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Chapter 23 Fool

minus one degree 韩寒 3811Words 2018-03-18
——Written in 1997 one People in the village like to build their houses beside Liuyue River.Those houses were almost all one-story houses—or only one-story houses, because the village was very poor, and the houses painted with lime were considered good.More often than not, the house was built in vain, but there was no money to paint it, leaving the bare red bricks to withstand the wind and rain.Although there are often some boats carrying floor slabs and lime passing by in Liuyue River, the villagers don't have the money to buy them to renovate buildings and paint houses, so they don't pay much attention to those boats.

One day, a small boat of unknown origin came from far away in the Liuyue River.The boat accidentally collided with an abandoned bridge pier hidden in the water and leaked.So the boat stopped in the village.A family of three Anhui people brought by boat lived in a dilapidated warehouse next to the threshing ground in the village, and contracted more than ten acres of land in the village.The Anhui people never thought of sending their sons to school, but when they saw the children in the village passing by the door with their schoolbags on their backs every day, they were a little moved. One day, the principal of the school in the village, Hongxing Primary School, was having dinner at home. An Anhui man led his son and broke into the door, begging the principal to solve the child's reading problems.The principal pulled the child to his side and looked from head to toe. He found that apart from black spots and rough skin, his facial features were still complete and his development was fairly normal. According to his height, he could be in the fourth grade, but so far he can only count as 1+ 1 I don't know anything else.The principal was so moved that he waived tuition and miscellaneous fees and let him study at the school.

Hongxing Primary School is located by the Liuyue River. It is the only two-story building in the whole village. The upper grades are on the second floor, the lower grades are on the ground floor, and there is an office on each side.This is obviously a mistake made by the soil designer.Children from Anhui came here to go to school. The Anhui child didn't have any serious names before, and his parents were used to calling him "Gouzi", so "Gouzi" became his scientific name.Gouzi officially entered the first grade, starting from Pinyin.Gouzi's volume and courage are astonishing, and he always stands out from the crowd, but his accuracy is really hard to compliment.There is always a sense of stupidity in every gesture, and adding "gouzi" is not a serious name, so the students call him "fool".

two The classmates and teachers all thought that the idiot's IQ was a little questionable, and wondered if he was really a fool.Finally, the idiot committed a big fool once: at the instigation of his first-year classmates, he bravely broke into the women's restroom.The idiot didn't know the significance of his breakthrough at all, he just watched in horror as the girls in the toilet passed by him screaming one by one, rushing out the door. In the office, the principal saw the female classmate running away from her body, guessing that she had almost left, so he went to the women's toilet with a stick to beat the mice.As soon as the principal arrived at the door of the women's toilet, he bumped into the idiot.The fool smiled and made way for the headmaster.The headmaster was so angry that his face was purple and he almost hit the fool with a stick.

The idiot is marked as a major demerit. The teachers also reported to the principal that the idiot is getting worse and worse. He sleeps in class and sleeps soundly and deeply. The low-decibel bell can't wake the idiot at all; , Corrected and corrected again, still wrong! The fool always competes with his junior classmates in martial arts after class, and even competes with a senior student in the long jump in front of a pit full of smelly and thick dung on the campus. In the end, he won and was dubbed "" Guild Master of Stinky Shui Bang"... At the end, I added a sentence: The idiot is so bad, let him go to the fourth grade, graduate or finish his studies earlier, and then let him be a "guild leader", we don't care.

As soon as the principal heard that the idea was "reasonable", he went to discuss with the fool's parents, saying that the fool could not keep up with the first grade, and let the fool go directly to the fourth grade, so that he could graduate early.The idiot's parents had never been to school, and they only knew that the higher the level, the better. When they heard that the idiot was going to be in the fourth grade, they were so happy that they went to the town to buy some pencils to celebrate the idiot's success in jumping three grades in a row.What is it if you can’t keep up? If you follow along, you can’t keep up? Foolish parents think so.That night, the idiot's mother repaired the idiot Guangrong's injured schoolbag.Under the dim light, the idiot mother told the idiot to keep up and keep up while sewing her schoolbag over and over again...

three The fourth grade students are obviously more complicated than the first grade students. Although the village is poor and they can't dress well, they already know how to ridicule their classmates who dress worse than themselves.When a fool goes, he naturally looks like a beggar.So, the students in the fourth grade made a fuss, like a beggar squeezed into the crowd of nobles, showing their nobility everywhere. The fool almost moved his fist again, his hand was visibly trembling.At this time, the classroom door opened with a "creak", and all the students' attention was attracted by the door.

The class teacher came just right.She let the idiot sit in a corner, and introduced the advantages of the idiot to the students in a serious manner - hard and simple... Even the last time the idiot picked up two cents, she described it again with glee, emphasizing again and again: the idiot is I jumped to the fourth grade because of my good grades. After all, the teacher's lying skills are too inferior, and the lies he tells are as untenable as tofu.This lovely lie was exposed on the first day.The idiot was originally known as "stupid" in the whole school, so the students in the fourth grade also began to call the idiot a "idiot" in a serious manner.

Although the lie was broken, but with the IQ of a fourth grade student, he would not know why the idiot skipped three grades in a row.In less than a week, the fool was revealed.Therefore, the teacher will not approve any idiot's exercises; the teacher will ignore all the idiot's compositions, and the idiot will live quite freely. In a physical education class, the male students were kicking a new football, which belonged to Xiaobao.Of course a fool can't kick it, so he has to play with ants while dragging his nose. The fool was enjoying the game, and the ball rolled over.The idiot had never touched the ball before, so his curiosity suddenly arose, and he kicked the ball out. His footwork was stinky. The ball drew a beautiful arc and flew out of the wall. He heard a "boom" sound, presumably the ball had been thrown into it. Liu Yuehe's embrace.

Xiaobao cried loudly.More than a dozen boys hurriedly overturned the idiot and beat him up so hard that his face was so bruised and purple that it looked gorgeous. The physical education teacher heard the voice, pulled the crowd away from the fight, and comforted the fool. Xiaobao explained the whole story to the physical education teacher with tears in his eyes. The physical education teacher praised Xiaobao, saying that Xiaobao had contributed to the development of the sports industry of Hongxing Primary School, and then spread his hands and asked the fool what to do? What can a fool do? Only cry on the side.

The physical education teacher told the fool that he would pay Xiaobao 20 yuan.The idiot nodded his head a few times, tears poured down like rain, crying until Xiaobao burst into laughter. At the break of this class, Xiaobao decided to punish the fool by throwing a stone at him to let him accept the lesson of blood. As a result, the stone missed the fool, but flew towards the physical education teacher's residence, collided with the glass of the physical education room, and the glass immediately shattered badly and fell to the ground with a crash. Xiaobao was petrified. The voice startled the principal.The principal rushed out and asked who did it.Xiaobao coughed a few times and looked at the fool. The classmates around immediately understood.The condition of Xiaobao's family is very good, and he even bought a video game console, in order to facilitate dredging in the future, and play it, the students immediately turned their attention to the idiot. The fool had a bad feeling and was a little overwhelmed. "Shua", a white light flashed, and after a "snap", five bright red finger prints bestowed by the principal were left on the fool's cheek. The fool argued that it was not me.The principal got angry, boy, you are still stubborn! Another "snap", and the other cheek suffered the same fate.Thus, on the fool's face, there is a surreal abstract work with the nose as the axis of symmetry, evenly distributed on both sides, and glowing red.The headmaster's beating made everyone happy and applauded. The fool remembered it again. Four The school organized a hand-in-hand friendship activity for urban and rural children, decided to go out for an outing, and called on everyone to participate.Fools belong to "people", so they can also "participate". The fool's participation greatly reduced the burden on the students.The idiot is carrying a bag in his left hand and a pot in his right, and he is so proud of the fake praise of his classmates. The picnic team marched to a big bend in Liuyue River. The scenery on the other side of the river was beautiful, and the students were clamoring to cross the river.The headmaster was in a dilemma. There was no bridge at the moment. Could it be possible to swim across? The headmaster was afraid of causing public anger, so he waved his hand and "discussed" with a few teachers. During the discussion, a two-leaf boat was rowed from the turn of the Liuyue River. It was the kind of small fishing boat that the villagers used for fishing.The principal's eyes lit up, and he signaled to row the boat over. After weighing with several teachers, he decided to "cross the Liuyue River by force". A boat can hold about ten people.The students were continuously transported to the other side in batches. The fool was carrying the bag, and he happened to arrange to be on the same boat with Xiaobao, and there were also a few female classmates from the city on the same boat. The boat was originally unstable, and a few girls from the city were restless, chattering and moving around. When they got to the middle of the river, the girls became even more excited. One of them even stood up, but he couldn't stand upright and swayed from side to side. .This sway was extraordinary, the boat turned over with a splash, and a dozen people fell into the river together. The fool and the boatman knew how to swim, and they reached the shore in a short while.The classmates and teachers on the shore cried out for help, and the principal jumped into the river before he even took off his clothes. At this time, a figure passed by and quickly swam towards the center of the river. Someone saw it clearly, it was a fool. The fool swam in the water and dragged several female classmates to the shore one by one. He was exhausted. There was still someone thumping in the river, it was Xiao Bao, it turned out that he couldn't swim yet. Xiaobao did everything in the water with hands and feet, dogs, cats, pigs, and fishes, but to no avail.People turned their eyes to the idiot panting aside. The fool felt it, so he jumped into the cold river again and pushed Xiaobao to the bank with all his strength.The frightened classmate next to him was still as nervous as a live prawn about to go into the pot. The fool thought there was still someone in the river, so he plunged into the Liuyue River with a "boom". The fool searched again, but found no one.He came up to take a breath, and then dived into the bottom of the river.But this time, the fool never surfaced again. People call fools by their names... Another spring, on the banks of the Liuyue River, hundreds of students stood in front of the fool's tomb.Xiaobao cried and put a brand new football on the grave. Beside the tomb, the Liuyue River flows quietly. The Liuyue River bends, flows into the green field, extends to the distant horizon, and even extends to the hearts of the children... Creation talk: I have wanted to write a novel about campus life for a long time, but the story of "the first love in the sinus" among urban students has been repeated over and over again, and I almost wrote it badly. s story.The content of the novel is very simple, but at the beginning, I racked my brains to find the subject matter. It was not until I read a newspaper report about a man who fell into the water and no one rescued him and drowned that he suddenly became inspired. ".In order to keep the article from feeling superficial and frightening, I ordered the protagonist to die once to wake up the conscience of the classmates and teachers in the article, and finally assembled this article intermittently. The main events in the novel are fictitious, but many details are accumulated bit by bit from life.Such as "brave into the women's bathroom" is what I personally experienced when I was in elementary school. With the "understanding and support" of my "friends", I boldly entered the "forbidden zone" that day in order to win a small bet.As a result, I was very honored to embrace warmly with the director of the teaching office at the door, and was called into the office for education for a long time.This incident was the one I regretted the most in elementary school, so it was naturally integrated into the novel, and I was the prototype of this detail.Personally, I think it is very important to accumulate material from life. No matter how good your writing is, you can only use it to embellish examples in your novels. Once you are out of life, you are like a fish on the shore, and you can only "swim in the air." "And "nowhere to rely on".In the past, many manuscripts were never returned or returned intact, which also taught me to master a "degree" in fiction. Verne.
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