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Chapter 25 1 degree of warmth, 100 degrees of love

A calm life is not lonely 木木 1652Words 2018-03-18
Marriage is often like this for us: when we have passion and time to talk about love, we always feel that we are too young, impulsive and inexperienced, so that we often doubt the quality of our love.And when we are no longer young and impulsive and think we have enough experience, we miss the season of love again. When he first got married, he was a poor boy with little money, so he took her to rent in a dilapidated old house.She came from a northern city, and she was used to the heating in the house in the northern winter. When she came here with him, the room was cold, there was no heating, and there was air leakage everywhere. Within a few days, she fell seriously ill.He stood by her hospital bed, so distressed that he couldn't speak.

After she recovered from her illness, he got used to bringing her foot-washing water every night before going to bed. It was steaming hot, and then he took her feet and put them in the water, washing and rubbing her feet carefully, as if What was washed was not feet, but a piece of extremely precious porcelain.After washing and drying her, he took off his socks, put his feet into the already somewhat cold water, and said in his mouth, this water is really hot. Even in winter, she still insists on taking a bath twice a week, Thursday and Sunday.He also developed this habit, and every time he insisted on washing first, and then asked her to go to the bathroom after washing.One day, she wanted to watch a TV series after taking a quick shower, so she said to him: Today I will take a shower first.He shook his head and said: No, I will wash first.She thought he was joking, and she said coquettishly as she walked to the bathroom: No, I want to wash first, and you can watch TV after washing.But he rushed up one step at a time, grabbed her, with a serious face: I said I would wash first!After speaking, he turned and went into the bathroom.Then she heard the sound of splashing water in the bathroom.

Perhaps the hardships of life have worn away his gentlemanly demeanor, changed their respect for each other, and even reduced his love for her. He has never failed to accommodate her in any matter, except this time, for the trivial matter of taking a bath.She stood outside the bathroom, listening to the sound of running water, and cried out of grievance.She was so angry that she wanted to go home and packed her clothes.He begged her hard.She was determined to leave him, she said: If you don't accommodate me even in such a small matter, what a good husband you are. In the end, he coaxed her well, and he promised to let her do everything next time, and not to argue with her again.However, after her anger gradually dissipated, he still took a bath before her, so she didn't care about him, and forgot the promise of who came first.

In this way, the time transitioned from the cold winter to the hot summer, and the house was as hot as a steamer, and even if you sat there, you would sweat all over your body.No more foot soaks, but a nightly shower.Instead, he dawdled, not saying that he wanted to watch football, or that he wanted to watch the news. He always asked her to wash first, which was completely reversed from before. Now almost every day, she washes first, and then he. Later, his younger brother was going to get married and bought a house, but there was also no heating, so he asked his elder brother and sister-in-law to visit the new house.He first entered the bathroom, looked left and right, and said to his younger brother: "The new house is better than the old one. There is no heating and there will be no air leakage. But you have to remember that women are afraid of getting cold. You have to wash it first when you take a bath in winter." In the future, the temperature in the bathroom will rise. I tried it, and it can rise by at least one degree!The younger brother smiled and said: Brother, you are so careful, what about summer?Is it necessary to let her wash first in summer, so that it will be cooler than the person who washes later?He patted his younger brother on the shoulder and nodded.

He thought she didn't hear it when she was visiting the kitchen, but she heard it clearly, and she burst into tears.She thought, she was so stupid, for so many years, from the old house to the new house, from no heating to heating, he has always maintained this habit, and she has never seriously figured out the real intention of it. That night, she brought him footwashing water for the first time.After getting a new house, the habit of washing feet has been neglected because of taking a bath every day.He couldn't hold her back, so he had to put his feet in hot water, and she washed and rubbed them for him.Her feet were covered with hard calluses, and her eyes were getting wet. How many roads he walked and how much he endured gave her this warm home, but she herself had never washed his feet once.

When she raised her head, he only smiled and said: It turns out that it is so comfortable for the wife to wash her feet! She burst into tears. After he washed, she took off her socks and put her feet in the water just like he did back then, only to find that the water was already cold.It turns out that the water after one person washes is cold when the second person washes, not still hot. She didn't say it, and she didn't deliberately change the order of washing first and then washing, because she knew that this was the love he gave her in his own way, real love.One degree is added to her in winter, and one degree is subtracted from her in summer. It is only one degree of warmth, but it is a degree of love...

Insights on life: All mature relationships take time to wait for their fruits, but we've been impatient.Who will spend 10 years waiting for a person who travels far?Who would still want to go back and find that person after 10 years of travel?Some loves are too weak to be proved because they are too eager to get their utilitarianism. Don't bind, don't entangle, don't possess, and don't long to find meaning from the other person, that is something that is doomed to fail.Instead, the two of us stand side by side and look at this lonely world.
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