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Chapter 35 I'm a Farmer - Five Years in the Countryside

Selected Proses of Jia Pingwa 贾平凹 4481Words 2018-03-18
——Five Years in the Countryside Memories Jia Pingwa After less than two years of junior high school, the school had a long vacation.I was classified as a junior high school graduate in 1967. I was only 14 years old at the time, with a big head on my thin neck, and a bunch of high curled hairs on the back of my head.I can't always beat people. People often grab the hair and beat me, but I can cry. People in the village say I am Liu Bei. Back in Dihua, I became a veritable farmer, and among the farmers I belonged to an educated youth.However, when I later became a writer, and educated youth literature has become popular in the Chinese literary world for a long time, I have never written a single word of educated youth literature.In most people's minds, educated youth refers to those children who originally lived in the city and had a fairly affluent life, and suddenly came to the countryside to become farmers with drums and gongs; my family was originally in the countryside, not to be a farmer , but originally a farmer.I have read many novels about educated youth. Those children in the city left their family and comfort, and went to the countryside to suffer a lot. They should be cursed and told, and they also made me cry. I often think: they shouldn't have come to the country, should we be born in the country?The same tiles, some were pasted on the stove and some were pasted in the toilet. Take the one on the stove and stick it to the toilet.And how envious I was of the educated youths from the city!They come with drums and gongs, and some people lead the team. They are engaged in important but often easy jobs in the village, such as barefoot doctors, acting teachers, tractor drivers, bookkeepers, and cultural and art propaganda team members. With a ration of rations, he can return to the city regularly, bringing radios, flashlights, panacea, biscuits and fruit candies.They wear military trousers, masks around their necks, nylon socks and canvas belts.They attracted the pretty girls of the village, who in turn chose us after they had chosen them first.

Starting from transporting wheat candy, I was assigned by the team leader to transport dung, tie cattle and other farm work, earning three work points per day.At that time, a working day was 10 cents, and 10 cents of work points was equivalent to 20 cents in RMB. That is to say, I could earn six cents for working from morning till night.Because of my small size and lack of strength, I was always scolded. They scolded people very badly. Fortunately, for a long time, the captain assigned me to work with women. I am a member of Dongjie Village of Dihua Brigade of Dihua Commune. I can already tell with my eyes closed how many acres of paddy fields are in the front river beach of our village, how many acres of newly repaired land is in the west river beach; How many acres of terraced fields.I love the land, and every crop seedling on the land...

In a poor environment, I learned to be selfish, because a penny, a piece of firewood, and a handful of food are so important to life! However, I also hate the land. I am not willing to be poor for the rest of my life. As long as I have the opportunity, I must be freed from this heavy labor. The higher-ups came to recruit workers several times, because no one interceded and even gave them no gifts, so I was dismissed again and again; At the time of conscription, at the beginning, the armed forces of the commune had no acquaintances and could not give gifts, but in the second year, because my father was suddenly cleared and sent home, he didn't even report his name!

Is it just like this for a lifetime? I once watched the piggers work and wanted to learn how to castrate pigs, and I also thought about being an acting teacher-the opportunity finally came. When I was excitedly waiting for the news, what I waited was the result of being replaced by others! My father always thought it was his problems that affected me. Seeing his guilty expression of "I missed the baby", I was heartbroken! Finally one day at dusk, I secretly went to the reservoir dam construction site!When I went to the dam, I wanted to change places to relax my mind. The important thing is that the "she" I have been secretly in love with is also on the construction site! In the mid-1980s, I wrote a little poem called "Unrequited Love," which went like this: "The best love in the world / is unrequited love / without pain / can be absolutely brave / loved by others / you Don't know who the other is/Love the other/You know yourself/Get a key/Open my unit."

This poem is to recall the feeling of falling in love with a woman for the first time in my life. During the day and a half when I first went to the reservoir construction site, I didn't see her, and I didn't ask my cousin where she lived.I couldn’t fall asleep, so I picked up a book about migrant workers—I didn’t know until I was in college a few years later that this book with neither cover nor back cover was called "Baiyangdian Chronicle"—I read more than a dozen pages, and suddenly felt that the quilt It was chilly outside, and it seemed that something was still moving. I picked up the quilt with my feet, my God, it was a snake!

The next day, I arrived at the headquarters and started writing slogans and making battle reports.In the headquarters, I can get eight points of work a day, which is almost three times the work points of my work in the village, and I can also get a monthly subsidy of two yuan!Such a good thing happened to me, I ran to swim in a deep pool on the river beach by myself, stripped naked, yelled, and vowed to keep this job, work hard, and let All the leaders of the headquarters are satisfied with me and keep me for a long time.The deep pool I swam in was on the lower river beach of the construction site. No one came here after dinner, but the person I had a crush on appeared.I was just getting my head out of the water when I saw her coming from a distance. I groaned and dived immediately because I was naked.When she had passed the pool, I put on my clothes and called from behind: "Hey! Hey——" She was stunned for a moment, then ran over and said, "I heard that you are here, but I just don't see you. Headquarters?!" I said, "I will officially go in the afternoon." She changed the purpose of coming out and led me back to their dormitory.As soon as we entered, everyone looked at me. I couldn't bear the eyes of so many women, and my ears and cheeks flushed for a while, and when they turned red, they suspected me, and their eyes suddenly changed.She said: "This is my uncle, I call him uncle!" Everyone said: "Really! Such a young uncle?"

The first time I paid attention to her should be traced back to taking a nap in the Kuixing Building.This noon, after lunch, we went to the Danjiang River to play in the water for a while, then climbed up to the Kuixing Tower, which is called the Bachelor Tower by the villagers, and soon fell asleep, but a bird kept calling by the side of the tower. I opened my eyes and saw that she was wearing a woolen sweater and walking across the official road, but the ball of wool fell on the ground. She bent down to pick it up, her long legs were straight, and her buttocks appeared as a big honey. peaches.It seemed that she also heard the birdsong, bent her body and raised her head, and my heart rang.I did hear my heart beating, but I immediately ducked my head, afraid that she would see me looking at her.Since then, I have cared about her, and I am also impressed by the pockmark on her face. I often want to see her, and I am happy when I see her (although her surname is not Jia, she calls me uncle)!From then on, I began to have a happy and distressed crush on her.Every day when the bell for going to work rang, I stood on the earthen weir in front of the door and looked into the small river. The workers from the village were walking on the stone columns by the river. I just wanted to see if she was in the crowd?If you have her, you will be suddenly excited, and you will go to work immediately, and you will work together in a very natural way, and you will have endless energy that day.If she wasn't in the crowd, I'd go off to work, but I'd be in a daze, wouldn't talk to anyone, would just feel tired and yawn.The office of the production team is close to her home, and I go to the office to record work points every night. Originally, my younger brother was going, but I always scrambled to get past the gate of her courtyard.The door of her house is always half-opened and half-closed, looking in, the courtyard is dark and gloomy, only the main room has light, I walked over quickly, and after I went, I deliberately found a reason to go back, and I walked over again, hoping that she would be okay. Come out from the courtyard gate.Once she came out, but there was a cough in the toilet on the left side of the gate, and her sister-in-law's head popped out of the toilet wall, and the sister-in-law and sister-in-law talked through the wall, and I ran away like a thief, with thousands of voices Hate that sister-in-law.When I got home, I regretted my cowardice, and vowed to see her at work tomorrow, and I would tell her what was on my mind, but when I met the next day, I talked a lot, but I just went around in circles. The circle was about to get into the circle, and when he turned around, he said something neither salt nor light. ……Once, I was digging with a very arrogant person in the village. He said, "I wish it wasn't the old society!" I said, "Why?" He said, "If it was the old society, I would have to rob ×× No, I can’t be a wife, I want to rape her too!” I was startled, it turned out that he was thinking about her too, but I hated this man to death, if I could beat him, I would beat him until he crawled on the floor On the ground, pulled one of his teeth, turning his mouth into an asshole.

One night, the production team worked overtime to turn over the land, and during the break they lit a bonfire on the ground. Everyone gathered around and heard Sanwa talk about ancient and modern times. It was convenient for her to go to other places with a few women. Listen, too!" He just slipped in between me and another person, like a wedge.I hugged my knees with both hands and remained motionless, but I felt her with half of my body, and all the blood vessels in my half of my body became active, beating loudly.Later, I heard that a young man came from outside the mountain to ask her to propose marriage, and she did. She came to ask me, and I insisted that it was your business!But in my heart I hated that outsider.

Not long after I arrived at the reservoir site, she got engaged to a soldier, I hate it!Angry!Hate me for being a farmer, angry that I didn't join the army, and even more hated that I never broke my heart with her. Later, my mother asked someone to talk about several marriages for me, but they failed, but Fu Yin from the headquarters introduced me to a partner, and that was Tian X. The first time I went to see Tian X according to Fuyin's arrangement, I was not at ease, although I had seen her a long time ago, and it was far more than once or twice.I walked to the place Fuyin said, and saw a stone the size of a house and a persimmon tree growing obliquely from the stone weir, but there was no one.I stood there for a while before I turned around and walked away when a person flashed out from behind the boulder, it was Tian X.She said: "You are not punctual, Fu Yin said you want to meet me here, but you are not here when I come!" I walked over and said, "I didn't want to see you, he said let me come here..." She Said: "You don't take responsibility, well, I'm here to invite you!"...She said: "Let's knock on the window to explain, what does Fuyin want you to say?" I said: "... Fuyin said you are willing?" My voice trembled when I said this, she said you are cold?After talking a lot, I felt a little inferior, and in the end I said, "Would you like it?" She said, "What about you?" I said, "I'm a farmer, and my father has a history problem. I'm afraid I'll spend my whole life in the countryside. , you think about it." She said: "As long as you have the ability!"

This is the first time that they really fell in love.The first love started in the night, and it froze my feet, and froze hers.Years later, when we broke up our relationship, I felt like I chose a bad place that night, and when I think about it now, my first relationship was cold love.Although Tian and I were free and underground at first, our parents soon agreed and we got engaged. Tian called my parents to be my father and mother. After a year, we still broke up. Twenty years later, I realized that sadness and troubles have been with me since the moment I left Dihua.I didn't get rid of the suffering. The suffering in life is always related to life. When I think back to the days in the country, the days have become so transparent and happy.

In 1993, I had just published my novel. I took my daughter to the Weibei plateau and walked in a large field that had been plowed and just rained. The feet were so soft, and the ground was newly born. All kinds of wild vegetables, I smell the fragrance of the land.I asked my daughter: Do you smell the fragrance?The daughter said no.I couldn't help but bent down, dug up a handful of mud, put it in my mouth, and chewed it. My daughter was shocked. She said, "Dad, why do you eat dirt?" I said, "Dad, I remembered what happened in the country. The soil smells so good!" The daughter said to her wife after returning home: "My dad is so dirty, can he eat soil?!" I couldn't help but think of the bowl of noodles with two golden poached eggs on it. That day, I, who had been depressed because I couldn't find a job and couldn't join the army, suddenly heard good news from my cousin who was the commander of the militia: a female teacher in the elementary school was going to have a baby, and I wanted a substitute teacher.My cousin said he recommended me, so happy that my mother cooked him a bowl of noodles and added two fried eggs!As a result, when I stayed up all night, looking forward to it, and imagining how to teach and lecture, how to use a stool to step on the blackboard and write on the blackboard countless times, my cousin said cursingly: Pingwa is good at writing and learning well. , I recommended him as an acting teacher, and a cadre in the brigade recommended someone else, but the baby didn’t study well, and couldn’t make up her mind when she raised her hand. Just when my cousin turned around and went out to urinate and came back, several people in the brigade had already voted. The baby recommended by that cadre! what is going on! I happened to meet a classmate again, he was dressed neatly, I said: "Blind date?" With hatred in my heart, I happened to see a pair of mating dogs not far away, so I picked up a clod of soil and threw it over viciously, and cursed a rude word... Later, I went to the reservoir dam construction site and made a battle report at the headquarters. The poems I wrote at that time for the purpose of enriching the layout objectively started my creative career. Now, I am no longer the native educated youth, the real farmer Jia Liping, and no one calls me Pingwa. I have changed from a farmer to a writer and a city person, but I have become a bunch of numbers: Jia Pingwa, male, from Dihua Township, Danfeng County, Shaanxi Province, was born on February 21, 1952 in the lunar calendar. He is a dragon, 1.65 meters tall, and weighs 62 kilograms. He graduated from Northwest University in 1975 and was assigned to Shaanxi People's Publishing Literary editor of the agency, has worked in Xi'an Federation of Literary and Art Circles since 1980.The postal code of the unit is 710069, the address is No. 2 Lianhu Lane, and the telephone number is (029) 7274959.Home Northwest University 6-3-407, zip code 710003, the telephone number is (029) 8302328, I am 407 in the dormitory building, 348 when the resident nurse dispenses medicine, and 001 in the unit. 8302328, go to the airport security check, I am 610103530221121.Just like those drinks sold in the store, the packaging box is full of numbers of various ingredients.
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