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Chapter 27 empty bottle, empty love

A calm life is not lonely 木木 1176Words 2018-03-18
True love is in the lover's heart. Only when the lover's name is engraved in the heart, will you use everything in your life to give the other person your own love, to express your own love, and to continue your own love. Love requires management, love requires mutual understanding, love requires thorough tolerance, love needs to be faced with life, and love must withstand all tests.There is no perfect love in the world, no perfect lover, no couples who don’t blush, but there are many happy loves, happy marriages, and many people who can manage their own love. That was her first love, shabby and rich, the shabby thing is that they have nothing, the two poor students can only walk on the road full of cherry blossoms all night, and they can only buy the discounted roses in the afternoon on Valentine's Day She, but she is very happy, because love is rich, contained in the heart, full, like a bottle of water.

When he earned the first money, he bought her a bottle of French perfume, because she was the only girl in the same dormitory who didn't have perfume.In order to let her also have a subtle fragrance, he bought her a bottle of French perfume with a whole month's tutor salary. She was so moved that she shed tears, but she was reluctant to use it. It was rare that he had such a heart, and she was also reluctant to bear it just for the pretty rose-shaped bottle.But who would have thought that they broke up later.Love is always like this. At the beginning, I thought life and death, and I thought I would miss it if we were separated for a minute.In fact, when it is cold, it is the oil floating on the meat and vegetables, no matter how you look at it, it feels greasy, because if the love is gone, no matter how deep the relationship is, it will eventually feel like a stranger.

She kept that bottle of perfume all the time, it must be a memorial of love.She thought, watching it after many years, it must have a different taste. Many years later, she has become a wife and mother, and she has long forgotten that she ever had a bottle of this perfume.My husband often buys authentic French perfumes for her, but I think of him occasionally when I use the perfume, but it is just a flash of thought, like a breeze blowing, and it disappears in an instant.In the future, I think of it less and less. In the end, his shadow fades behind her husband and children, and I can't even remember his face when he was young.

When sorting out old things once, she accidentally saw the bottle of perfume. The moment she saw the bottle, she was stunned, because there was only one empty bottle left, and there was nothing in it.All the perfumes are gone, they fly away in ten years without leaving a trace. There was not a single drop of the perfume she was willing to use, it all evaporated.Looking at the empty bottle, her eyes were sore. It was like her first love. She had a false name. She thought that her love would be vigorous and she would find the destination of love, but in the end it came back in vain. At that time, she only cared about love. But don't know how to love at all.Just like this bottle of perfume, only one bottle was left—the empty bottle, filled with emptiness and memory, even, she had long forgotten what the perfume smelled like, because no matter how unforgettable the memory was, it could not stand the polishing of time.

Finally, I met him one day. In a big shopping mall full of people, he led a little girl, and his wife was picking out clothes next to him.She looked at him for a long time, and finally passed by, because she knew that the love between him and her was only so shallow, so shallow that there was only an empty bottle left, and she didn't even remember the first taste. If you don't know how to manage love when you are young, and look back on it when you are old, it will only increase your troubles. Insights on life: Whether it is facing love or real life, people should know how to manage and care for them with heart.Marriage is the destination and manifestation of love, but love is the foundation of marriage. With this foundation, we must maintain it.A kiss at the time of parting, a warm sentence of "I love you", a bouquet of roses on Valentine's Day, and a candlelight dinner on a lover's birthday can all turn plainness into romance and keep love fresh.

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