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Chapter 70 Chapter 70: Thick Hei Cong Chapter Volume 3 (1)

a 李宗吾 2102Words 2018-03-18
Thick Black Conghua Volume Three Chengdu "West China Daily" October 24 Someone read the "Thick Black Sutra" and read that "he wants to learn here, but he seeks all of himself and obtains it, and uses the benevolence and righteousness of the husband's external temptations to fill his natural thick black." He asked: "Li Zongwu , you may be wrong. Mencius said: "Benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom are not self-contained, but inherent in me." It can be seen that benevolence and righteousness are natural. How do you say thick black is natural, and benevolence and righteousness are natural? Temptation?" I said, "I'm not wrong, but I'm afraid that Mencius of yours is wrong. Mencius said: 'Children all know how to love their relatives, and their elders, and all know how to respect their elder brothers. "Whether his words are true or not, we have to test it on the spot. Let Mencius's wife take out his newborn child, and let me test it in front of Mencius. The mother holds the child to eat, and the child stretches out her hand to drag it. If you don't watch out, the bowl will break. I would like to ask Mencius, is this a phenomenon of loving relatives? The mother takes a piece of cake in her hand, and the child reaches out to ask for it. The mother refuses to give it to him, and puts it in his own mouth. The child will reach out and take it out of the mother's mouth, and put it in his mouth. I would like to ask Mencius, is this phenomenon loving relatives? When a child eats milk and cakes in the mother’s arms, the elder brother will push him and beat him when he approaches. May I ask Mencius, is this phenomenon respecting the elder brother? As long as the whole body There is no such thing as a child in the world, so I will not talk about it immediately in my thick black theory, since there are no children in the world, it can be seen that thick black is an inherent thing in nature, and my thick black theory is of course established."

Mencius said: "Those who don't learn what people can do are good, and those who know what they don't care about are also good." When the child saw the cake in the mother's mouth, he stretched out his hand to snatch it, and ate the milk cake in the mother's arms. When the elder brother came close, he pushed him and beat him. He was able to learn without learning, and he knew without thinking. According to the definition made by Mencius, he should be regarded as confidant and virtuous.Mencius taught people to expand their conscience and ability. Now many officials grab people's money, which is to expand their conscience and ability when they were children when they snatched cakes from their mothers' mouths.Many people with lofty ideals do everything they can to exclude loyal comrades, that is, to expand the conscience and ability of children who push and beat their elder brothers when they eat dairy cakes.Mencius said: "A grown-up is one who does not lose the heart of a child." Today's great men have lost nothing of the mentality they had when they were children. It can be seen that the troubles in China are entirely caused by Mencius' followers, not mine. believers do.

Published in the first year of the Republic of China, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, and Liu Bang were designated as model figures.So far, no one has learned it in the past 24 years.If there is a person like Liu Bei, how did Sichuan in the past become a devil's den?There is a person like Sun Quan. How could there be cracks in Ningyue in the past?There is a man like Cao Cao, does Manchukuo dare to be independent?If there is a man like Liu Bang, will China fall apart?I tasted and said: "I can't see Liu Bang. I can see Cao Cao. I can't see Cao Cao. I can see Liu Bei and Sun Quan." So I am not a believer in saying that China is so troubled. dry.

Han Gaozu's share of the pie was to expand the conscience and energy of a child snatching the cake from the mother's mouth.Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty killed Jiancheng and Yuanji to expand the conscience and energy of children who pushed and beat their elder brothers when they ate dairy cakes.This is what the "Thick Black Classic" said: "It is thick and black as it is." The ancients chanted the poem of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty: "The meat on the zu, the soup in the cup, the yellow robe is more important than the old man."? Sister-in-law soup, soup Jiehou, the revenge of a meal is endless....Don’t you see that the Han family opened the foundation for four hundred days, and this is the case between the monarch, the minister, the father, the son, the brother, the husband, the husband and the friend.” Han Gaozu swept away the so-called five ethics, husband’s propriety, righteousness and shame, This is what the "Houhei Jing" said: "Remove the benevolence and righteousness of the husband's external temptation."

Someone challenged me and said: "Mencius said: 'Everyone has a heart of compassion.' According to you, shouldn't it be changed to 'Everyone has no compassion'?" I said, "This principle cannot In this way, Mencius said: "When people see a child about to fall into the well, they all have a heart of fear and compassion." He clearly put forward the four characters of fear and compassion. In the following, he suddenly said, "Without a heart of compassion, it is not a human being." "The heart of compassion, The end of benevolence.' Pingkong picked up the word fear and lost it. What is the reason? Furthermore, Mencius said: 'At first sight, the child will enter the well'. This is the life and death relationship between the child and the well. I am Standing on the sidelines. Suppose I and Ruzi are about to enter the well at the same time, I would like to ask Mencius, what is the state of this mind? The first thought that comes out at this time, is it fear or compassion? Needless to say, at this moment there is only fear but no compassion , I can only care about my death, and I have no time to consider the death of the child. It is because I don’t love the child, and things happen in a hurry. You can see the truth of human nature. Fear is for me, and compassion is for others. Mencius said: "The heart of compassion is the end of benevolence." Li Zongwu said: "The heart of fear is the end of thick black." When Mencius talked about benevolence and righteousness, he started with compassion. When I talked about thick black, I started with fear. First there is fear, and then there is compassion. Mencius’s theory is the second righteousness, and mine is the first righteousness.”

There is a certain Zeng in a certain county in Chengdu. He usually lectures on Cheng Zhu's studies.I checked the school and asked, "Has the old man been reading books recently?" The answer: "Now he is compiling a collection of Confucian sayings in the Song Dynasty." I asked: "Mencius said: 'When people first see a child about to fall into the well, they all have fear and compassion. Heart.’ Why do we just say in the following text: ‘A person is not a person without a heart of compassion.’ ‘The heart of compassion is the end of benevolence.’ Putting aside the word fear and vigilance, what is its meaning?” He listened and pondered.I asked: "Seeing that the child is about to enter the well, the first thought that comes out is fear or compassion?" He replied casually: "It is compassion."I originally wanted to say: Since the first thought is compassion, why did Mencius not say "compassion and fear" but "fear and compassion"?Because he is an old man, it is inconvenient to ask further questions, so he just asked: "I have read very few books about Confucianism in the Song Dynasty. I only saw that they tried their best to use the word compassion. I don't know if they will also use the word fear?" He said: "Mo Yes." I didn't want to ask further questions, so I went to talk about other things.

In the book "Mencius", the chapter that a child loves his parents, and a child will enter a well chapter is the most fundamental evidence for the theory of good nature.The theory of Song Confucianism was deduced from these two evidences.I have no doubts about these two pieces of evidence, so whenever I talk about thick black studies, I criticize Song Confucianism arbitrarily.But I like to doubt the most in my life, not only doubting the sayings of ancient and modern people, but also often doubting my own sayings.Although I can justify myself when I talk about thick black studies, what Mencius said can't be said that he has no reason.What is the truth about human nature?Mencius said: Where does a child's love and compassion come from?So I continued my research.

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