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Chapter 6 Section VI

Poison 2 (optional reading) 韩寒 1977Words 2018-03-18
The three of us responded immediately and said yes again and again. Before this person left, he left a famous saying: Remember, people under the age of twenty are not allowed to kiss. What this sentence means is that comrades who censor movies believe that in a country like China, kissing before the age of twenty is against the national conditions.Although some of these old comrades may have become fathers at the age of nineteen. ●The policeman took a look at the old gun and said: Then why didn't you jump off the building?Lao Qiang said: I am not a literary youth. ●The high school I was in was a very despicable school. From the school leaders onwards, everyone was wretched, even the old man at the gate was very arrogant. We lived in such a domineering environment.The setting of the school is like this. There are three very exaggerated car speed bumps at the school gate. This is a big test for the cars coming to the school. Ordinary cars that are close to the school will be knocked off when they pass by. It is a warning to such a bad car. Do not come in the car.

●There is also a fountain in the school. The magic of this pool is that it can automatically adjust the height of the spray water according to the official position of the leaders who come to inspect. ●The reason why Zhou Lun has not been shot to death with shoes so far is that he is the son of a certain deputy mayor. I clearly remember the situation in my first political class in high school. When our political teacher repeatedly emphasized to us that she was unselfish, Zhou Lun was flirting with the girl behind, but the political teacher caught him and told him to stand up. , and then cursed loudly, and finally said: You have to talk outside.Zhou Lun resolutely carried out the teacher's thoughts, and immediately went outside the classroom.

As expected, this stern and selfless political teacher apologized to Zhou Lun on the spot during the second class, saying: Actually, it was a misunderstanding. Discussing political issues, the teacher wrongly blamed him.From that day on, our class referred to "flirting" as "discussing politics."Then as I got older, more and more people started talking about politics. ●It turned out that I was almost used when I was young—I once signed up for the waist drum team, but I was rejected because too many people signed up.Many children sign up for the waist drum team because it is easier to get a pass. It is said that they have mastered a musical instrument—fuck it, it’s also called a musical instrument. Have you ever seen someone playing with a waist drum?Besides, all the waist drum teams only practice one or two pieces, all of which are used to welcome the leaders.It turned out that we deprived children of their time to please some people who came to inspect, and practiced hard for three years just to be a dog that welcomes dogs. Thinking of this, I feel sorry for our domineering waist drum team in elementary school.

●The first one to go up was a girl. She sang "A Woman Vulnerable" in Cantonese. Unfortunately, she forgot the words because she was too nervous.The great luck in the misfortune is that she sang Cantonese songs. Anyway, no one here could understand the bird's language. She just sang there alone. When she stepped down, everyone thought she was Canadian because of language problems. She applauds loudly. The second person to go up was a boy wearing glasses. Just by looking at his appearance, he knew that he had no future in music, but because Zhao Chuan was there first, this boy seemed very confident.He sang a song by Zhang Xinzhe called "Don't Tell Him". The first sentence was "choose to leave your house in the early morning". We were all very excited when he sang the word "Choose in". Many girls were already ready to applaud. Unexpectedly, this person couldn't get higher when he sang the word "Early Morning", and then Covering his face and leaving the stage calmly, the whole performance took less than five seconds, which can be described as coming and going in a hurry.

●When it was about to start, Zhou Lun still did not move the microphone away from his buttocks, as if telling the world that he could win the championship if he sang in that place. In the end, the group of judges decided to award Zhou Lun the Best Typhoon Award after urgent discussions.The reason for giving the Best Typhoon Award is that after Zhou Lun accidentally sang a lewd song, he still has professional ethics and did not leave the stage halfway. It is not easy to carry the lewd song to the end. ●Zhou Lun has a great influence on me in the future. He made me realize the importance of power for the first time, and power is higher than the rights you try to defend.

●With my yearning for a beautiful girl in a beautiful city, I climbed on the train in a daze and went to a city called Yeshan. When Shanghai was far away from me, I gradually felt at a loss and fell into a very inexplicable sentimentality. Can not extricate themselves. ●On the way, I had a very strong urge to write letters to people.My upper berth has already met a prostitute, the two of them have very similar personalities, they have been broadcasting the news on my bed, and at dusk the next day, another one came in, and they became a threesome.At this time, I have completed two letters, one for two good friends of mine, and the content of the letter is basically as follows:

××, hello You must be surprised to receive my letter, mainly because I don’t like writing letters very much, but this time I was bored on the train, and my upper berth was too boring, so I had nothing to do.You should be in ×× city now, you must take an air-conditioned car in the future.Not to mention, the main thing is to say hello, and if you are free, please reply. After I finished writing it, I realized that the letter was stupid, but I still posted it after getting off the car.For the first week, I waited for an answer, but the answer just arrived after two and a half years. The reply to my letter was:

××, hello I haven't replied because I don't have time. I also think that the mother will have to take an air-conditioned car in the future. This is the content of the letter. Regarding the reply after such a long time, I did not classify it as a pessimistic conclusion such as the change of human nature and the changing world. The optimistic thinking is that this guy understands the reason for taking the air conditioner in the car. for two and a half years. I found this letter when I was leaving the university to sort things out, so I was full of thoughts, and immediately wrote to reply, and made a great affirmation of his research results.The content of the reply letter is:

Makes sense. ●Old Xia.This man had been to Beijing once before he went to Yecheng. He was self-taught and started a new life, so he was so excited that he used Beijing dialect to admire everything he saw along the way.When we got out of the train station, Lao Xia looked at the train and praised: Awesome, really fucking awesome.
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