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Chapter 3 Preface to "Jia Pingwa Calligraphy and Painting Collection"

Selected Proses of Jia Pingwa 贾平凹 1386Words 2018-03-18
This collection of books and paintings has more books and fewer paintings. It can be said to be a collection of calligraphy. It has collected a part of writing in recent years, but I have been writing almost every day since I was six years old, and I live with words. people.If in ancient times, a writing The people in this book will not publish a collection of calligraphy, and any of them can write better than me in this collection, but now, I am a calligrapher, and it is really ridiculous to think about it.Su Dongpo is the person I most yearn for. He is omnipotent and capable of everything, but he has died in the Song Dynasty.My misfortune is that I live in an era when everything is divided into smaller and smaller parts, and there is culture and art in everything. Therefore, characters are not called characters, but calligraphy.The delicacy of the food means that the appetite has weakened, and the pure calligraphy art means that our education has become weak.The thinner it is, the more mysterious it is. I don’t always believe in the most abstract art, which can best express the personality and spirit, or burn incense and bathe before you can write.The great monks in the temple always let the old ladies in the country kowtow and burn incense in front of the Buddha statue, but they know what the Buddha is and call the Buddha a shit bottle.

I like to write, because I am engaged in the work of writing articles, I have to write, and there is no soldier who does not love weapons.I have seen many people, so many people let their children sit in the house and practice calligraphy. I think of women who cut window grilles in the country and Japanese sumo wrestling. It may be interesting, but after all passed.I am frank, I have never studied inscriptions on inscriptions. After I have written articles of millions of words with pencils and pens, I have some understanding of the pictographic origin of Chinese characters, and I have some understanding of the structure of Chinese characters. Experience the fun of Chinese character strokes.If I were really a calligrapher, the production of my calligraphy would be incidental, without doing anything, just like when I planted wheat, and when I got the wheat grains, I also got the straw.

Some people say that calligraphy must be created with a brush.If this statement is affirmed, then it was in the mid-1980s that my characters were calligraphy.At that time, I used a brush to write on rice paper, and I had a strange feeling, which I couldn't control from then on.I was also addicted to cigarettes at that time.The brush and rice paper made me entertain myself. I started to read a lot of inscriptions, and I can roughly understand the brushwork of the ancients, and I can roughly feel the mood of the ancients when they wrote.Since then, some people have asked me for writing. My writing has done good things for many people, such as converting farmers to non-farmers, shifting jobs, and mobilizing people. The writing is as cheap as grass, and I can write it for whoever wants it. I once wrote a large scroll of paper for eating three bowls of dough.

However, being asked for writing has gradually become a disaster in my life. My family has no peace and cannot read and write normally. In order to refuse, I wrote a notice in court: Anyone who wants writing, please bring money!I just said that I was short of money, and money can scare people the most, but someone really took money.Things in the world are interesting, and when the false is true, the true is also false. Since I can exchange money with words, I also love money, so I will be a calligrapher! Now that I have the awareness of being a "calligrapher", or the responsibility of being a "calligrapher", I have seriously understood the current style of calligraphy. How should I put it, the current style of calligraphy is too casual, as if engaged in The reader is no longer a living person but a calligrapher. In the ivory tower, everyone has a high self-esteem that does not eat fireworks, and the broadness and thickness are getting farther and farther away. I have no destiny, and my ability is simple, but I have my admiration , I wrote the four characters "Sea Breeze, Mountain Bone" to motivate myself, and walked east and west. The east sea I went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, saw the sea of ​​water, the sea and the sky, and paid homage to the former residences and exhibition halls of Weng Tonghe and Sha Menghai. The west sea When I arrived in Xinjiang, I saw the sea of ​​sand, the wild and high winds, and don’t forget the icebergs and desert. I will never forget the days and nights at these two seasides, when I wandered in front of the Forest of Steles Museum and the stone sculptures in front of Huo Qubing’s tomb , I am grateful for the strength that the two seas have given me, and for living in Xi'an.

I know best, however, that my calligraphy lacks basic training—and this is a popular requirement today—it is epiphany at best, just like some countries in Africa implement popular elections. The soldiers rose up and toppled the democratically elected president.I also understand that my calligraphy more or less draws on my reputation in literature, but I think this is still different from the inscriptions of those leaders, so I dare to let the publishing house publish this collection. But I still insist that what I write are some Chinese characters, not calligraphy, and I don't want a calligrapher.

March 5, 1998
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