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Chapter 17 simple is the best

A calm life is not lonely 木木 1461Words 2018-03-18
Some people say that 10 years of marriage is a hurdle, and after a long time, it will be like a stranger. But for Wei, the marriage of only 8 years has entered a crisis.It turns out that the beautiful wife in my eyes has become a mother-in-law. When I return home, besides cooking, I spend time with the children or watching TV.However, his wife had even more dissatisfaction with Wei, and rarely went home, and slept in bed when she got home.Home, for them, is no longer a warm harbor, but a place where nothing but silence is quarreling.Speaking with close friends, I feel the same way.Everyone sighed: Let's make do, for the sake of the children.The sigh is full of helplessness.

His wife said, "It's impossible to live such an ordinary life." Wei thinks the same, he and his wife are both people who can't stand ordinary life, they both long for a passionate life, and yearn for a romance all the time.Thinking of the time when I met her, it was the casual romance and bouquets of bright red roses that moved her heart, and what she gave Wei was a soft kiss or a sweet smile.Now that's all gone, romance has missed its season like a flower. That day, Wei and his wife went back to their hometown in the countryside during the weekend.Father was growing vegetables in his yard, and he was so tired that he was sweating.At this time, my mother walked over, picked up the towel and wiped my father's sweat, and said, "Don't be too tired, your health is not good." The father smiled at his mother and continued to do his work.At that moment, Wei was suddenly moved by this most ordinary scene. He always thought that his parents who had never spoken of love did not understand love at all, and the tacit understanding and mutual smile between them was such a real relationship!

On the way home, Wei sat in the minibus. His wife bought some apples from a fruit stand, and then peeled one for him very carefully.At the moment when he handed it to him, Wei was actually moved by his wife's usual actions.His wife said to Wei: "It seems that my parents usually don't even talk about it, and they talk about love. However, the moment my mother handed over the towel made me feel that the true love in the ordinary is the greatest." To be honest, a person who can find the wonderful in the ordinary must be a happy person. She lived with him for 10 years and never had a child.Firstly, it was because she was thin and sick since she was a child; secondly, she felt that a woman would be willing to go through the baptism of blood and fire for him only if her love for a man had penetrated into her bones, because she felt that she still loved him. Not that enthusiasm.

He is very busy, but he loves her more.The most common scene in their life is: he is busy and cheerfully washes and decocts medicine for her; while she takes the remote control and searches every TV channel for literary dramas. Tears and laughter.Day after day, year after year. Sometimes, looking at his hard-working back, she couldn't help asking: Is this what love looks like?Whereabouts of happiness? She quickly found the answer.Because she saw Yaowen again. Yaowen was her deskmate in technical secondary school, and the hazy and indistinct relationship back then left fond memories of her young years.So, when he called her home and told her that I am Yaowen and I want to see you, the bowl she was holding the medicine fell to the ground with a smack, and the medicine stains slowly rolled around. spread.

During that time, she described it as the fragrant years of flowers.The carelessness and joy of her mood were reflected on her face, which was as bright as a peach blossom.That day he brought medicine and said that your complexion has improved recently, and if you persist for a while, you can stop taking medicine.She didn't, she finally knew that love is actually a good medicine for a woman's beautiful life.She floated past him like a gust of wind, and her beautiful skirt billowed up in the wind, covering his painful and pity eyes. But Yaowen said: Silly girl, you should live with him well, he can give you the most real happiness.

She came back, but she didn't expect him to leave, and only left a short letter: I thought my concern could change your paleness, but the blush reflected on your face is beyond my ability. I can't give you a face as bright as a peach blossom, so I can only leave. After that, she started a life alone, lonely and cold.One day when she was sorting out old things, she found a thick diary at the bottom of the bookcase, which recorded all the prescriptions he had summarized for her over the years. Remedy for love, very sincere, very caring, more tolerant, decoction with slow fire. At that moment, she clearly saw a crystal tear falling slowly.

Insights on life: The seemingly ordinary life is like water, but there is a peerless truth behind it.It looks like an ordinary prescription, but it hides the summary of a lifetime. People, when they are unable to love and have no right to love, the spark of "love" inadvertently collided is the purest and most unforgettable.
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