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Chapter 9 Section IX

Poison 2 (optional reading) 韩寒 1819Words 2018-03-18
Unfortunately, the point of view we have to debate is: Yes. He also hypocritically said that the opponent also played very well in this match. Their rebuttals were powerful and their views were clear, especially their second debater and others, who were calm and dignified. Unfortunately, as our second defense, I didn't say a word during the whole game. And the whole game we said less than five sentences. Two of them are, ask the other party to say it again, we didn't understand. Another thing is, I also agree with your point of view. The last sentence of the professor almost made us faint. Probably, in order to show his solid Chinese foundation, the professor also used a common saying in the middle.

The guy said: In the end, I just want to say one thing, today's game is really justified by the fair, and the fair is justified by the mother-in-law! ●And this time is already the end of autumn. It is said that this is the golden season for picking up girls. No wonder a very annoying guy in our dormitory kept shouting from the balcony at night: Girl! This word expresses our heartfelt succinctly and clearly.Because at that time, we no longer know where our ideals are, and life seems hopeless, and basically the only thing we can do is pick up girls.And the girls don't know where their ideals are, and life is also hopeless, basically they have to wait to be picked up.

As for things like mental distress, in fact, 80% of them are because they realized the above truth too late, and by the time they realized that the girls with high quality had already been obtained by others, it was inevitable that they would be depressed when such a thing happened. So I found that I was depressed for a while. ●One sunny noon, I was eating in the cafeteria, only to hear someone outside shouting: Someone committed suicide.Immediately many people left their jobs to watch.When I arrived at the scene, there were already many people there.The scene of the death looked like this: a man wearing glasses was lying on the ground with his face facing the sky in a relatively indecent posture, with a pool of dark red blood behind his forehead.Lao Xia was also watching with Xu Xiaoqin at this time.Seeing such a bloody scene, Xu Xiaoqin couldn't help getting into Lao Xia's arms in fright.And Lao Xia was actually terrified at this time, wishing she had nothing to exploit, so she hugged Xu Xiaoqin tightly and said: Look, life is so fragile.

Xu Xiaoqin nodded.So Lao Xia went on to say seriously: So you and I should cherish the good time now. And the question I'm thinking about is how this guy can dance with his face upside down.Because jumping from a building is generally done with the butt facing the sky, very few people can jump out of such a difficult action. The last consoling thought is that this guy wants to see the light when he dies. ●An original song contest was held in the auditorium of the college. All the tunes of the songs seemed a little familiar, but when we were about to hear which song this passage was copied from, suddenly the author’s style changed and became another song. song.Among them, only one guy wrote a song that was very atmospheric. We all felt that we had never heard similar songs, so we decided that he was a genius, and the award was also awarded to that genius.

So all the musicians in our courtyard admire him very much, and have been discussing with him on composition experience.This situation has been maintained until a match between the Chinese team and the Indonesian team.When the athletes from both sides entered the field and played the national anthem, the guy watching the game with us shouted: So that guy copied the Indonesian national anthem. Later, our idea of ​​forming a band was cancelled, because everyone felt that it was not good after they tapped their potential.Like me, only one musical instrument is the harmonica.There is a guy in our dormitory who can play guitar, but his level is so limited that he can only play slow songs like dirges, because it makes it easier for him to think about how to move his fingers for the next chord while playing.And Lao Xia is the only one who is useless and can't do anything but sing, and it will be a long way before Lao Xia's foot recovers. If he sings on stage, he can only use a cane, which makes people feel that we are imitating Zheng Zhihua .

●The following is the most proud song of a silly × who always thought he was cool and often played and sang downstairs in the girls’ dormitory in college. The lyrics are as follows: single me, so single so dedicated, why I who sing, so sing so singing, for what my heart wants you to see open up since you left me i cried so hard since i fell in love with you Only then did I discover how beautiful love is i love you i love you really love you can you know my mind I'm so dedicated only for you i love you i love you i love you This person has been singing alone in the academy. What is certain is that in this school, 20% of the people want to strangle him to death with their own hands, and the remaining 80% want to see someone strangle him with their own eyes. die.And the most resentful time was when he sang loudly downstairs in the girls' dormitory at dusk and at night, when he sang "I love you, I love you, I love you", suddenly a basin of water for washing feet fell from the sky, and then A shrew's voice shouted: Love your mother, go.

The lesson from this incident is that it is best to observe the terrain first when singing in the future, and only after making sure that no disaster will happen in the place where you are standing, will you sing loudly: I am single-minded... ●And the creation process of this song is that the first two paragraphs are written blindly, the beautiful girl in the third paragraph refers to Xu Xiaoqin, "There are many things that I can't arrange by myself" means, I originally wanted to arrange Xu Xiaoqin in an ugly way One thing is, who knew she was so beautiful; "What happened later was not accidental" means that later, the girl I liked was robbed by a friend, and if there were no accidents, I would go out and live together in a few days.

And "what else can we do except these" means what can we do except these?This is an interrogative sentence. ●The two of us wrote few things later, one of which was called "Like Shit", the content is: like shit Whoever steps on it is unlucky In fact, you and I are really like a bubble of shit Can only live under a dog's nose i don't know who pulled me Anyway, we shouldn't be here
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