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Chapter 13 peeping in a cup

minus one degree 韩寒 1165Words 2018-03-18
What I think of is human nature, especially China's national inferiority.Mr. Lu Xun's explanation is not exhaustive.I have my opinion. In the Southern Song Dynasty, there is a saying that "at the beginning of human beings, nature is good", which shows that people are just like this ball of dry cloth, and they can strictly discipline themselves; when they touch the water of society, even if it is clear water, they will be involuntarily like shy grass leaves, and their original rigor will gradually fade away. It was stretched out and gradually soaked through.Thoughts approached Liezi.

The Chinese people have always had the character of steel, so there are occasional people who are clean and self-conscious, and they insist on staying so pure for decades after birth. These people who are so pure have not been immersed in water and are not tolerated by society. "Are.That's what writing essays is about. There are many miscellaneous essays exposing evil in "Zawenbao" and "Wenhuibao".In fact, it is not so, you have to read it carefully, and after careful reading, you can taste the author's own depression-how is Lao Tzu not an official.If these scolding officials suddenly get official positions, they might be the same as Li Bai, and they should be proud of the officials.It's a pity that the current official position is in high demand, and there is no turn for these people who scold officials and want to be officials, so they have no choice but to scold officials more and more.

As I write this, Nabu seems to be a very tired person lying on the bed stretching his waist, supporting his cup.After being in contact for a long time, it is inevitable that it will be fully revealed.I also thought of the Confucian doctrine of the mean and modesty that Chinese people have always adhered to.As a Chinese, unfortunately, you have to learn humility first.No matter how arrogant a person is at first, he will gradually become humble.Qian Zhongshu was proud at first, but he pitied his mentors Wu Mi and Ye Gongchao, and was dismissed as "too stupid" and "too lazy". Unfortunately, I didn't see the arrogant words that I am the only one, and it can be regarded as soaked in water.Li Ao is still good, the KMT can't grind him down for the time being, and he kills him one by one if he doesn't like it, and he also kills the KMT.He said that if he wanted to find someone he admired, he would look in the mirror, "Li Ao's Happy Enmity and Enmity Record", China Friendship Publishing House. , but how many such traitors can China produce who are both literary and human beings outside the twenty-four ranks?

However, it is not easy to be a person who speaks out about one's level in China.The anecdotes of some immodest people are collected in "Tongue Hualu". What kind of book is "Tongue Hualu"? ——a joke book! Some people will educate their sons like this in the future: "My son, be good, treat your old age At that time, even if you are talented, remember not to be arrogant, and you will make a joke of the pride of "Tongue Hualu"!" The Chinese became obedient, blended in with the society, and behaved modestly. China looks down on people who talk big.But in my opinion, there is nothing big about big words, just like the ancient women used to wrap their feet, and when they met normal feet, they called them "big feet"; "Are.

Those who dare to speak big words will not end well, scaring future generations from not speaking big words to not speaking.Fortunately, Hu Shi died of illness, otherwise he would die of anger when he saw this scene.As a result, people who don't talk big are accepted by society. As I write this, the cloth has already absorbed water to the point of falling.So it involves the result of excessive immersion in society-crime.The crime rate in the United States ranks first in the world. I have read a lot of books criticizing and praising the United States, and I have a bad impression of the United States; but one thing is for sure. No matter how rich an American child is, he cannot be allowed to play pornographic movies. cinema.

Do Chinese educators know that this is related to juvenile delinquency, and if a person under the age is too involved in society, he will - Chinese educators distinguish sex and crime too clearly, as can be seen from the text, Chinese man-made characters do not have the prophets of the ancient Romans. There is a word in Latin called "Corpusdelieti", which is interpreted as "body, flesh" and "crime condition". It can be seen that the Romans recognized the body as a condition for crime. After writing this, I suddenly found that the cloth had sunk to the bottom of the cup.

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