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Chapter 54 Chapter 54: Thick Hei Cong Chapter Volume 1 (4)

a 李宗吾 1697Words 2018-03-18
My friend Lei Minxin invented the most quintessential theory. He said: "There are two kinds of things in the world, one is that you can't do it, and the other is that you can't do it. For example, the couple's house, just do it, If it is used in public, it will become a joke, which is unacceptable. Another example is that two friends tease each other with obscene language, or scold their mother and sister. People who hear it will not think it strange. I think it's strange, but it's too much to say." The theory of the people's heart must be held by everyone in the political and academic circles.The thick black school is doing nothing. ...

The sentence that can't be said is the footnote of "the people can make it, but can't be made to know it", and the sentence that can't be done is "Mencius.The footnotes of Ida Chapter and Zhou Li.If Wang Mang and Wang Anshi hired Minxin as senior advisers, they would never make things so bad in the world. On October 18, 1911, there was a mutiny in Chengdu, and the order in the city was very chaotic. Yang Xinyou came out to serve as the patrol chief, arrested those who disturbed the law and order, and executed them on the spot. Cutting and chopping is very popular among ordinary people.All men, women and children in the city, mentioned Director Yang's name, and praised him endlessly.Later, when the order was settled, he published a "Declaration of Yang Wei (Xin You's Name)", saying that he should be an enlightened autocracy in the future, so there was a lot of discussion. How can we use autocratic methods again in this era!" Little did he know that the methods used by Xinyou in the past were purely barbaric autocracy, but later he switched to enlightened autocracy, which can be regarded as an evolution in Xinyou, but because he clearly stated the word autocracy, he was greatly criticized.People's hearts say: "There are things in the world that can't be said." The case of Xinyou is a good example.Looking at the matter of Xinyou, Confucius said: "The people can let them know, but they can't let them know." It can be understood.

I have a common rule: "Using thick black to seek one's own self-interest is an extremely despicable act; using thick black to seek the public interest of all is the supreme morality." Xin You is barbaric and autocratic, his heart is dark, and people turn against him. Praise endlessly, why?For public benefit. The words "thick black saves the country" can be done and said, but people with too little knowledge can't say it to him.This time, when I talk about the thick black science publicly, I just want to turn it into a decent science. Hu Linyi once said: "As long as it is beneficial to the country, I will do anything that is obstinate and shameless." According to legend, when Lin Yi was the governor of Hubei, his official title was the governor.One day, on the governor's wife's birthday, Fantai went to pay her respects, and the notebook had already been taken up, only to realize that it was Mrs. Ru's birthday, so she immediately asked for the notebook, turned around and turned away.The other officials followed suit.Not long after Lin Yi came, someone told him that he listened, and stretched out his thumb and said, "What a fan station! What a fan station!" After he finished speaking, he took out his notebook and handed it up, and he went in with a red-topped flower feather to pay his respects.When all the officials heard that the governor had come, they turned back one after another.The next day the official concubine came to the governor's yamen to Xie Bu, Lin Yi asked his mother to treat him very favorably, and the official concubine worshiped at Hu's mother's knee as a righteous daughter, and Lin Yi as a godbrother.Since then, if there are matters that should be discussed with the governor in the military, I ask my god-sister to clear them up.The official document hesitated for a while, and his concubine said in his ears: "What is your ability better than our brother Hu? You just do what he says." Therefore, Lin Yi handled things very smoothly.The relationship between officials and Hu, has a great relationship with the ZTE of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.It can be said that Lin Yi has done such things with a thick face, not only did everyone not call him despicable, but instead cited him as a good talk, why?The heart is in the country.

Yan Shifan was a treacherous minister of the Ming Dynasty, which is known to everyone. Later, the emperor took him down and threw him in prison. Prime Minister Xu Jie looked at it.Jie looked at it and said, "You still want to kill him? Do you want to let him go?" Everyone said: "Of course you want to kill him." Xu Jie said, "As soon as you uploaded this memorial, the emperor immediately released him. Why? Fan's killing of these people was a cunning trick, so that the emperor wanted to kill him automatically. If this happened, the emperor would say: "The killing of these people is clearly my own intention, so how can I blame Shifan?" Does he release it? Everyone asked for advice on what to do. Xu Jie said: "The emperor hates the Japanese pirates the most. Just say that he has an affair with the Japanese pirates." "Xu Jie closed the door and changed the papers and handed them up. Shifan found out the contents of the papers in the prison, and said to his cronies: "You don't have to worry, I will be out in a few days. "Later, the excerpt was sent out, saying that he had had an affair with Japanese pirates, and he was shocked and said: "It's over, it's over! "Sure enough, he was killed. Shifan committed a heinous crime, and he should have been killed. There is no one who had an affair with Japanese pirates. It can be said that death is not a crime. Xu Jie set up this poisonous plan, and his intentions were not black, but later generations said he was resourceful, not to mention him. Insidious, why? To eliminate harm for the country.

Li Ciqing is Zeng Guofan's favorite student. Guofan was defeated in Jinggang, Qimen and other places, and Ciqing shared weal and woe with him.Later, when the Qing army was defeated and lost ground, Guofan wanted to imitate Kong Ming in beheading Ma Su, and asked his staff to draft a memorial to strictly participate in him, but everyone refused to do so.It was called Li Hongzhang. Hongzhang said: "The teacher wants to participate in the second youth, and the students will fight if they want to go." Four hundred taels of silver to go, "Master Li, please move the shop."Hongzhang was in the curtain and had several years of achievements, so he was expelled for this matter.After the memorial, Ciqing was severely punished.Guofan and other places have very hot methods, and there is no escape from a black letter, but Ciqing is still grateful for the encounter. When Guofan died, he cried and wrote poems, very sincerely.In his later years, Hongzhang was ennobled and paid homage to the Prime Minister. When he talked about Guofan, he was very impressed. Why?Because of its lack of selfishness.

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