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Chapter 72 my mentor

silent majority 王小波 1910Words 2018-03-18
I finally had the courage to talk about my literary mentorship.When I was young, my elder brother once read to me "The Bronze Horseman" translated by Mr. Cha Liangzheng: i love you the great city that peter built I love your majestic, even face How majestic the flowing waters of the Neva Marble tiles line its banks... He also told me that this is a graceful and heroic poem, and it is the best writing.In contrast, another gentleman's translation of "The Bronze Horseman" is not good enough: i love you peter build I love your stately look... Now I understand that the latter gentleman must be from the Northeast, and his translation of poems has the tone of Errenzhuan.I was fifteen years old that year, and I knew what kind of writing can be called good.

When I was nearly forty years old, I read Mr. Wang Daoqian's translation, and I knew what kind of literary realm novels can achieve.Mr. Daogan used to be a poet, and later became a translator. He is proficient in writing.His life was rough, and his translation in his later years was extremely painful.Listen to the opening paragraph: "I am old. One day, in the lobby of a public place, a man came to me. He introduced himself and said to me: I know you, I will always remember you. At that time, you still You're young, everyone says you're beautiful, and now, I'm here to tell you, to me, I think you're even more beautiful than when you were young, when you were a young woman, compared to when you were young, I love your devastated appearance even more."

This is also a portrayal of Mr. Wang's life.Duras's article is good, but Mr. Wang's translation is also good, and there are infinite vicissitudes in it.Mr. Zha and Mr. Wang have helped me more than all the modern Chinese writers combined.Other knowledge of modern literature can be easily acquired.But without people like Mr. Cha and Mr. Wang, there is nowhere to learn the best Chinese literary language.In addition to these two gentlemen, other translators also write in the best literary languages. For example, there are such translations in the German anthology: Morning mist rises, leaves fall

Let's fill up the wine! With a rhythm that will never be forgotten, this is poetry.For these gentlemen, I have more than respect for them - I love them.Their grasp and feeling of modern Chinese are unmatched so far.It is worthwhile for a person to make such a contribution to his mother tongue. Both Mr. Daogan and Mr. Liangzheng were talented poets. Later, because of their outstanding literary quality and self-esteem, they could not write and could only be translators.That's it, they still left behind Huang Zhong Da Lu's words.Words are for reading, listening, not reading—you might as well read comic books.If you don't understand this, you can only write noise-filled literal garbage.Thought, language, and writing are all one. If you read it in a mess, your meaning will not be good—this is the simplest truth, but if there is no senior to tell me, how would I know.Sometimes I also write some irresponsible and rough words. When I reread them later, I feel so ashamed that I really want to take off my pants and ask Mr. Daogan to beat me twice.Mencius once said that shameless shame is shameless.Now I am a man of integrity in literature, all thanks to the teachings of these gentlemen.For me, their work is a whip stronger than a whip.It is my responsibility to remind young people today that it is my responsibility to remember their names and read their translated books.

People nowadays would say that both Mr. Wang and Mr. Cha are translators.Translators and writers cannot be compared in the history of literature.This is true, but always look at what is being written.It seems to me that the order of literature in our country is completely reversed: the first-rate works have a first-rate reputation, and the first-rate works are unknown.What hurts most is that the best work is not written.These works should have been written by Mr. Zha Liangzheng and Mr. Wang Daoqian when they were in their prime, and now they have become the Hanging Garden of Babylon... With the ambitions of the two of them when they were young, and the afterglow of their later years, if they have the present in their middle age environment, it is impossible not to write good works.It's a pity that Mr. Liangzheng and Mr. Daogan are gone...

Recalling that when I was young, I secretly read the prose translations of Mr. Fu Lei, Ru Long and others. These words are all good.But the best are the translations of poets; it is they who discovered the rhythm of modern Chinese.Without this rhythm, there would be no literature.The most important thing is: in China, there is already a pure and perfect modern literary language, and the only thing left is to learn, which is already very easy.We don't need to use ugly dialects, and we don't need to write in difficult and unexpressive classical Chinese.Why writers still like to write with inferior characters is beyond me.However, it would be more than unfair to ignore the contribution of previous translators to literature.

As the forerunners of the French New Novel pointed out, the novel is changing itself in the direction of poetry.Milan Kundera said that a novel should be like music.An Italian friend told me that Calvino's novels are extremely pleasant to read, like a string of crisp beads falling to the ground.I know neither French nor Italian, but I can hear the rhythm of the novel.This is thanks to the legacy the poet left behind. I've always wanted to acknowledge that my literary parentage is such a little-known thread.This is putting gold on my face.But even after Mr. Daogan and Mr. Liangzheng passed away, I did not have the courage to write such an article.Because if you don't write well, you will discredit them.If modern Chinese literature has any merit, its roots lie in those deceased translators.When we were young, we all knew that if we want to read a good text, we must read a translation, because the best authors are doing translation.This is our secret.With the death of Mr. Daogan, I don't know which living author can write such good words, but their books are still there, and can be a model for learning literature.I ended up writing this, not because my book was already well written, but because it would be unfair to the young people of today not to tell the secret.No one told them this, and if we only understand literature in terms of reputation, we will not know what is bad and what is good.

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