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Chapter 57 Chapter 57: Thick Hei Cong Chapter Volume 1 (7)

a 李宗吾 1799Words 2018-03-18
The ancients said that "articles serve the country".The article is not what I know, what I know is thick and black.From now on, please serve the country with thick black. The "Thick Black Classic" said: "I am not the way of thick black, and I dare not present it before the people of the country, so everyone is more patriotic than me." Telling me not to talk about thick black is tantamount to telling Confucius and Mencius not to talk about benevolence and righteousness. Let me ask: can it be possible? ?I asked myself: Those who have contributed to the world's morals and people's hearts all their lives are inventing thick and black learning. Holding this unique learning and not making it public to the world is to cherish treasures and lose the country. Isn't it so inhumane!Li Zongwu said: "I am a sage who is thick and dark. My husband did not want China's revival. If he wants China's revival, in today's world, who else can I have? Why don't I talk about thick and dark?"

An ancient poem said: "When we hoe the crops at noon, the sweat drips down to the soil. Who knows that the food on the plate is hard-working." Everyone says that the rice is delicious, but who knows the hardships of farmers?Everyone says that thick black science is applicable, who knows the difficulty of the inventor?In my part, it can be said that every word is hard work. My knowledge will definitely become a specialist in the future, and perhaps a special university will be set up to study it.I plan to write down the history of the invention with the people I studied together, so that future generations can find the material by making a thick black study case like the Song Yuan Xuean and Ming Confucianism Xuean, or build a thick black temple with me. There are supporting characters.

An old friend Huang Jinglin met me on the streets of Chengdu and said: "I haven't seen you for many years. I heard that you are going to build a thick black temple. I worshiped the temple more than ten years ago. Please write me a paragraph so that I can share it with you in the future." " I said: "There is no need to write any more. Lin Fang, the one you fell in love with, saw Confucius, and only asked the three words 'the book of rites'. Until now, he still sits high in the Confucian temple and eats cold pork. You have aspirations Dao, this conversation is more than enough to be enjoyed." Jinglin said again: "I am 62 years old this year, and because I admire your knowledge, I do not hesitate to worship under you. I said: "Is it possible that I am younger than you? Is it not enough to be a teacher with you?It is your great fortune for me to include you in the gate wall. In the future, writing "My Teacher, Mr. Li Zongwu" in your self-written chronicle will be more honorable than "Former Qing imperial conferment on a certain doctor". "

In previous years, Luo Bokang from the same county wrote to me and said: "Many people say that you talk about thick black studies, but when I meet people, I argue that you are neither thick nor black." 'Mr. Houhei', those who wrote to me will make the first paragraph, and I will write back to make the next paragraph. I feel that these titles are more honorable than Wen Chenggong and Wen Zhenggong. I look forward to the ages, and I am always proud. Every time people say that I am neither thick nor black, how can I offend my step, and this step will repay me? Huo Bokang, I have known each other for a long time, why would I be content with the original land, let him pay attention to his shin, so as not to be punished by Nishan Staff!" Recently, many people advised me not to talk about thick black studies.Sigh!There are so many lands in the world!

The previously published "Houhei Zhuan Xilu" recorded my conversations with everyone, and this Conghua is to expand the biography of Xilu.Many people have never read my various writings in the past, but now I have dismantled his entire line and mixed it with my current new thoughts.This time, Conghua is in the genre of essays, including five kinds of content: (1) thick black history view; (2) thick black philosophy; (3) application of thick black science; (4) thick black theory dialectics; (5) The History of the Invention of Thick Black Science.I just write randomly, but it's not classified into categories.

People asked: "Since this is the case, why didn't you write them in categories? Why did you write in such a disorderly manner? I said: There are two types of writing books, one is the textbook style, and the other is the quotation style. Whenever a kind of specialized knowledge occurs, it is the quotation style at first. The body, such as Confucius, Sakyamuni's Buddhist scriptures, the Sixth Patriarch's altar scriptures, and Zhu Ming's quotations from Confucianism, are all written down by disciples based on what the teacher said. Lao Tzu has them in his hand, which can be said to be self-written quotations. Later generations studied their knowledge before sorting it out and classifying it into textbooks. Houhei Xue is a newly invented specialized knowledge, and of course it is written in quotation style.

Confucianism in the Song Dynasty said: "A full heart is compassion." But I said: "A full heart is thick black." If you want me to say it, I don't know where to start, so I have to speak according to the situation, say what I want, say what I say, How to write in the pen.Or talk about ancient things, or talk about the current situation, or talk about academics, or recount the trivial things in life, write when you are happy, and don't write when you are not.Either write a long article, or write a few short sentences, or generally speaking, or specifically speaking, always follow the whim without any restraint, so that I can express my whole thought.

When we look at society with a thick and dark view of history, society becomes a transparent body. Once we see the truth of society, we can come up with ways to improve society.I have an opinion on economics, politics, diplomacy, and the marriage education system, etc., and these opinions are all based on my so-called thick black philosophy.My congregation can be said to be extremely miscellaneous, as if it were a big mountain, full of insects, birds, animals, vegetation, soil and rocks, etc., which are extremely irregular.Only its irregularity is the natural state.If it is arranged in a clear order and very regular, it will become the form of a park, which is good, but it will not restore the original appearance of this mountain if artificial is added.I put out all the opinions in my chest, good or bad, so that the overall performance of the mountain will be sorted out for those who are ambitious, those who are insufficient will be supplemented, those who are redundant will be deleted, and those who are wrong will be corrected.It doesn't matter if you open it up as a park, take wood and rocks from the mountain, and build another house, or catch a few birds, pick some flowers and plants, and take them home to enjoy.It would be even better if minerals could be mined on a large scale.Otherwise, digging up some medicine on the mountain to heal the sick, and picking up cow and dog dung to fertilize the fields is not a bad idea.My invention of thick black science is like Watt inventing steam. Later generations can use it for spinning and weaving, driving ships and trains, and starting any industry.The thick and black philosophy I talked about is that there is nothing that cannot be done. The deep sees the deep, and the shallow sees the shallow.Anyone who can get one of me can become a school of his own by drawing and extending it.There are many schools of Confucianism, and many schools of Buddhism. In the future, my thick black religion will also have many schools.

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