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Chapter 26 That worm-bitten apple is called love

A calm life is not lonely 木木 1448Words 2018-03-18
No regretful heart can escape the pursuit of conscience.True forgiveness and ease must come from the other partner in the marriage, and only the other party has the power to pull you out of the abyss of reserve.If you have an embarrassing sexual history before marriage, or have occasional infidelity after marriage, they make your soul restless, then revealing everything to your lover, no matter what the result is, is a kind of soul relief. He and she are classmates, and they are also a pair of loving lovers. They are a pair that makes the classmates envious.They fell in love very much. At that time, he was very poor and didn't have much money.She loved apples the most, so he went to the market to buy her apples that were bitten by insects. Apples that were bitten by insects were relatively cheap.You can see the small holes bitten by insects on the apples, which seem to be covered with cute little eyes.In fact, he also wanted to buy good ones, but good ones were too expensive.

When he brought the insect-bitten apple to her, she was very angry at first, thinking that he was too stingy, and buying such a bad apple made her lose face in front of her classmates.He smiled and said that apples with worm eyes are actually better, which means that no pesticides have been applied.Then, he took a fruit knife and carefully dug out all the insect eyes.Then, he began to peel the apple, very seriously and persistently.She was stunned, because he was able to peel the apple very long, as thin as a piece of paper, and did not break it until the end.When he handed her a peeled apple, it was impossible to see that the apple had been bitten by insects, and the apple seemed to have taken off a layer of coat.

Later, she gradually became obsessed with letting him peel apples, because she liked to watch him peel apples, as if making a work of art.Once the school held a cultural activity, he performed apple peeling for the students.When he pulled away a thin and long apple peel, all the students in the audience were stunned.The students asked him why he could peel an apple so well?He simply replied: "Pull it with heart and love." All the students immediately burst into warm applause. Later, they graduated successfully.In order to stay in this beautiful city, the two desperately looked for jobs, and soon found suitable jobs.At that time, he was working hard for his career, very tired and busy, so naturally he had less time to spend with her, and only had the opportunity to gather in the rented hut at night.At night, he always lay on the bed with one head, looking very tired.She asked him to peel an apple, and he said with a wry smile: "I have to go to work tomorrow! Go to sleep!" She felt that he didn't love her very much, so she often recalled the time in college and the scene when he peeled apples for her .She had a strange feeling of emptiness.

He quickly developed in the company, had a lot of business every day, and lived a busy life.Sometimes he also goes on a business trip, going to a faraway city, and doesn't come back for four or five days in a row.When he was not around, she suddenly felt a little lonely and lost.At this time, her supervisor approached her.The boss is a mature, stable and successful man, and his charm has attracted her deeply.The boss often buys her a lot of apples, all of which are very good red Fuji, without insect eyes, and the skin is smooth, and does not need to be peeled.She was moved, and finally by chance, she cheated.Afterwards, she felt sorry for him, remorseful, and hated herself for being so impulsive.

He came back from a business trip and she told him about her infidelity.She thought it over, if he refused to forgive her, she would break up with him, because she didn't want to deceive his feelings again.He knew this, and he was silent for a while and said, "Let me peel an apple for you!" He took an apple full of worm eyes and began to peel it. First, he carefully removed the worm eyes one by one, and then began to peel.She watched him peel apples, and thought of her first love, the campus, and the beautiful days with him.What surprised her even more was that he was still so skillful and focused on peeling an apple. When he handed a peeled apple to her, he said, "We can't just peel the apple just because it has a small worm eye." Throw it away, in that case, it would be such a pity! After all, a fruit has experienced flowering and pollination before it has this fruit. It is not easy! We cut off the insect eyes as soon as possible, and it can still be eaten."

She shed tears, and she knew that this apple with worm eyes was their love. Insights on life: Life is always dull, and love cannot be perfect.Looking back is the shore, the important thing is to learn to cherish.What is marriage?Two lonely birds build a nest to escape the wind and rain.If one party is careless, the wind and rain will come especially fiercely. Throughout life, no matter happiness or pain, it is brought by those who love us. Maturity, responsibility, betrayal, marriage contains too much content, how can love be exhausted?
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