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Chapter 13 Section 13: Conclusion

a 李宗吾 1660Words 2018-03-18
Now all military and government agencies, and those who have achieved great things, all use this method.For example, the criticism statement: "According to the feelings submitted by XX, it is actually inconsistent with the law, and the governor of the county is specially ordered to investigate and deal with it strictly." , or "transfer to the superior for verification", then the "supervisor" is internal medicine.Another example is that someone asked me to do something, and I said: "I agree with this matter, but I still need to discuss it with someone."Or say: "I will do a certain part first, and the rest will be done later." "Do it first" is sawing arrow shafts, and "later" is internal medicine.In addition, there were those who sawed the shaft of the arrow and did not order them to seek internal medicine, and there were those who did not even saw the shaft of the arrow, but ordered them to seek internal medicine directly.

2.Tinkering method.The cooking pot is leaking, please ask a tinker to fix it.While scraping the soot from the bottom of the pot with an iron piece, the tinker said to the master: "Please light the fire and let me burn the smoke." He took advantage of the master's back and tapped the pot a few times with a hammer. The crack grew a lot, and when the owner turned around, he pointed to him and said, "the crack in your pot is very long, and it's greasy on the top. I can't see it. I scraped away the smoke from the pot and it appeared. You have to make up more. A few nails are not enough." The master looked down, and said in amazement: "Not bad! Not bad! If I don't meet you today, I'm afraid this pot won't work!" When it was finished, the master and the tinker parted happily.

Zheng Zhuanggong connived at Gong Shuduan and caused him to do many injustices, so he raised his troops to punish him. This is the way to fix the pot.There are many such things in history.Someone said: "In China's reforms, in many places, the good meat was cut up and used for medical treatment."In the pre-Qing dynasty, the method of sawing arrows was probably used. Since the Republic of China, sawing arrows and mending pots were used interchangeably. The above two magic methods are common rules for doing things. Whether ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, those who conform to this common rule will succeed, and those who violate this common rule will fail.Guan Zhong is a great statesman in China, and he uses these two methods in handling affairs.The people of Di attacked Wei, and the state of Qi stood still, and waited until the people of Di killed Wei before they came out to do the righteous deed of "prospering and destroying the country and inheriting the world".In the battle of Zhaoling, Chu was not blamed for arrogating the title of king, but he was only blamed for Baomao and not paying tribute. This is the method of sawing arrows.At that time, the strength of Chu State was far superior to that of Qi State. Guan Zhong dared to persuade Duke Huan of Qi to send troops to attack Chu, but it could be said that the pot was broken to make up for it.When the state of Chu showed a rebellious attitude, he immediately saw the arrow and finished the matter.The Battle of Zhaoling began with the method of mending the pot and ended with the method of sawing and arrows. Guan Zhong was able to mend the pot if it was broken, so he was called "Wizard of the World".

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the military officials surrounded Li Zicheng and let him out on purpose. They originally used the method of mending the pot, but later they couldn't restrain him. Yongchen".Yue Fei wanted to restore the Central Plains and welcome back the Second Emperor, but he had just thought of taking the arrow when he was killed.Ming Yingzong was also arrested first, Yu Qian brought him back, he took out the arrow, but he was still killed, why?Violation of common law. The king of the Jin Dynasty was the prime minister, and there was a traitor, but he didn't attack it.Tao Kan blamed him, and he wrote back, saying: "I obey the time of raising, and wait for my next step." Kan read the letter and said with a smile: "He is nothing more than a thief of the time of obeying." "To wait for Tao Kan is to keep the arrow and wait for internal medicine.All the celebrities were weeping in Xinting, and Director Wang changed his expression and said: "When the royal family is working together to conquer China, why are the prisoners of Chu weeping at each other?" Say a few nice words and it's over. The two emperors are trapped in the north, never to return, and the arrow has never been taken out.Wang Dao's behavior is a bit like Guan Zhong, so he was called "Jiangzuo Yiwu" in history.If readers can follow the method I said, they will be guaranteed to become the first big politician after Guanzi.

Five conclusions Having said a lot, at the end of the day, I might as well tell readers a little secret: the application of thick black must cover a layer of benevolence and morality on the surface, and it cannot be shown naked.Wang Mang's failure was due to his thick blackness.If he didn't reveal it all his life, I'm afraid Wang Mang is still eating cold pork in the Confucius Temple.Han Feizi said: "Yin uses his words to reveal his body." This method is also necessary.Even if I wrote this book, you should hide it in your pillow and not put it on the table.If someone asks you: "Do you know Li Zongwu?" You have to put on a very solemn face and say: "This man is very bad. He teaches thick and black studies. I can't recognize him." However, in my heart, I should enshrine the position of "Dacheng's most holy teacher Li Zongwu." If you can do this, your career will be earth-shattering, and you will definitely go to the Confucius Temple to eat cold pork after death.So every time I hear people scolding me, I am very happy and say: "My way is very good."

Another point, I said earlier: "on top of the thick black, there should be a layer of benevolence, righteousness and morality." This is referring to Mr. Yu Daoxue.If you meet a friend who talks about sex, wouldn't you be asking for trouble if you talked about benevolence, righteousness and morality with him?At this time, the words "love is sacred" should be pasted.If you meet a friend who talks about Marx, you will just paste the words "class struggle, labor dictatorship". Doesn't he call you a comrade?In short, what should be confused with face depends on the time, place and situation of scholars, and the two characters of Lizi's thick and black are always the same.Aspiring scholars, take a closer look!

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