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Chapter 119 Chapter 119: Philosophy of Henpeck (3)

a 李宗吾 1557Words 2018-03-18
Readers, if your wife puts the most severe pressure on you, you must bear it with respect, so that you can bear the humiliation and bear the burden of national affairs. This is the secret of the success of Wang Dao, Xie An, and Qi Jiguang.Otherwise, you will fail.Huang Chao rebelled in the Tang Dynasty, and the court ordered a certain public governor to conquer it.Madam was at home, packed her luggage and came to his camp.He frowned when he heard this, and said to his staff: "My lady heard that the general is coming south, and Huang Chao is going north again. What can I do?" .If he has the courage to meet his wife, he must have the courage to resist Huang Chao, and he will never fail.

We are now in this environment, talking about the War of Resistance against Japan, talking about diplomacy when talking about international affairs, and when it comes to diplomacy, we are not afraid of people in the academic circle who are not competent and happy.Li Hongzhang is the number one diplomatic talent in our country.Hongzhang took his daughter Xu Zhang Peilun as his wife. Peilun was already forty years old. Mrs. Hongzhang thought he was old, so she made a big fuss after looking for Hongzhang.He put his head down, endured his anger, and slowly managed to get his wife's words right, and then married his daughter to Pei Lun.You think: Madam's negotiations are well handled, how can foreigners' negotiations not be handled well?Therefore, the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, such a difficult negotiation, Hongzhang can single-handedly complete it.

Based on the above research, we should urgently establish a society dedicated to the study of the philosophy of henpeck, and cultivate some talents for the country's urgent needs.The old ethics focused on the word filial piety, while the new ethics focused on the word fear.The ancients looked for loyal ministers at the door of filial sons, and now we should look for martyrs at the door of fearful husbands.Confucius advocated the old ethics and wrote the next "Book of Filial Piety". As the leader of Heihou, I have the responsibility to promote the new ethics. I wrote a special book "The Classic of Fear". Just recite my "Sutra of Fear" a hundred times morning and night.

The leader said: I am afraid of the scriptures of the sky, the righteousness of the earth, and the actions of the people.The five punishments belong to three thousand, and there is no crime greater than not being afraid. The leader said: He is also afraid of his wife as a human being, but few people dare to do wrong outside.Everyone does not teach what is wrong, but there is no one who says that the country is not prosperous.A gentleman should focus on the basics, the foundation is based on Taoism, and those who are afraid of their wives are the foundation of the revival of China. The leader said: Only adults can have the heart to be afraid of their wives. Once they are afraid of their wives, the foundation of the country will be established.

The leader said: The way to be afraid of learning is to stop at the ultimate good, to be strict with a wife, and to be a husband with fear.There is a strict ruler in the family, which is also called a wife.The wives issue orders inside, and the husband runs outside. This is the righteousness of heaven and earth.The leader said: "It's great that the wife is the way. It's so majestic that only the sky is the greatest, but the wife is the one. She is so swaying that she is incompetent and nameless. I don't know what I don't know. I follow my wife's rules." The leader said: Do it without paying attention to it, practice it without observing it, and fear your wife all your life, but there are many people who don't know what to fear.

The leader said: When a gentleman sees his wife’s anger, he is unwilling to eat, he is not happy when he hears music, and he lives in a restless place. He must be sincere and respectful. The leader said: "The wife has made mistakes, and she should remonstrate with a pleasant voice and soft color. If she doesn't follow the remonstrance, she will be respectful and fearful. If she doesn't listen to the three remonstrations, she will cry and follow. The wife is angry, but she bleeds. Don't dare to hurry." Resentment, reverence and awe. The leader said: If a husband goes out in the morning but does not return, his wife will look at the door;

The leader said: When a gentleman cares about his wife, he sees the invisible and listens to the silent, like a boudoir, and bows like that. If you are not ordered to sit, you dare not sit. If you are not ordered to retreat, you dare not retreat. The wife is also worried, and the wife is happy . The leader said: "If you want to seek a country and be disloyal, you are not afraid. If your friends don't believe you, you are not afraid. If you have no courage in battle, you are not afraid."If you do not dare to forget your wife when you move your feet, and dare not forget your wife when you speak a word, you will be good, and you will give your wife a name, and you will be rewarded;

The leader said: "Wives are entrusted by their husbands for life. Their bodies and skins belong to all wives. They dare not damage them because they are afraid of the beginning; they stand up to practice the way and make their name known to future generations to show their wives. They are afraid of the end." The twelve chapters of the Right Classic, for fear of learning the way of getting started, have endless flavors.As a husband, if you get something from playing with ropes, you will use it for life, and some people can't use it up. The new rites teach husbands and wives to be equal to the old rites to teach fathers and sons. Confucius said, "Being a man ends with filial piety." At the same time, he said "Being a father ends with kindness."Therefore, when I say: "Being a husband is limited to being afraid", we must say "Being a wife is limited to being strict", and both sides must be considered.

Nowadays, many people sing the saying of "a good wife and a good mother", and lesbians are not very satisfied. This is a misunderstanding. The four characters "good wife and loving mother" are listed in sequence, not in parallel.A good wife is a good mother, and the way of a wife is also, but the way of a mother exists.When the son of man is young, he is raised by his parents, and when he grows up, he goes out to be a tutor, and receives the education of the teacher and protector. When he is strong and solid, he belongs to his wives.The former wife actually has the responsibility of parents, teachers and guardians, how can she be casual and careless?Wife is the guide for husband, can I, a lesbian, be relieved of this responsibility?

A man has three obediences: he follows his father when he is young, he follows his teacher when he is old, and he follows his wife from strong to old.I advocate inviting some gay men to set up a "research meeting for fear of learning" to discuss theoretically; and then persuade lesbians to set up a "roaring lion practice center" to practice the implementation methods, and both parties will do it together. , there is no such thing.
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