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Chapter 62 Chapter 62: Thick Hei Cong Hua II (4)

a 李宗吾 1520Words 2018-03-18
There is another layer. I said earlier that "a layer of benevolence, righteousness and morality should be pasted on the thick black." This refers to meeting a Taoist teacher. ?At this time, the words "love is sacred" should be pasted.If you meet a friend who talks about Marx, you will just stick to the words "class struggle, labor dictatorship". Doesn't he call you a comrade?In short, the two characters thick and black are ever-changing. As for what should be confused on the surface, it is up to scholars to understand according to the time and place, and the gods.

In "Zongwu Suitan", there are six-character mantras for seeking an official, six-character mantras for being an official, and two wonderful methods for handling affairs. Many people ask me how I am, so I record the original text below: I published it, and someone said to me: "Your knowledge is broad and profound. We have read it, but we can't use it. Please point out the key methods." I asked: "What do you mean?" He said: " I want to be an official." So I passed him the six-character mantra for seeking an official position: "Kong, Gong, Chong, Praise, Fear, and Send." These six characters are all in flat tones, and their meanings are as follows:

1.Empty means free time, which can be divided into two types: (1) As far as affairs are concerned, those who seek an official must put aside all things, no work, no business, no farming, no business, no reading, no learning. Teaching, running and living in Chengdu, wholeheartedly, seeking officials; (2) In terms of time, you must be patient when applying for officials, and don’t rush. If it doesn’t take effect today, it will come again tomorrow. If it doesn’t take effect this year, it will come again next year. 2.The word tribute is borrowed from the dialect of our Sichuan Province, and its meaning is equal to the drilling of the camp, drilling in and out, which can be said to be tribute in tribute out.It is well known that seeking an official requires digging, but it is difficult to define.Some people said: "The definition of the word tribute is that if there is a hole, it must be drilled." I said: "Wrong, wrong! You are only half right, only if there is a hole, you can only drill, and if there is no hole, what do you do?" My definition It is: "If there is a hole, it must be drilled, and if there is no hole, it must be inserted." Those who have holes will expand and enlarge them, and those without holes will take out the drill and open a new one.

3.What is called bragging by ordinary people, Chuan province said is "a braggadocio".Chong is divided into two, one is verbal, and the other is written.Each subject is further divided into two categories: Orally, it is divided into ordinary places and in front of Shangfeng, and in writing, it is divided into newspapers and magazines and postings. 4.Holding is the word holding the scene.When Wei Gong came out on the stage, Hua Xin's behavior was an excellent example. 5.Fear means to intimidate, and it is another verb.This principle is very profound, so I might as well say a few more words.Officials are things, so precious, how can they be given to others easily?Some people have achieved 120,000 points in "Panzi", but it still doesn't take effect, because they have lost the effort to fear words.The method is to find out the vital points of the people in the authorities, and if you tap him lightly, he will be terrified and send the officials out immediately.Notes to scholars: The word fear and the word praise are used for each other.Those who are fearful are apprehensive, and the onlookers saw that he was flattering and flattering in front of Shangfeng, but actually Shangfeng listened to it and sweated profusely.Those who are good at appreciating him are afraid that they will be applauded. The onlookers see him with strong bones and sharp edges, and they blame Shangfeng with every sentence. In fact, those who listen to him are full of joy, and their joints are crisp. "The gods are clear, and it depends on the person", "A master craftsman can follow the rules with others, but can't make people clever", these are the careful understanding of the officials.The most important thing is that when using the word fear, there must be a sense of proportion. If you use it too much, you will become angry from embarrassment and fight against me. Wouldn't it be contrary to the purpose of seeking an official?Why bother Neil?Unless you have no other choice, the word fear should not be used lightly.Please!Please!

6.Sending means sending things, and there are two types of big and small: one big gift, take out a bag of silver dollars and give it away; the second small gift, such as sending spring tea, fire elbows, and please go to restaurants and so on.There are two people who are sent: one is to exercise the power of equanimity, and the other is to help me without exercising the power of equanimity. Someone can do the six characters one by one, guaranteeing that every word will have a miraculous effect.That adult gentleman, living alone in deep thought, said to himself: "A certain person wants to be an official, and he has been talking about it for a long time (the effect of the empty word), and he has a certain relationship with me (the effect of the tribute word). Talent (the effect of punching words) is also very good to me (the effect of holding words), but this person has bad talents. If he does not arrange it, he may not cause trouble (the effect of fearing words). Thinking of this, in the review room, there are dark There are a lot of them (for the effect of giving words), and there is nothing to say, and there is a lack of someone to act as a sign. So far, I have completed my work, so I can take office and implement it. The six-character mantra of being an official.

The six-character mantra for being an official: "Kong, Gong, Teng, Fierce, Deaf, and Nong." These six characters are all flat, and their meanings are as follows: 1.Empty means empty, which can be divided into two types.First, in terms of writing: all the comments and announcements are empty, and I can't explain the mystery in it. Readers, please go to the government halls and read the writing on the wall from Dongyuanmen to Xiyuanmen, and you will suddenly understand.Second, in terms of doing things, doing whatever you want is a live-action activity, and you can do it either east or west.Sometimes it is done vigorously and vigorously, but in fact there is a way out in secret. If the situation is not good, you will withdraw from that way. You will never worry about yourself and make jokes such as unclear handover and dismissal for investigation.

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