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Chapter 23 After ten years of marriage, the warmth remains

A calm life is not lonely 木木 1515Words 2018-03-18
"I don't care about forever, I only care about what I once had." This is the love view of many people today.The ideal love in my mind is that two people who love each other can love to death, forgetting about it.Even if they don't love each other anymore, they are still unforgettable memories in each other's hearts.Such is the view of love in youth.However, ten years of marriage has changed many people's view of love. She was 24 years old and he was 28 years old when they got married.According to the index, it has been more than 10 years. Before the marriage, everyone around her opposed it.In the eyes of many people, he is really nothing special: an ordinary construction worker with no education, low salary, financial constraints, and ordinary appearance.

They are truly self-made, with no house, no electrical appliances, simple food, and nothing that is valued by the world.I have been married for more than 10 years, and have moved 7 times in total. The first 6 times I lived in a rented simple house.For the seventh time, they finally had their own home, and they were very happy.At that time they had been together for 8 years and had a lovely 3-year-old son. For a long time, they have not been well-off financially, but they have never quarreled over money.He doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, rarely eats out, and never gambles. He has been wearing the uniform issued by his unit for many years, but he is willing to buy her expensive clothes and accessories, and he will bring her home in winter. People are reluctant to eat fruit.Every surprise brings a smile to her face.Because, that was something she had been looking forward to for a long time, and she had never mentioned it to him, but he knew it all clearly.

Once, she had a tumor in her abdomen, and the doctor said it was nothing serious, so she didn't care too much, but he insisted on going to a big hospital in Shanghai for a checkup.After going there, it turned out that an operation was necessary immediately, and the possibility of cancer was not ruled out.It was a bolt from the blue, her mind went blank, and she lay in his arms with tears streaming down her face. At that time, she was only 33 years old, and she still had many unfulfilled wishes and responsibilities. She had too much nostalgia and expectations for the world, and she was really reluctant to leave.He held her face, with unquestionable firmness in his eyes, and said, "You will be fine. This is a test of our will in life, and we will be able to get through it. Believe in yourself, and believe in me."

Before the operation, he had been arranging her clothes and utensils, keeping his head down and not saying a word.She saw big drops of tears falling on her clothes, and a large area was wet in an instant.Holding the bag, she suppressed the surging tears and said in a relaxed tone, "Husband, don't go far, you must wait for me to come out." After saying this, she pretended to smile, then turned and walked towards the operating room by herself. Go, without even looking back, thinking about the trembling hand of the doctor when he asked him to sign while walking.Such a calm man, yet so devastated before his wife's operation, it seems how much he cares about his own life, how much he loves himself!She always felt that she was right, and now she felt even more so.

During the days when she was hospitalized, he had lost a lot of weight, with sunken eye sockets and protruding cheekbones.He was concentrating on wiping the sweat off her body, and when he saw her wake up, a bright and brilliant smile appeared on his face.He held her hand and said softly: "The result came out. It's benign. The tumor has been completely removed. It's okay. Everything is over. Take good care of your body." She scolded: "It's too fragile for a big man to cry like that?" He replied: "You are the person I depend on for life. We have agreed that no matter what happens, we will never leave, and we will live and die together."

When he returned home from the hospital, he took her to a strange room.It turned out that he was worried that the tumor was malignant, which would require a lot of medical expenses. Therefore, he has been selling the house after returning from the hospital.Just the day before she was hospitalized, the house was sold. This persistent man has always pampered her in his own way, and moved her for the rest of her life. After ten years of marriage, youth is gone, but the love is not extinguished and the heart is not old.After ten years of marriage, it makes a restless man's heart return to peace, and it makes a playful woman willingly dedicate her youth and beauty.Of course, all of these require the tolerance of men, the consideration of women, and the most important thing is broad and deep love.

Insights on life: Someone said: "If marriage is not implemented in the real life of dressing, eating, counting money, and sleeping, it is not easy to last forever." Walking into the siege, you may feel that there is no romance at this time, It is also rare day and night.Life is as dull as plain water. In fact, you have overlooked that everything in the world has the characteristic of changing from new to old.Marriage is not a castle in the sky, but it is as real as the earth. The firewood, rice, oil and salt are marriage, and it is marriage in reality.There is a saying: "If you want to cultivate a couple of gods and immortals, you must be a chaimi couple."

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