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Chapter 12 Chapter 12: The Book of Thick Black Biography (2)

a 李宗吾 794Words 2018-03-18
(2) The six-character mantra of being an official The six-character mantra for being an official: "empty, respectful, stretched, fierce, deaf, and nonchalant".These six characters are all flat tones, and their meanings are as follows: 1.Empty means empty.First, in terms of writing, all criticisms and proclamations are empty. Whatever you do, it’s all a live action, you can do it in the east, you can do it in the west, sometimes you do it vigorously, but in fact there is a way out, if you see the situation is not good, you will withdraw from that way, never Get yourself involved.

2.Gong means groveling, bowing and flattering, etc. It can be divided into two types: direct and indirect. 3.Tension, which is the so-called tension in the common saying, is the opposite of Gong, and refers to subordinates and ordinary people.It can be divided into two types: one is in appearance, he is an imposing figure, and he is awe-inspiring; the other is in speech, he looks like he has economics and great talent.For the place where the rice cooker is located, the character Gong does not necessarily have to be the boss; for the place where the rice cooker is not located, the word stretch does not necessarily mean the subordinates and ordinary people. The power of Zengzi, exercised by subordinates or ordinary people, should be changed to respectful.This way is originally lively, and it is cleverly used, with one heart.

4.Fierce, as long as I can achieve my goal, I don’t have to worry about other people’s death and family, or prostitution; but there is one layer that should be noted, above the word fierce, there must be a layer of morality and benevolence. 5.Deaf means deafness: "Let him laugh and scold, and I will be a good official." However, the word deaf contains the meaning of blind people, and the verbal abuse in words is closed with eyes. 6.Nong, that is, the way of getting money, is pronounced in a flat tone in the Sichuan proverb.Qianli Lailong, the hole is formed here, and the first eleven characters are all set up for this character.Nongzi is contrasted with sending characters for seeking officials.The most important thing to pay attention to in this trick is to be able to pass in official affairs to be successful.Sometimes if you can't pass it, you can just put some money in your own pocket, and it's okay;

The above twelve words, I just gave a rough outline, and many of the essence have not been brought into play. Those who are interested in becoming an official can study it by themselves according to the method. (3) Two wonderful ways to handle affairs 1.Saw arrow method.Someone was hit by an arrow and asked a surgeon for treatment. The doctor sawed off the shaft of the arrow, which is a thank you gift.Ask him why he didn't take out the arrow?He said: That's a matter of internal medicine, you can go to the internal medicine department.This is a story that has been passed down.
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