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Chapter 24 Weak water is three thousand, just take a scoop to drink

A calm life is not lonely 木木 1642Words 2018-03-18
The Buddha asked a person under the bodhi tree: "In the eyes of the world, you are rich, powerful, and have a wife who loves you. Why are you not happy?" The person replied: "Because of this, I don't know how to choose." The Buddha smiled and said: "Let me tell you a story. One day, a tourist was about to die of thirst. I took pity on him and put a lake in front of him, but he didn't get a drop of water in it. I was so surprised, so I asked. The reason. The answer is: there is a lot of water in the lake, and my stomach is so small, since I can’t drink it all in one breath, it’s better not to drink it at all.”

Speaking of this, the Buddha showed a bright smile, and said to the unhappy person: "Remember, you may encounter many beautiful things in your life, but it is enough to hold one of them well with your heart. There are three thousand weak waters, just take a scoop to drink." We can't understand how long it is to "cross the same boat after ten years of cultivation, and sleep together after one hundred years of cultivation", but we must believe that love requires not only hard search, but also waiting. True love requires two people to stick to it for a lifetime.In the world of mortals, two hearts interact and blend in, from the initial glimpse to the final oneness, this is also the process of two souls constantly entangled in attraction and repulsion, alienation and intimacy.This is not only not easy but can be said to be very arduous and long process.

All living beings are blinded by flowers.After vicissitudes and vicissitudes, how many people wept for their old friends and sighed for the old scene.But you have to firmly believe that those who don't understand love will regard love as grass that can't be burned out by wild fire and can be regenerated by spring wind.Love is actually as flexible as silk, hard to break with a sharp knife, but it cannot withstand the erosion of dripping water.Really, the word love, please lock it deep in your heart with all your sympathy.For its beautiful destination, why not search for her thousands of Baidu?Weak water is three thousand, just take a scoop to drink.There are thousands of beautiful flowers, and only one branch is pity.This is the thorough understanding of the essence of love by a complete personality and the in-depth interpretation of the connotation of love.

In the teachings of Christianity, love is long-suffering and kind, love does not envy, love does not brag or be arrogant, and does not act shyly.Does not seek its own, is not easily angered, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never fails... In the heart of true love, there is never a reason to break up.For love, we can change the world, for love, we can be reborn as a phoenix, just for being with our lover, embracing together for dozens of years—forever and ever. Yes, don't care about forever, only care about once owned!A pot of good wine, a few dishes of seasonal dishes, sitting around a stone table with three or five family members or close friends, asking the sky about the wine, isn't it a great joy in life?However, how many people in the world can share this comfort?

I once heard such a story: a pretty girl fell in love with a boy.So naturally, the girl began her first love in life.The girl's lovely appearance and elegant temperament made the boy deeply admired, and he hoped to stay with the girl for a lifetime.But the girl refused: "You are my first boyfriend, who knows if I will meet someone better than you in the future. Let's talk about it in a year. If we are really destined, we will meet again naturally. " The boy was very sad when he heard it, but he did not lose his ambition because of the broken relationship, but worked hard from then on.A year later, due to his outstanding performance, he has been promoted from an ordinary clerk to a department manager.At this time, the boy received a call from the girl: "I have met many boys this year, and I still think you are the best, let's get married." "I'm so sorry, I'm already dating another girl." the boy said quietly.

Some shrewd people always like to fall in love with the mentality of "riding a bull to find a horse".If you don't cherish what you have in front of you, the ideal person will always be out of reach. There is a love fable that goes like this: I squat under the tree stump every day, waiting for a rabbit named "Love".It is said that someone has seen her here. The tree gradually grew taller, from flourishing to chilling and withered, I did not change my infatuation. A dog named "Faithful" passed by, we played chess, and then she left; A deer named "Pure Love" passed by, we chatted together, and then she left;

A duck called "Happy" passed by, danced with me, and then she also left; There is also a snow goose named "Romantic", a fox named "Temptation", and a kitten named "Gentle". They talked to me, passed by and left. I am still waiting for the rabbit named "Love", but she never comes. Finally one day, a squirrel named "Hope" brought news of "love". He said that "love" has come many times. I said, no!I have been waiting for her. The squirrel said that when you talk to "faithful", "innocent", "happy", "romantic", "seductive" and "tender", "love" is also next to it, but you don't see it.

In fact, there are not many things that a person requires in his life. A glass of water, a bowl of rice, and a sentence of "I love you" are enough!If I could make one more choice, I hope you serve the water, you cook the rice, and you say I love you. How nice it is to live like this! Insights on life: Focus on a certain thing, try your best to make it impeccable, and have no distractions, so that you can be the closest to success.This is true for career, and it should be true for love.Only by focusing can you reap beautiful love.
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