host said: Oh, you are short.The applause was even more thunderous.I don't think I'm short, I'm not a cabbage, it's easy to sell when I grow up.As a human being, don't think that you are a woman or a man, and you don't have to think that you are ugly or beautiful. Once you think about it, you will ruin things.Those who judge people by their appearance are slaves, so why bother with the little slaves?

Eight, I want to write behind closed doors. See you in thirty days.If someone finds you and inquires about my whereabouts, they will only say that I committed suicide.Remember, it's euthanasia, not hanging. It's not a good image to hang yourself with your tongue out. Nine, it is also a good thing to let others take advantage of it.Research can become a doctor, painting Zhong Kui can force ghosts, and being a secretary to an official can become an official by oneself.There are many vines because you are trees.There are no mountains without clouds, and the mountains with clouds look even higher. If you don't have those campers around you, what will you look like?Friends are gone.Tonight is full of moonlight. Just now when I opened the window, I thought the sewer at the entrance of the alley was blocked again, and it was flooded. I thought it would be great if you stepped on the water and came to visit!I can teach you how to compose troubles.It is not difficult to compose music, "singing without words", the song is to hum the endless words from the heart and slow down the syllables, and just write it down. If you can't remember it, put a tape recorder next to it to record.It takes only a month and a half to learn the piano, and with ten fingers, how can they hold down so many keys?

10. When buying books, don’t buy deluxe editions. Deluxe editions are sold to people who don’t read books.Reading does not have to be just books made of paper, you can read landscapes, clouds, rain, officialdom, and business circles.Gamblers and whores are also books.Only reading books at home, reading books and still reading is no different from drinking, playing cards and smoking all day long. What are the benefits to society and family?If you have time to have tea, I got a can of Mingqian tea the day before yesterday.
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