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Chapter 19 no regrets in life

A calm life is not lonely 木木 1938Words 2018-03-18
If you can only hide some things, then please choose to hide them deep in your heart!Some roads, if only belong to you, then please walk bravely!But don't look back, life is like playing chess, no regrets! To be precise, he taught her backgammon. That year, she had just made her mark in the company and her work was flourishing, but suddenly she broke her leg in a traffic accident.It's not heavy, but it needs to rest for three months.Her family is out of town and no one is taking care of her.I also worry that I will be fired by the boss if I take too long vacation.With a lot of worry, in a few days, the person became thin and out of shape.

After much deliberation, I had to call him.He was her college classmate, and they all stayed in the same city to work after graduation.Usually when I have free time, I will gather together to drink tea and chat, and they are the kind of friends who can laugh and scold.After receiving the call, he almost ran all the way to see her.Seeing her leg in plaster, he moved out of the original house without hesitation, rented the room next to her, boiled water, cooked, washed, washed and mopped the floor, and took on the task of taking care of her.He was worried that she was alone in the room, so he told her: "Knock on the wall if you have something to do, and I will come right away." They also agreed on a secret code: knock once to drink water, knock twice to get something, and knock three times to be bored Looking for someone to play chess with.He is really on call.

She was trapped by her legs and was in a depressed mood.He bought snacks, DVDs and fashion magazines from the supermarket, as well as a set of backgammon.He often sits with her on the balcony, a Go board, black and white, five sons in a row, offense and defense, all over the world, and gradually she is fascinated by this kind of game. With backgammon and his company, her mood immediately brightened, and she regained her willful and savage temperament before.Play chess together, and when she wins, she cheers and dances for joy; Play chess without regret, how can anyone play chess like you?" But she allowed her to move the chess pieces back to their original positions and start all over again.

He's liked her since high school.He is a relatively shy boy, who worked as her deskmate for two years, was admitted to the university she applied for, and followed her to stay in the same city after graduation. By her side, when she needs it, rush over as quickly as possible. With his careful care, she recovered quickly, and gradually she was able to get off the ground, and she was able to walk a few steps on crutches, and she was able to go to his room next door to watch him cook and cook soup.Seeing such a big man bent over to wash vegetables and cook soup for her in the kitchen, it was inevitable that his heart would be moved.It's not that she doesn't understand his secret love, but her heart is like a bird flying in the sky. The outside world is so exciting, how could she be bound by a cage?

Three months passed quickly.She has completely returned to normal, wearing high-heeled business attire and shuttling through high-end office buildings again.He still lived next door to her, and at night he made beauty porridge for her, and played chess while drinking the porridge.Accidentally, he won the game, and she would yell and act coquettishly to regret the game, and he would always smile and let her fiddle with the game. One day, she brought her boyfriend back. She was a typical diamond kingpin, a young talent who ran a company by herself.They happened to meet on the stairs, she patted him on the shoulder carelessly, and introduced to her boyfriend: My college classmate, good buddy.If you dare to bully me in the future, he will definitely avenge me...

He rubbed his hands together and smiled awkwardly.Half a month later, he bid her farewell, saying that the company had opened a branch in his hometown, and that he was sent back because he was familiar with the work, and that he might seldom come back in the future.She was startled, and wanted to say something to stay, but she didn't say it after all. There are always some people who will clearly feel his presence after he leaves.When she came back from get off work in the evening, no one had cooked lily, lotus seed and red date porridge waiting for her, and no one listened to her crazy and far-fetched words.Her young and talented boyfriend also broke up within a few months because of personality differences.

One night, she suddenly wanted to play chess, and she knocked on the wall habitually. She knocked three times, but there was silence and no response.Only then did it dawn on her that the person who played chess with her was no longer here.After thinking about it blankly, he ran to the study and turned on the computer, and entered the backgammon game. On the screen was also a checkered board with black and white chess pieces. In the first round, she lost. In the second round, she still lost. In the third game, without paying attention, the opponent set up four more pieces.She hurriedly clicked "Regret the chess" on the screen, and the other party replied: I have no regrets.Not reconciled, she clicked "Regret the chess" again, but the other party still replied coldly: I have no regrets about playing the chess.

Her mouse stopped on the screen, and tears filled her eyes quietly.She finally understood that only with deep love can she tolerate and forgive her mistakes, and let her regret again and again.She hastily dug out his phone, and she wanted to tell him: she didn't pay attention and made a mistake.She wants to regret the game and start all over again.When the call came, it was a strange female voice: "Sorry, the number you dialed has been disabled..." Not reconciled, she found the phone number of the new company that he had left for her when he left, and a sleepy voice said impatiently. Responding to her: "You are looking for him, it has been half a year since he died in a car accident, don't you know? What a hell..."

The microphone in her hand fell to the ground with a "slap", and she finally understood that the person who made her regret countless times would never give her a chance to regret chess again. Life is like chess, and people are like chess pieces.Sometimes you need to be at the mercy of others. When you can get out of the chess game and become a chess player, it requires your efforts and opportunities.Perhaps, it is precisely because of the rule that there is no regret in playing chess, so there is a saying that chess is like life.Or maybe, no matter how good a chess player is, he can't control the final result of the chess game, just like no wise man, no matter how deep he is, can't predict life. Therefore, life is like chess, and no regrets will be made!

Insights on life: Such is life, make sure you tell that special someone how you feel without delay.If you don't tell the other party today, maybe tomorrow will be too late! Life is short, and it is precious because it is short.It is beautiful because it is precious.Here I just want to say: Please cherish every day in our lives, be true to your original touch, and live happily.
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