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Chapter 49 Chapter 40 Love in the Abyss

ten deadly sins 蜘蛛 3007Words 2018-03-03
Hualong has experienced countless dangers in his life, and he knows that he must stay calm in the face of danger in order to save himself from danger. Hualong carefully examined his situation, and the mice had already started to bite him, so he remained motionless, looking at the window of the attic through the air hole.More and more mice began to bite him, Hualong turned over and crushed several mice to death with his body, his fingers suddenly touched the wire on his ankle. Hualong had an idea, and he had already thought of a way to escape. One person's wrists were tied behind his back and his ankles were bound.In a kneeling or curled up position, the hands can untie the ankles.Hualong endured the severe pain when the rats gnawed on him, and loosened the iron wire on his ankle. The iron wire gave him hope and became his only escape tool.

If the hand is free, you can pass the iron wire through the vent to hook the hook on the window, stand up the metal cabinet, shake it a few times, and fall into the water outside through the window, and you will be saved. However, Hualong's hands were tied behind his back, and it was impossible to untie the wires on his hands. According to inertial thinking, hands are the most flexible.However, both the special forces and the armed police have been trained to shoot with their feet. As an instructor of the armed police, Hualong's feet are also very flexible.Hualong kicked some mice to death first to buy himself more escape time. The space in the metal cabinet was small, and Hualong's body was covered with rat intestines, which was disgusting.

Hualong used his toes to bend one end of the wire into a small circle, stretched it out from the air hole, and carefully hooked the hook on the window. After several adjustments, Hualong found the most suitable posture. Tighten the iron wire, draw the dragon with great power, and finally stand up the whole iron cabinet. Hualong's feet stepped on the inner sides of the cabinet, and shook the cabinet with his body, seizing the opportunity, the metal cabinet swayed a few times, smashed open the wooden window, and fell through the window into the water outside. The whole process is thrilling!

The blind old man was sitting in the courtyard. He couldn't see, but his hearing was very sensitive. An iron cabinet fell from the attic opposite. There was a splash, and the veterinarian heard it. Finally, the blind old man and the veterinarian took Hualong out of the iron cabinet. rescued. Hualong and the joint defense team entered the attic again, and the young man had disappeared. In the other two tin cabinets in the attic, each had a human skeleton soaked in vinegar.After identification, the two human skeletons were the grandsons of Murphy and the blind old man. Su Mei sent a photo of Ma Ji, and Hualong recognized at a glance that the young man was Ma Ji even though he had undergone plastic surgery.

According to the landlord, Ma Ji rented this loft not long ago, and usually lives in seclusion, and few people have seen him. Professor Liang said: He just used this attic as a murder scene. He usually puts on makeup to look like Zhao Xianxian. In other words, he has become Zhao Xianxian, and only when he kills will he turn back into himself. Professor Liang reasoned and analyzed that Zhao Xianxian had been murdered and died.Three years ago, Ma Ji killed Zhao Xianxian. Ma Ji may have accidentally learned that Zhao Xianxian had been raped in Wutang Town. Three years later, Ma Ji pretended to be Zhao Xianxian and came to the town to find the rapist.Because he hated others wearing red dresses, this perverted young man killed Huanyu and Murphy. Later, the investigation revealed that the blind old man's grandson had raped Zhao Xianxian, so Ma Ji killed his grandson again.

The mayor said: That child looks very honest, how could he commit rape? Professor Liang said: I'm not too sure, it's just reasoning and analysis, and the truth of the case will come to light only when the monkey is captured. The police issued a wanted warrant, but Monkey was never caught.The young man seemed to have disappeared from the world, and no one saw him again.As described on the wanted notice, this person was disguised as a woman, making it difficult for others to identify her. In the city we live in, any girl in a red dress could be him! A few days later, the painter and actor also disappeared from the town, and someone found a poem in the changing room of the teahouse:

Yuanyu's ghostly skeleton has been dusted, The old feelings of Wutang's legacy. The fragrance of the Qianqian River drifts away, Feifei returns in the evening rain. Huage Chunchang forced ink, Liyuan song is difficult to tailor. The old things are locked in the iron coffin, I don't know who has to uncover it. This poem was written on a piece of paper with beautiful handwriting and a pair of bloody scissors on the paper! After many twists and turns, Su Mei and Bao Zhan finally found Ma Ji's house.Both of Ma Ji's parents died, and he lived alone on the top floor of a dilapidated residential building. Su Mei and Bao Zhan broke in together with the local police.Monkey's bedroom is so dusty it looks like a girl's boudoir.Bao Zhan judged from a photo that Ma Ji arranged his room to look like Zhao Xianxian's room. Sometimes, he had to admire a person's ability, and that room was almost exactly the same as Zhao Xianxian's room.Beds, pillows, desks, small lamps, all of these were painstakingly arranged.Ma Ji's letter stated that he once hid under the bed in Zhao Xianxian's bedroom. He borrowed her nail clippers and secretly assigned the key.

The drawers in the room are full of unsent letters. From the color of the handwriting, it can be judged that these letters were written at different times, and the water-soaked fonts can also tell that the writer once cried. These letters were all written by Ma Ji to Zhao Xianxian, excerpts are as follows: Xianxian, all my passwords are your birthday, always have been, and always will be.I keep a lot of habits for you. I never ate plums before. The first time I ate it, you gave it to me. Later, I developed a habit. Sometimes, I would go to buy plums in the middle of the night and miss you. At that time, I will eat plums.

Your hair always smells good. In order to find the shampoo you use, I bought all the brands and tried them one by one. Finally, I found your fragrance.Because this scent can make me feel your presence. I imitated the words you wrote, and our handwriting gradually merged together. You have penetrated into my life, your shadow is everywhere, you are hidden in the details of my life.My most natural movements on weekdays, my every move, I walk alone, eat alone, watch TV alone, watch the rain wet the leaves outside the window alone, I can feel that we are together. Xianxian, do you know that every time I go up the stairs, I will walk on the side of the handrail, because the last time I walked down the stairs with you side by side, I was walking on the handrail, and you were walking beside me.

Xianxian, I know you have the habit of making quilts, so I also make quilts every day. Now I can fold the quilt into square tofu blocks, just like a soldier's quilt. Only once, I want to give up, I Throwing on the quilt and crying loudly, you have insisted on folding the quilt since you were young, but why can't you insist on loving me?Did you love me, even if only for a second? I think of you and talk to you in many ways, but... you never know, don't know how much I love you. Did you know that I always miss you the most when it is raining, between tranquility and sadness. Did you know that I always miss you the most during the snowfall season, between silence and loneliness.

Did you ever know that I used my keys to carve a lot of words on the wall downstairs in your house, and I waited all night, just to see your figure when you go to school in the morning, you are wearing a scarf, you are wearing a red jacket, I quietly Followed behind you, just to watch you. Once, I stood behind you so sincerely, looking at your beautiful back, you wear red skirts in summer, and in snowy weather, you wear red down jackets, you wrap your clothes tightly, and keep walking, you Just turn around and see me, but you don't.How I want to catch up with you and kick your cold hands in my arms.I really like standing in front of the window of the classroom on the fourth floor, you are watching the scenery, and I am watching you.After you leave, I will stand where you stood, look in the direction you looked, put my palm on the spot where you pasted, I will always be behind you, but...you never look back. Time is like flowing water, and the color of roses does not fade. The torrential rains that have fallen over the years are like many swimming pools smashed to the ground and then disappear, just like the tears I shed for you.Xianxian, you don't know how many tears I shed for you. I store my tears in bottles and my sighs in my chest. My love is deeper than the deepest sea, if you will look into my eyes, you will see the abyss, and see the fish in my eyes swimming around.Your husk lies beside me, your graveyard and your funeral are in my arms day and night. I chase the butterflies you have chased, I bow my head to smell the flowers you have smelled. I walked through the streets you walked, and wandered at the intersection where you wandered. I love you enough to put on your panties! I love you enough to wear your dress! I love you to the point where I become you! There's blood on your panties, I haven't washed them.I stole it from your room, you have no idea how much I love sleeping under your bed.I'm shy in your panties.The first time I wore pantyhose on the street in winter, I was very nervous. I was wearing your bloody underwear inside the stockings, and I was wearing long johns and woolen pants outside the stockings. People couldn’t tell at all. I like the look that the stockings bring A slippery feeling.Later, I finally dared to put on a skirt and go out in the summer, and I became you, even I couldn't recognize myself. Every morning when I wash my face, I will kiss myself in the mirror insanely intoxicated and infatuated. I'm not kissing the mirror, I'm kissing you. I kiss your guts, I smear your brains all over me. Do you know how much I love you? ... Each of these yellowed old letters is full of affection, and each is so perverted. The room was full of dust. On the bed next to the desk, Su Mei and Bao Zhan found a skeleton on the bed. The skeleton was lying on its side, lying on a pillow, and there was a pillow beside it. It can be seen that someone once He slept with his arms around a dead body for several years.
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