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Chapter 30 Sun Cundie

Chinese opera is very elegant and vulgar, and it is the art of the common people. This has created the actor's ability to explain profound things in simple terms and lift weights with ease.Sun Cundie is a talented performer of Qin opera. His clown has a unique imagination and is very relaxed. If some unclean slang and movements can be eliminated, the style has the flavor of Chaplin.His performance is like water breaking a bank, forming shapes with objects, and even soupy, out of control, making both on and off the stage drunk.This is because he has the strengths of being hearty, and at the same time has the disadvantages of flooding.

He has many wonderful excerpts, which are unforgettable. Even in some unsuccessful performances, he still shows his brilliant light somewhere. People in Northwest China love Qin Opera, and everyone who loves Qin Opera loves Sun Cundie, likes his realistic imitation of life, and his artistic abstraction.He is romantic, like the butterfly of Butterfly Lovers, like the flame of charcoal fire.He has less control and rhythm than the famous and ugly of the previous generations of Qin Opera, but he is the most talented with ease and agility.Human talent is sometimes like air. If you put it in a balloon, the balloon can fly. If you put it in a tire, the tire can carry a load. Sun Cundie’s artistic performance potential has not been fully realized Fortunately for him, Qin Opera has a deep and wide foundation in the folk, and the stage is not limited to temples. Unfortunately for him, there is no better adapted script for him to perform.

Qin opera needs a generation of famous and ugly people, but to produce great artists requires a great environment. The night of January 5, 1998
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