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Chapter 12 They are sorry Matsushima Kaede

youth 韩寒 1121Words 2018-03-18
Today I opened the NetEase forum and found that the administrator has added more than ten one-sided articles.This makes me feel that NetEase is very genuine.General forums or blog debates, no matter how inclined the website is, will usually pretend to be a positive side and a negative side. Netease simply found a dozen of them, all of which are negative sides. picture.Put crooked melons and cracked dates in a row, just to make some momentum.It is a good thing that NetEase recruits managers like this. NetEase must help keep these talents close, and don't let them come out to become cultural officials. If these people have some actual power, then we will be finished.

These people also claim that most of them have watched pornography. I believe that what you watch is not genuine. Whether you buy pirated discs or download online, you are actually violating the rights and interests of pornography.I don’t read too many books, maybe less than twenty in total, but apart from a few books I downloaded out of curiosity on my early computer, the rest are genuine copies brought over by my friends from Japan.This is me and my friend's respect for intellectual property rights and ** work.If you are still watching the free download* with relish (in fact, this is okay), but at the same time say it is immoral, and then label other people who have watched it as destroying the next generation, then the quality of such people is really inferior* The actors are much worse.I have made my position on this matter very clear in yesterday's article "Don't use the next generation as props - to the Netease Forum".So what are you going to do today?

Well, let me tell you what a mistake this blind group made. The characteristic of hypocrites and sanctimonious people is that they do not research.At that time, I knew that none of these people had seen my link, because that link was paralyzed due to heavy traffic a few days ago.However, they can use their own imaginations and fictions to portray the clean Kaede Matsushima blog as shameless, *, *, yellow, and obscene.I didn't wear anything yesterday and said something else, but they really jumped into the hole when they saw the hole and fell.In fact, all the tens of millions of netizens who have seen this link can prove that Matsushima Kaede is only writing articles on her blog, posting some photos of her daily life and her pets, without any * content at all. A buddy who "cared about migrant workers" went through layers of links and finally reached the yellow page. This has nothing to do with Matsushima Maple.You click on other links, link again, link again, go somewhere else, it's your fault.I thought, let me start from the bright and correct homepage of Netease, click a link, link again, link again, and I can also go to the pornographic website.Even if I start from a government site, I'm confident I'll go to an adult site through a few links.

Well, popular apology, right? I think these people should apologize to Kaede Matsushima.Because this link address is not a pornographic website at all, but her personal blog. In this blog, what is the standard of Xu Jinglei in China, and what is the standard of Matsushima Kaede in Japan, the only difference is that Xu Jinglei has a cat and Matsushima Kaede has a dog .What these dozen or so people did was to slander and frame a retired Japanese military officer.And the first person who made the attack, the author who specially marked "Japanese adult website" in a circle next to Matsushima Kaede's blog, is completely framed and defamed.I seem to remember that these people are telling me the truth of being a human being, right?

(For the sake of fairness, friends who have visited the Matsushima Kaede blog server during normal times a few days ago, please describe objectively and truthfully what you saw in the Matsushima Kaede blog I linked to. The genre is not limited, Chinese, and more than 50 characters. )
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